Budget estimates 2006-07

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Budget estimates 2006-07

20 June 2006

© Commonwealth of Australia 2006
ISBN 0 642 71664 1

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Membership of the Legislation Committee


Participating Members

Committee Secretariat

Committee Address

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee
S1.57, Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: 02 6277 3526
Fax: 02 6277 5818
Email: ecita.sen@aph.gov.au
Internet: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/ecita_ctte/index.htm

Report to the Senate


1.1        On 9 May 2006 the Senate referred the following documents to legislation committees for examination and report:

1.2        The Committee was required to report to the Senate by 20 June 2006.[2]


1.3        The Committee conducted public hearings on the Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio on 22, 23 and 24 May 2006 and on the Environment and Heritage portfolio on 25 May 2006. The agenda is at Appendix 1.

1.4        Links to the transcripts of the public hearings and to responses and additional information are available on the Internet at:


1.5        Written responses and information provided to the Committee on notice arising from the hearings are compiled as volumes of Additional Information. These volumes are tabled in the Senate and the responses are posted on the Committee’s web page.

Questions on notice – date for response

1.6        In accordance with Standing Order 26(9)(a), the Committee has fixed Friday, 28 July 2006 as the date for written answers or additional information to be provided in response to questions placed on notice.

Portfolio specific issues

Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio

1.7        On the first day of its examination of the 2006-2007 Budget Estimates, the Committee examined the telecommunications area of the portfolio.

1.8        The Committee welcomed Senator the Hon Helen Coonan, Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts.

1.9        During its examination of estimates, the Committee raised a variety of issues which are noted below. The page numbers beside each issue refer to the proof transcript for Monday, 22 May 2006.

Outcome 3 – Development of services and provision of a regulatory environment which encourages a sustainable and effective communications sector for the benefit of all Australians and an internationally competitive information economy and Information and Communications Technology industry

Telecommunications issues

Australia Post


Questioning of Telstra took up most of the day (11.00 am to 8.40 pm) and covered a wide range of issues, including

DCITA Output 3.1—Policy advice and program management which encourages competitively priced and reasonably accessible telecommunications and postal services

1.10      The Committee continued its examination of this portfolio on its second day of hearings, commencing with the Australian Communications and Media Authority. The page numbers refer to the proof transcript for Tuesday, 23 May 2006.

Broadcasting issues

Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)

After welcoming the new Chair of ACMA, questioning commenced on the following issues:

DCITA Output 3.2—Policy advice and program management which promote accessible high quality broadcasting services

1.11      Output 3.3, dealing with the Information and Communications Technology Industry and Output 3.4, dealing with the information economy were not called for questioning. The remainder of the day's hearing involved questioning of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

1.12      Due to time constraints officers from the Special Broadcasting Service Corporation were not called, however the Committee flagged that questions would be put on notice to this agency.

Arts and Sport issues

1.13      On Wednesday, the Committee concluded its examination of the portfolio with its examination of the arts and sports outcomes, commencing with sport. The page numbers refer to the proof transcript for 24 May 2006.

1.14      The Committee welcomed Senator the Hon Rod Kemp, Minister for the Arts and Sport.

Outcome 2—Development of a stronger and internationally competitive Australian sports sector and encouragement of greater participation in sport by all Australians

Areas of inquiry included:

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Agency (ASADA)

Australian Sports Commission (ASC)

DCITA Output 2.1—Policy advice, program management and agency support in relation to sports, anti-doping and industry development measures which support the Australian sports sector

1.15      At the conclusion of the examination of the sports sector, the Australia Business Arts Foundation was called, with other arts agencies questioned until the conclusion of the day's hearing.

Outcome 1—Development of a rich and stimulating cultural sector for all Australians

Issues canvassed included:

Australia Business Arts Foundation (AbaF)

Australia Council

Film Finance Corporation

Film Australia Limited

Australian Film, Television and Radio School

Australian Film Commission

Australian National Maritime Museum

National Archives of Australia

National Gallery of Australia

National Library of Australia

National Museum of Australia

DCITA Output 1.1—Policy advice, program management and agency support which promotes access to and excellence in Australia’s cultural activities and preservation and development of our cultural collections

DCITA Output 1.2 – Preservation of and access to Old Parliament House and the National Portrait Gallery and their respective collections

Environment and Heritage portfolio

1.16      Having concluded its examination of the Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio, the Committee called officers from the Environment and Heritage portfolio on the fourth day of hearings.

1.17      The Committee welcomed Senator the Hon Ian Campbell, Minister for the Environment and Heritage, and then moved to specific items on the agenda. The page numbers refer to the proof transcript for Thursday, 25 May 2006.

Outcome 2—Australia’s interests in Antarctica are advanced

Antarctic Division

Outcome 1—The environment, especially those aspects that are matters of national environmental significance, is protected and conserved

Supervising Scientist Division

Bureau of Meteorology

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator

Director of National Parks and Parks Australia Division

Department of the Environment and Heritage

Approvals and Wildlife Division

Policy Coordination Division

Environment Quality Division

Heritage Division

Industry, Communities and Energy Division and International, Land and Analysis Division

Land, Water and Coasts Division

Marine Division

National Resource Management Programmes Division

1.18      There were no questions for the Policy Coordination Division. Nor were officers from the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust called before the Committee.

Matters arising during the inquiry

Late return of responses to questions on notice

1.19      The Committee has repeatedly expressed its concern in previous reports about past failures to provide responses in a timely manner and its expectation that responses to questions on notice should be provided to it by the due date.

1.20      The Committee again raised the issue at this round of hearings, indicating there was still one answer outstanding from the Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio.

1.21      In setting 28 July 2006 as the deadline for answers to questions on notice from the current round of hearings, the Committee believes that it is allowing ample opportunity for answers to be carefully considered and submitted in a timely manner.

Comprehensiveness of Budget Estimates process

1.22      The Committee has held the longstanding view that all Government agencies should expect to have to account for their activities at Budget estimates. The Senate has also frequently stated its view that there are no areas in connection with the expenditure of public funds where any person has a discretion to withhold details or explanations from the Parliament or its committees unless the Parliament has expressly provided otherwise.

1.23      During this round of Estimates, several agencies and departmental output areas (for example, the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) and DCITA outputs 3.3 and 3.4) were listed on the program but were not called for examination. However, as the Chair has noted in previous estimates,[3] the Committee expects that all agencies will be available for the main round of Budget Estimates, unlike Supplementary Estimates where senators nominate agencies they wish to examine.

1.24      In previous estimates hearings, in the interests of comprehensiveness and transparency, the Committee resolved to list all government companies in the program under the relevant departmental outcome. It was left to the discretion of officials to determine whether company representatives needed to attend the hearings in person or whether departmental officers were sufficiently knowledgeable to respond to the Committee's inquiries on their behalf.

1.25      The Committee continued this practice for this Budget round. While not all government companies were the subject of questioning on this occasion, the Committee believes that, by including all relevant government agencies in the hearing program, senators are made aware of the opportunity to be able to hold them to account for their activities at least once a year.[4]


1.26      The Committee thanks Senators Coonan, Kemp, and Campbell, and officers from portfolio departments and agencies, for their assistance during this Budget Estimates process.



Senator Alan Eggleston



Appendix 1

The Senate


This document is issued as a guide to Senators

Business listed is subject to change


It should be noted that times allocated for the consideration of outcomes, items and agencies within portfolios are indicative only.

Senators, staff and departments should liaise with secretariats on the progress of portfolios during the estimates process.




Public Hearings:          Budget Estimates 2006–2007


                                      Monday, 22 to Thursday, 25 May 2006

                                      and, if required, Friday, 26 May

                                      Committee Room 2S3

                                      Parliament House

                                      Canberra  ACT

                                      To be televised on Channel 12 and broadcast on Radio 91.1



MONDAY, 22 May 2006


Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio


Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts


Outcome 3—Development of services and provision of a regulatory environment which encourages a sustainable and effective communications sector for the benefit of all Australians and an internationally competitive information economy and Information and Communications Technology industry


Australia Post




DCITA Output 3.1—Policy advice and program management which encourages competitively priced and reasonably accessible telecommunications and postal services




DCITA Corporate Services

DCITA Output 3.3—Policy advice and program management that assist the development of the Information and Communications Technology Industry







TUESDAY, 23 MAY 2006


Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio


Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts


Outcome 3—Development of services and provision of a regulatory environment which encourages a sustainable and effective communications sector for the benefit of all Australians and an internationally competitive information economy and Information and Communications Technology industry continued


Australian Communications and Media Authority


DCITA Output 3.2—Policy advice and program management which promote accessible high quality broadcasting services  (including matters related to NetAlert Limited)




DCITA Output 3.4—Strategic advice, activities and representation relating to Australia's development as an information economy, nationally and internationally




Australian Broadcasting Corporation


Special Broadcasting Service








Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio


Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts


Outcome 2—Development of a stronger and internationally competitive Australian sports sector and encouragement of greater participation in sport by all Australians


Australian Sports Commission


Australian Sports Anti-Doping Agency


DCITA Output 2.1—Policy advice, program management and agency support in relation to sports, anti-doping and industry development measures which support the Australian sports sector.




Outcome 1—Development of a rich and stimulating cultural sector for all Australians


Australia Council


Australian Film Commission


Film Finance Corporation


Australian Film, Television and Radio School


Australian National Maritime Museum


National Archives of Australia


National Gallery of Australia


National Library of Australia


National Museum of Australia


DCITA Output 1.1—Policy advice, program management and agency support which promotes excellence in, preservation and maintenance of, and access to Australia’s cultural activities, cultural collections and Indigenous languages  (including matters related to the  Australia Business Arts Foundation Limited; Bundanon Trust; Film Australia Limited and Film Finance Corporation Australia Limited)




DCITA Output 1.2—Preservation of and access to Old Parliament House and the National Portrait Gallery and their respective collections









Environment and Heritage Portfolio


Department of Environment and Heritage


Outcome 2—Australia’s interests in Antarctica are advanced


Australian Antarctic Division




Outcome 1—The environment, especially those aspects that are matters of national environmental significance, is protected and conserved


Supervising Scientist Division


Bureau of Meteorology


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority


Sydney Harbour Federation Trust


Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator


Director of National Parks and Parks Australia Division


Department of the Environment and Heritage

Approvals and Wildlife Division

Corporate Strategies Division

Environment Quality Division

Heritage Division

Industry, Communities and Energy Division

International, Land and Analysis Division

Land, Water and Coasts Division

Marine Division

Natural Resource Management Programmes Division

Policy Coordination Division







Morning tea

10.45am approx







Afternoon tea

3.45pm approx







Tea break

9.30pm approx


Committee Chair: Senator Eggleston
Contact:  Jacquie Hawkins 02 6277 3528
Committee Room 2S3; Ph: 02 6277 5853


Appendix 2 - Documents tabled

Monday, 22 May 2006

Thursday, 25 May 2006