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Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia - Parliament of Australia

Municipal solid waste (MSW) costs $90.55 per tonne to dispose of at landfill. Construction and industrial (C&I) costs $146.20 per tonne to dispose of at landfill. Mixed C&I waste with less than 50 per cent recyclable material costs $199.20 per tonne to dispose of at landfill. New South Wales4.

Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia - Parliament of Australia

Recycling includes re-processing where items are processed and used to produce new items of the same material (e.g. glass bottles being used to create new bottles) and processes where items are used to create new products (e.g. glass bottles being crushed and used as road-base).

ParlInfo - Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources—House of ...

Treatment can refer to a number of different processes, including processes to recover recyclable material from waste, and processes to recover energy from waste (thermal treatment).37 Generally, treatment refers to the processing of waste prior to disposal so as to minimise the potential for harm to human health or the environment.38 ...

Chapter 4 – Parliament of Australia

Overview. 4.3 Waste levies are imposed in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and the ACT. In Tasmania, the waste levy is voluntary. Currently, there is no waste levy in Queensland [1] and the Northern Territory.

Waste reduction and recycling policies – Parliament of Australia

On 28 February 2024, the Senate referred an inquiry into waste reduction and recycling policies for inquiry and report by 22 November 2024. The closing date for submissions is 15 April 2024.

Report – Parliament of Australia

An inquiry into the waste and recycling industry in Australia including issues relating to landfill, markets for recycled waste and the role of the Australian Government in providing a coherent approach to the management of solid waste.

Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia - Parliament of Australia

Mr John Carse, Regional Waste Management Coordinator . Ms Janine Ricketts, Principal Contract Manager, Northern Sydney Councils Waste Service Alliance . 150 Local Government NSW . Councillor Linda Scott, President . Ms Susy Cenedese, Strategy Manager, Environment .

Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia - Parliament of Australia

8.1 services, Australians love their recycling. Through their use of kerbside collection transfer stations, and product stewardships schemes, households and businesses have diverted significant quantities of waste from landfill.

Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia - Parliament of Australia

These programs include the provision of multiple bins to encourage source separation of waste, organics and recycling at the household level; container deposit schemes which improve the quality of both eligible materials and what remains in kerbside programs; and product stewardship schemes such as DrumMuster and MobileMuster which promote the u...

Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia

Opportunities to improve how recycled waste is managed are then discussed, with a key focus being evidence from stakeholders advocating the need to move from a 'linear economy' where raw materials are used to make a product that can be discarded, to a 'circular economy' based on recycling. Overview of current economic conditions.

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