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Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia

extracted natural material, shredder floc, trackable liquid waste, and coal washery rejects. Queensland. A landfill levy of $35 per tonne for construction and demolition (C&D) waste, commercial and industrial (C&I) waste, and contaminated soil was introduced in 2011 and removed in 2012.

Waste management and recycling – Parliament of Australia

an 80 per cent average recovery rate from all waste streams by 2030. significantly increasing the use of recycled content by governments and industry. making comprehensive, economy-wide and timely data publicly available to support better consumer, investment and policy decisions.

Building Australia’s circular waste economy - Parliament of Australia

The Plastics Pact is a collaborative solution that brings together key players in the region behind a shared vision of a circular economy for plastic, in which plastic never becomes waste. Australia also joined the Clean Seas campaign in 2018, pledging to recycle or compost 70% of all plastic packaging by 2025.

ParlInfo - Recycling and Waste Reduction Bill 2020

A Bill for an Act to reduce the environmental and other impacts of products and waste material, and for related purposes. Contents. Chapter 1—Introduction 1. Part 1—Preliminary provisions 1. 1............ Short title............................................................................................. 1. 2............

Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia

Across the three waste streams, about 49 per cent of municipal solid waste went to landfill; 36 per cent of commercial and industrial waste (excluding fly ash); and the same amount of construction and demolition waste were also disposed of in landfill. Landfill therefore remains significant to waste management in Australia.

Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia

Recycling includes re-processing where items are processed and used to produce new items of the same material (e.g. glass bottles being used to create new bottles) and processes where items are used to create new products (e.g. glass bottles being crushed and used as road-base).

Same old Labor: spending, waste and mismanagement.

This Annual Report highlights examples of Labor waste, inefficiency and mismanagement that have occurred and been reported in the year to 30 September 2009, and as they were published in the Labor Waste flyers throughout the year.

Waste reduction and recycling policies - Parliament of Australia

On 28 February 2024, the Senate referred an inquiry into waste reduction and recycling. policies for inquiry and report by 22 November 2024. The closing date for submissions is 15 April 2024. With the following terms of references:

ParlInfo - Radioactive waste disposal in Australia.

Radioactive Waste Disposal in Australia 1. INTRODUCTION. On 5 February 1992, the Land and Environment Court of NSW ordered' that the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Ansto) be restrained from bringing radioactive waste from elsewhere onto its site at Lucas Heights for storage; and that.

Report - Parliament of Australia

An inquiry into the waste and recycling industry in Australia including issues relating to landfill, markets for recycled waste and the role of the Australian Government in providing a coherent approach to the management of solid waste.

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    22 Oct 2014 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Prime Minister 
    Amends: four Acts in the Agriculture portfolio to: abolish the Fishing Industry Policy Council; and remove obsolete provisions; four Acts in the Communications portfolio in relation to: re-transmission of programs; and consultation and publication requirements; four Acts in the Environment portfolio in relation to: abolition of the Product Stewardship Advisory Group and the Oil Stewardship Advisory Council; fuel quality standards; and hazardous waste; the
    Social Security Act 1991
    to make an amendment consequential on a repeal; three Acts administered in the Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio to make minor amendments and repeal certain provisions; eight Acts administered in the Social Services portfolio in relation to: approved provider obligations; use or disclosure of personal information; and removal of spent social security and family assistance payments; seven Acts in the Treasury portfolio to make amendments consequential on repeals; the
    Insurance Act 1973
    to remove a redundant standing appropriation; and five Acts in the Veterans’ Affairs portfolio to remove spent veterans’ affairs and military rehabilitation and compensation payments. Also repeals seven Acts administered in four portfolios. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

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