Private senators' bills

Order number Bill title Introduced or restored by Date introduced or restored
1Fair Work Amendment (Equal Pay for Equal Work) Bill 2022Senator RobertsRestored 27 July 2022
2Broadcasting Services Amendment (Audio Description) Bill 2019Senator Steele-JohnRestored 27 July 2022
4Customs Legislation Amendment (Commercial Greyhound Export and Import Prohibition) Bill 2021Senator FaruqiRestored 27 July 2022
6Electric Vehicles Accountability Bill 2021Senator RiceRestored 27 July 2022
7Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Save the Koala) Bill 2021Senator Hanson-YoungRestored 27 July 2022
8Federal Environment Watchdog Bill 2021Senator Hanson-YoungRestored 27 July 2022
9Landholders’ Right to Refuse (Gas and Coal) Bill 2015Senator WatersRestored 27 July 2022
10Live Performance Federal Insurance Guarantee Fund Bill 2021Senator Hanson-YoungRestored 27 July 2022
11Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Amendment (No New Fossil Fuels) Bill 2021 [No. 2]Senator WatersRestored 27 July 2022
13Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Regional Forest Agreements) Bill 2020Senator McKenzieRestored 28 July 2022
14Social Services Legislation Amendment (Enhancing Pensioner and Veteran Workforce Participation) Bill 2022Senator Dean Smith3 August 2022
15Australian Education Legislation Amendment (Prohibiting the Indoctrination of Children) Bill 2020Senator HansonRestored 3 August 2022
19Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Fight for Australia’s Coastline) Bill 2022Senator Whish-Wilson4 August 2022
20Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Climate Trigger) Bill 2022 [No. 2]Senator Hanson-Young5 September 2022
21Parliamentary Privileges Amendment (Royal Commission Response) Bill 2022Senators Lambie and Tyrrell7 September 2022
22National Energy Transition Authority Bill 2022Senator  Allman-Payne27 September 2022
23Environment and Other Legislation Amendment (Removing Nuclear Energy Prohibitions) Bill 2022Senators Canavan, Antic, Cadell, Colbeck, Fawcett, Nampijinpa Price, O’Sullivan, Rennick and Van28 September 2022
24Customs Amendment (Banning Goods Produced By Forced Labour) Bill 2022Senator Steele-John22 November 2022
25Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Banning Dirty Donations) Bill 2022Senator Waters24 November 2022
26COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022Senator Hanson29 November 2022
27Education and Other Legislation Amendment (Abolishing Indexation and Raising the Minimum Repayment Income for Education and Training Loans) Bill 2022Senator Faruqi30 November 2022
28Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022Senators Canavan, Antic and Babet30 November 2022
30Northern Territory Safe Measures Bill 2023Senator Nampijinpa Price7 February 2023
31Electoral Legislation Amendment (Lowering the Voting Age) Bill 2023Senator Steele-John8 February 2023
32Criminal Code Amendment (Inciting Illegal Disruptive Activities) Bill 2023Senator Antic8 February 2023
33Fair Work Amendment (Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Discrimination) Bill 2023Senators Canavan, Antic and Rennick8 February 2023
34Governor-General Amendment (Cessation of Allowances in the Public Interest) Bill 2023Senator Shoebridge6 March 2023
35Improving Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2023Senator Hanson9 March 2023
38Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2023Senator Cash23 March 2023
39Fair Work Amendment (Right to Disconnect) Bill 2023Senator Barbara Pocock27 March 2023
40Digital Assets (Market Regulation) Bill 2023Senator Bragg29 March 2023
41Ending Poverty in Australia (Antipoverty Commission) Bill 2023Senator Rice30 March 2023
43Murdoch Media Inquiry Bill 2023Senator Hanson-Young13 June 2023
44Broadcasting Services Amendment (Ban on Gambling Advertisements During Live Sport) Bill 2023Senator Henderson14 June 2023
45Freeze on Rent and Rate Increases Bill 2023Senators Faruqi and McKim19 June 2023
47Migration Amendment (Overseas Organ Transplant Disclosure and Other Measures) Bill 2023Senator Dean Smith22 June 2023
48Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity) Bill 2023Senator David Pocock3 August 2023
49Copyright Legislation Amendment (Fair Pay for Radio Play) Bill 2023 Senator David Pocock3 August 2023
50Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Vaccine Indemnity) Bill 2023Senator Babet3 August 2023
51Protecting the Spirit of Sea Country Bill 2023Senator Cox8 August 2023
52Legalising Cannabis Bill 2023Senator Shoebridge10 August 2023
53Electoral Legislation Amendment (Fairer Contracts and Grants) Bill 2023Senator Waters4 September 2023
54Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Domestic Reserve) Bill 2023Senator Hanson5 September 2023
55Competition and Consumer Amendment (Continuing ACCC Monitoring of Domestic Airline Competition) Bill 2023Senators Dean Smith and McKenzie12 September 2023
59 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Expanding the Water Trigger) Bill 2023Senator Hanson-Young18 October 2023
60Childhood Gender Transition Prohibition Bill 2023Senators Antic, Babet, Roberts and Canavan18 October 2023
62Customs Amendment (Preventing Child Labour) Bill 2023Senator Roberts29 November 2023
63Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment (Consideration of UNDRIP) Bill 2023Senator Thorpe29 November 2023
64Criminal Code Amendment (Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes) Bill 2024Senator Thorpe7 February 2024
65 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Protecting Environmental Heritage) Bill 2024Senator Canavan27 February 2024
66Airline Passenger Protections (Pay on Delay) Bill 2024Senators McKenzie and Dean Smith27 February 2024
67Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2024Senator Lambie27 February 2024
68Legislate the Date to End Live Sheep Export Bill 2024Senator Faruqi28 February 2024
70Electoral Legislation Amendment (Fair and Transparent Elections) Bill 2024Senators David Pocock, Waters, Lambie and Thorpe25 March 2024
71Treasury Laws Amendment (Extending the FBT Exemption for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles) Bill 2024Senator Van15 May 2024
72Commission of Inquiry into Antisemitism at Australian Universities Bill 2024Senator Henderson25 June 2024
73National Housing and Homelessness Plan Bill 2024Senator David Pocock25 June 2024
74COVID-19 Response Commission of Inquiry Bill 2024Senators Canavan, Rennick, Antic, Roberts, Babet and O'Sullivan25 June 2024
75Digital ID Repeal Bill 2024Senators Antic, Hanson, Canavan, Roberts, Rennick and Babet26 June 2024
76Truth and Justice Commission Bill 2024Senators Cox and Shoebridge2 July 2024
77Tax Laws Amendment (Incentivising Food Donations to Charitable Organisations) Bill 2024Senator Dean Smith2 July 2024