Constitutionalism, Bicameralism and the Control of Power - Attachment 7

Motions for orders for the production of documents rejected

1 July 2005 – 30 September 2006

17 August 2005
Report from the review of the Better Outcomes in Mental Health Initiative.
17 August 2005
Report provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu relating to the regulation of non-prescription medicinal products.
17 August 2005
Report of the Australian Defence Force on the presence of depleted uranium in the Australian area of operations in Al Muthanna province in southern Iraq.
17 August 2005
Documents relating to the Commonwealth Government’s authority to unilaterally approve uranium mines in the Northern Territory.
11 October 2005
Documents relating to options for voluntary student unionism.
10 November 2005
Documents relating to the research and development work to be undertaken by the CSIRO.
8 December 2005
Documents relating to the nomination and appointment of Mr Robert Gerard to the Board of the Reserve Bank of Australia.
8 February 2006
Documents relating to a sheep study conducted by the CSIRO on the effect of transgenic peas on the immune response of sheep.
10 May 2006
Report of the Border Rationalisation Taskforce prepared in 1998.
15 June 2006
Documents relating to the smartcard proposal.
17 August 2006
Report on the employment by T&R Pastoral Co. of workers on 457 visas.
6 September 2006
Telstra survey of shareholder attitudes.
13 September 2006
National Disabilities Advocacy Program Review.