Environment and Heritage portfolio

Budget Estimates 2004-2005 - May 2004

Environment and Heritage portfolio

Index of questions taken on notice (Word 235KB)

Clarification of evidence
Correspondence from the Hon Virginia Chadwick, Chair, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, dated 9 July 2004, clarifying evidence provided at the hearing on 27 May 2004 (PDF 49KB)

Correspondence from Mr Howard Bamsey, Chief Executive, Australian Greenhouse Office, dated 24 August 2004, providing additional information to answers provided at the hearing on 27 May 2004 (PDF 100KB)

Department of Environment & Heritage
Approvals and Wildlife Division (Word 20KB)
Corporate (Word 46KB)
Corporate Strategies Division (Word 13KB)
Heritage Division (Word 51KB)
      qon51 attachment (Excel 22KB)
Land, Water and Coasts Division (Word 27KB)
      qon68 attachment (PDF 20KB)
Natural Resource Management Programmes Division (Word 27KB)
Parks Australia Division (Word 36KB)
      qon40: three reports on Benthic Protection Zone of the Great Australian Bight Marine Park
         attachment 1:   1. Literature Review
         attachment 2:   2. Monitoring Sustainable Use
         attachment 3:   3. Pilot Study for Performance Assessment  (Vol 1)
         attachment 4:   3. Pilot Study for Performance Assessment  (Vol 2)
     Please note: due to their file size, these documents are only available in pdf format on request to the secretariat
         attachment 1: Southern Right Whale Coastal Habitat Preference, Bridging Project, Final Report - revised,
          November 2002 (PDF 941KB)
         attachment 2: Ecology and behaviour of southern right whales, Head of the Bight, South Australia 2002,
          Final report to Environment Australia, June 2003 (PDF 1277KB)
         attachment 3: Ecology and behaviour of southern right whales, Head of the Bight, South Australia 2003, Final report to
          Department of Environment and Heritage, April 2004 (PDF 780KB)
Policy Coordination and Environment Protection Division (Word 70KB)
Supervising Scientist Division (Word 247KB)

Australian Greenhouse Office (Word 19KB)
Bureau of Meteorology (Word 39KB)
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Word 28KB)
Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (Word 17KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818
Email: ecita.sen@aph.gov.au