
1 Harold Laski, Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, 1930, p.70

2 Geoffrey Sawer, ‘Who Controls the Law in Australia’, Australian Lawyers and Social Change, Hambly and Goldring (eds.), 1976, p.118

3 Patterson, L R and Cheatham, E E, The Profession of Law, 1971, p.184

4 Senator Ian Wood, Senate Hansard, 16 April 1970, p.868

5 Blackburn, S, Maurice Blackburn and the Australian Labor Party 1934-1943, 1969, p.23

6 Pearce, D, Delegated Legislation in Australia and New Zealand, 1977, p.1

7 de Smith, S A, Constitutional and Administrative Law, 1977, pp.322-3

8 Harding, A, A Social history of English Law, 1966, p.229

9 Allen, C K, Laws and Orders, 1965, p.29

10 Redlich and Hirst, Local Government in England, 1903, p.364, quoted in Allen, C K, Law in the Making, 1969,p.532

11 Maitland, F W, The Constitutional History of England, 165, p.417

12 Wade, H W R, Administrative Law, 1977, p.695

13 Garner, J F, Administrative Law, 1985, p.48

14 op. cit.

15 op. cit.

16 Hewart, The New Despotism, 1929, p.19

17 Report of the Committee on Ministers’Powers, (1932), Cmd. 4060 (the Donoughmore Committee)

18 op. cit., para. 11, p.51

19 de Smith, supra n. 7, p.325

20 Garner, supra n. 13, p.49

21 Donoughmore Committee, supra n. 17, para. 12, p.53

22 Allen, supra n. 9, p.154

23 Pearce, supra n. 6, p.154

24 Pearce, supra n. 7, p.154

25 Freund, Administrative Power Over Persons and Property, 1928, p.218, quoted in Pearce, supra n. 7, p.5

26 Donoughmore, supra n. 17, para. 12, p.53

27 de Smith, supra n. 7, p.323

28 See for example, Tate, Senator M, The Work of the Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Parliamentary paper No. 3/1984, and The Operation of the australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, parliamentary Paper No. 317/1985

29 Kamenka, E and Tay, A E S, ‘The Sociology of Justice’, in Legal Change, Essays in Honour of Julius Stone, 1983, p.113

30 Rawls, j, A Theory of Justice, 1980, p.235

31 Lloyd, D, The Idea of Law, 1968, p.135

32 Lloyd, supra n. 31, p.128

33 Ross, A, On Law and Justice, 1958, discussed in Ginsberg, M, On Justice in Society, 1971, p.53

34 Ginsberg, supra n. 33, p.63

35 op. cit.

36 Rawls, supra n. 30, pp.3-4

37 See Friedrich, C J, The Philosophy of Law in Historical perspective, 1969, p.155

38 Kamenka and Tay, supra n. 29, pp.113-4

39 Friedrich, supra n. 37, p.159

40 Duguit, Traite de droit constitutional, 1928, Book III, p.661, quoted in Friedrich, supra n. 37, p.181

41 See for example, Senate debates concerning the ACT Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance 1981, Senate Hansard, 28 April 1981, p.1427 and 14 May 1981, p.2041

42 Friedrich, supra n. 37, p.188

43 See Oakeshott, M, Social and Political Doctrines of Contemporary Europe, 1949, p.211

44 Johannesburg Star, 13 June 1986

45 Health Insurance REgulations (Amedment) (Statutory Rules 1985 No. 290) disallowed by the Senate on 15 April 1986.

Extradition (Republic of South Africa) Regulations (Statutory Rules 1985 No.14), Regulation 4; now repealed by Extradition (Republic of South Africe) Regulations (Amendment) (Statutory Rules 1986 No. 158)

46 Regrettably the maximum possible custodial penalty is not the subject of evaluation by Australian authorities.

47 Friedrich, supra n. 37, p.205

48 Harding, supra n. 8, p.387

49 Congress of Delhi, 1959, Committee II, in Chapter 3, ‘The Executive and the Rule of Law’, in The Rule of Law and Human Rights, Principles and Definitions, International Commission of Jurists, Geneva, 1966, p.12

50 Chapter 6, ‘The Legal Profession and the Rule of Law’ op. cit., p.34

51 op. cit., p.35 (emphasis added)

52 Silverman, D, The Theory of Organisations, 1970,p.11

53 Weber, M, The Theory of Social and Economic Organisation, 1964, pp.329-41

54 Albrow, M Bureaucracy, 1970, p.95

55 op. cit.

56 Weber, M, Law in Economy and Society, 1954, p.38

57 Allen, supra n. 9, p.296

58 op. cit.

59 Quoted by Brennan, F G, in ‘Where Now’, 49 Australian law Journal, p.672 at p.677

60 Drewry, G, ‘Lawyers in the UK Civil Service’, (1981) in 59 Public Administration, p.15 at p.38

61 Hall, R H, ‘Professionalism and bureaucratisation’ in Salaman and Thompson, eds., People and Organisations, 1978, p.120 at p.122

62 Congress of Rio, supra n. 49 and 50, pp.34-5

63 Tomasic, R and Bullard, C ‘Lawyers and Legal Culture in Australia’, (1979(, 7 International Journal of the Sociology of Law, p.417 ato p.419

64 Kamenka and Tay, supra n. 29, pp.119-20

65 Goldring, J and Hawker, G, ‘Lawyers in a Government Department: A Report and Suggestions for Further Research’, (1985), Australian Journal of Public Administration Vol. XLIV No.3 p.287 at p.295

66 op. cit., p.291

67 Etzioni, A, Modern Organisations, 1964, p.77

68 Curtis, L J and Kolts, G, ‘The Role of the Government Lawyer in the Protection of Citizen’s Rights’, (1975) 49 Australian Law Journal, p.335 at p.338

69 op. cit.

70 See, for example, Brazil, P, ‘Lawyers in Government Service: The Commonwealth Scene in 1985’, Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration, Vol. XII, No. 3 (Spring 1985) p.159 at p.161

71 Curtis and Kolts, supra n. 68, p.339

72 op. cit., p.342

73 op. cit.

74 op. cit., pp.338-9

75 75. Seventy-ninth Report, Parliamentary paper No. 170/1986

76 See also O’Keeffe, P, ‘How Secret is Your Medial History’, The House Magazine, 30 April 1986, p.5

77 Seventy-seventh Report, Parliamentary paper No. 172/1986, para. 114, p.51

78 See Sente Hansard, 5 December 1985, p.3073

79 (1986), 60 A>L>R> 257

80 op. cit., p.267

81 See Senate Hansard, 27 November 1985, p.2320

82 Seventy-seventh Report, supra n. 75, para. 125, p.56

83 See Senate Hansard, 26 November 1985, p.2221

84 Forsey, E, ‘Subordinate Legislation, the Rule of Law and the Constitution’, an address to the Commonwealth Conference of Delegated Legislation Committees, 1 October 1980, Transcript of the proceedings, Vol. 3, AGPS, 1981, pp.90-1

85 Griffith, J A G, The Politics of the Judiciary, 1977, p.199

86 op. cit., pp.207-8

87 [1984] 3 N.S.W.L.R. 447 and 63 A.L.R. 559. The remarks of Deane J at 573 suggest that all may not yet be lost in the absence of express legislation.

88 Griffith, supra n. 85, p.116

89 Albrow, supra n. 52, p.117

90 Reid, G, ‘Parliamentary Control of the Executive’, an address to the Commonwealth Conference of Delegated Legislation Committees, supra n. 84, p.25

91 O’Keeffe, P, ‘Parliamentary Disallowance and the Problem of Revival’, forcoming, Federal Law Review, 1988

92 Griffith, supra n. 85, p.213

93 McMullan, R F, address to the Fabian Society, Melbourne, 13 April 1986, p.25. Bob McMullan became a Labor Senator for the A.C.T. on 16 February 1988.

94 Freund, P A, ‘The Moral Education of the Lawyer’, 26 Emory Law Journal, (1977), p.3 at p.26