Constitutionalism, Bicameralism and the Control of Power - Attachment 6

Senate orders for the production of documents

1996 - 2004


  • Draft classification guidelines for film and video.
  • Analyses of costing of Coalition's election commitments.
  • Qualification of Senator-elect Jeannie Ferris.
  • Indexed lists of departmental and agency files.
  • Answers to questions placed on notice during the committee stage of the 1996-97 supply bills.
  • Reports from the Rural Adjustment Scheme Advisory Council on drought exceptional circumstances.
  • Documents relating to the National Commission of Audit report.
  • Documents relating to the Hinchinbrook Development.
  • Report by Mr John Brew on Australian National.
  • Report relating to the sale of King Island Dairy Products Pty Ltd.
  • Documents signed by the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister relating to the Hinchinbrook Development.
  • Documents relating to the effects of a reef line fishing experiment on the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Records relating to the tendering out and awarding of advertising and public relations contracts in the course of the National Gun Control Public Education Campaign.
  • Reports on developments relating to conditions for seafarers and ships and marine pollution.
  • Documents relating to Tandem Thrust defence exercise.
  • Request for information on the transportation of nuclear waste by the Pacific Teal.
  • Civil Aviation Safety Authority—Conflict of interest, report by Mr Dennis Wheelahan QC.
  • Senators' travelling allowances
  • Document itemising costs of Tandem Thrust defence exercise.
  • Documents relating to the Franchising Code Council Limited.
  • Documents relating to world heritage values in East Gippsland.
  • Documents relating to the granting of a woodchip export licence to North Forest Products.
  • Documents relating to the issuing of woodchip export licences concerning Western Australian native forests.
  • Documents held by the Prime Minister's office or department concerning Radio Australia and/or Australia Television.
  • Documents held by the Minister for Communications and the Arts' office or department concerning Radio Australia and/or Australia Television.
  • Final report of the review of the Community Sector Support Scheme undertaken by Coopers and Lybrand.
  • Report of the review of section 18 of the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act.
  • Documents relating to greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
  • Documents relating to a contract between the Department of Employment, Education and Training and South Pacific Cruise Lines Ltd.
  • Documents relating to a greenhouse gas emission reduction policy.
  • Documents relating to a submission by the Australian Law Reform Commission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund.
  • Documents relating to the tender and awarding of the consultancy contract to ACIL Economics.
  • Documents relating to the importation of cooked chicken meat.
  • Documents relating to the decision to keep open the Mt McCall Road in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.
  • Documents relating to the resignation of ministers and staff.
  • Documents relating to the awarding of a contract to ACIL Economics.
  • Legal advice received by the Government relating to the Native Title Amendment Bill 1997.
  • Multilateral Agreement on Investment, draft text.
  • Legal advice received by the Government showing how the Native Title Amendment Bill 1997 satisfies section 57 of the Constitution.
  • Report by Arthur Andersen on the submission by the ABC on the costs of funding the transition to digital transmission.
  • Documents relating to waterfront reform and training of an alternative non-union waterfront workforce.
  • Report on the implementation by the States and Territories of the 1996 Australasian Police Ministers' Council resolutions.
  • Advice to the relevant Ministers relating to an environmental assessment of the on site mill alternative for the proposed Jabiluka uranium mine.
  • Documents relating to the reduction in employees, sale and float of Telstra.
  • Answers to questions on notice nos 1118 and 1129 relating to waterfront reform.
  • Briefing papers prepared by the Commonwealth relating to the proposed non-violent erotica classification.
  • Documents relating to promotional campaigns of Commonwealth departments and agencies.
  • Electorate issues briefs prepared by Commonwealth departments


  • Reports on how the terms of the resolution of 21 October 1993 (reaffirmed on 1 December 1998) relating to the accountability, rights and responsibilities of public servants have been complied with.
  • Documents relating to the Jabiluka uranium mine proposal.
  • Hawke report on the structural review of Airservices Australia.
  • Assessment reports by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on anti-competitive health cover practices.
  • Documents relating to positions on the Civil Aviation Safety Authority Board.
  • Answer to question on notice no. 1124, relating to the National Drug Education Strategy.
  • Answers to all outstanding questions placed on notice during the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee budget estimates hearings.
  • Discussion paper on welfare reform.
  • Documents relating to welfare reform or the discussion paper on welfare reform.
  • Documents relating to higher education funding.
  • Documents relating to magnetic resonance imaging machines.
  • Draft report into the Class G airspace trial by the Bureau of Safety Investigation.
  • Documents outlining Australia's approach to the international climate change negotiations.
  • Report from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics to Environment Australia on estimating the benefits and costs of restrictions on tree clearing in Queensland.
  • Documents relating to the work for the dole projects.
  • Documents relating to the Riverside Nursing Home.
  • Report of an investigation into specifications of heavy trucks and consequential effects on truck dynamics and drivers.
  • Response to the final report prepared for the Federal Office of Road Safety By Roaduser International Pty Ltd relating to the specifications of heavy trucks.
  • Documents held by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority relating to the operation of the Albury-based airline ARCAS.
  • Correspondence from the Australian Taxation Commissioner to the Australian Electoral Commissioner of 19 April 2000 and any written response to such correspondence by the Australian Electoral Commission. 36 • Documents held by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation relating to fuel required in the new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights.
  • Environmental Management Plans for Puckapunyal, Mangalore and Longlea.
  • Copy of economic modeling relating to petrol pricing.
  • Documents relating to schools' SES scores.
  • Documents required to comply with paragraph (b) of the order of 17 August 2000 relating to schools' SES scores.
  • Contracts between Telstra Corporation and Leighton Holdings.
  • Documents relating to individual school's SES scores.
  • Documents relating to taxation provided to the Deputy Commissioner of the Large Business and International business line.
  • Report by KPMG for the Australian Greenhouse Office relating to the Derby Tidal Energy Project.
  • Documents from the Federal Office of Road Safety on Kenworth.
  • Report by Zurich Insurance Loss Adjusters, Givens Emerson, relating to heavy truck specifications.
  • Grant application by Forestry Tasmania and the documentation of the approval of the Dismal Swamp project.
  • GST-related public opinion polling commissioned by government departments from 1 January 1999 to 30 September 2000.
  • Documents relating to the design and construction of a new reactor at Lucas Heights.
  • Documents relating to the definition of research and development activities.
  • Report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on the prices paid to suppliers by Australian grocery retailers.
  • Documents relating to the listing of the drugs celecoxib (Celebrex) and rofecoxib (Voixx) on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
  • List of all firms with eligible textile, clothing and footwear (TCF) activities which have been registered for the TCF Strategic Investment Program.
  • Documents relating to taxation provided to the Deputy Commissioner of the Large Business and International business line.
  • Documents relating to the monitoring and safety control of genetically-engineered crops in Tasmania.
  • Documents relating to committee's inquiry into the Government's information technology outsourcing initiative.
  • Documents relating to committee's inquiry into the Government's information technology outsourcing initiative.
  • Documents relating to representations by, or on behalf of, HIH Insurance Limited.
  • Documents relating to workplace relations and G & K O'Connor Pty Ltd.
  • List of departmental and agency contracts.
  • Documents relating to an investigation undertaken by the Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business into Leonie Green and Associates.
  • Documents held by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade relating to an agreement between Australia and Japan to end the port ban on Japanese fishing boats.
  • Copies of arrangements between the Commonwealth of Australia and South Australia relating to the Rock Lobster Fishery.
  • Documents from the Federal Office of Road Safety relating to the Black Spot Project.
  • Report prepared by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority on water quality targets in the catchments feeding into the Great Barrier Reef region.
  • Telstra document or documents containing substandard plant reports and known as the E71 database, which Telstra undertook to prepare at the estimates hearings of Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee on 7 June 2001.
  • Documents prepared by the Department of Transport and Regional Services relating to the application by Air New Zealand to the Australian Government for approval to take 100 per cent ownership of Ansett Australia.
  • Documents relating to seismic surveys of certain areas of Queensland.
  • Documents relating to the Ocean Drilling Project held by Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority on Environment Australia.
  • Correspondence between the Prime Minister, his office, the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and Air New Zealand relating to its application to take 100 per cent ownership of Ansett Australia.
  • Report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on the performance of its functions under the Trade Practices Act 1974 relating to the tobacco industry.


  • Documents relating to the current mine lease or leases on Christmas Island held by Phosphate Resource Ltd.
  • Revised costings document of the Australian Labor Party's plan for a fairer superannuation system.
  • The modelling prepared for the draft Intergenerational Report by the Retirement and Income Modelling Unit, Treasury.
  • Documents relating to the voyage of the Maysora, a Jordanian flagged vessel carrying live cattle.
  • Report by the Superannuation Working Group.
  • Documents relating to funding or other support for the Nathan Dam on the Fitzroy River in Queensland.
  • Documents relating to requests for increased access to Australian services markets by other nations under the General Agreement on Trade in Services.
  • The 'Review of the Implementation of Oceans Policy: Final report' by TFG International.
  • Documents relating to the supervision by the Insurance and Superannuation Commission of certain insurance companies.
  • Documents relating to the inquiries undertaken by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet into the possible conflict of interest between the ministerial responsibilities of the Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer (Senator Coonan) and the commercial activities of Endispute Pty Ltd.
  • All documents relating to the answers to question on notice no. 404.
  • Documents relating to genetically-modified food in the context of the current free trade agreement negotiations with the United States and of the labelling of genetically-modified and genetically-engineered food.
  • Submissions made by the Department of Defence to the Environment Impact Assessment for a National Radioactive Waste Repository in South Australia.
  • Documents relating to the Government's consideration of a National Radioactive Waste Repository in South Australia
  • Written advice concerning the defence-related issues in connection with the National Radioactive Waste Repository in South Australia.
  • The Memorandum of Understanding between the Australian Government and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • List of potential sites for the location of a national store for intermediate level radioactive waste prepared by the National Store Advisory Committee.
  • Documents relating to the Basslink project.
  • Draft regulations to be made under the Energy Grants (Credits) Scheme Bill 2003 and under the Energy Grants (Credits) Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2003, and documents relating to meetings at which the draft regulations were examined.
  • Details of the number of mortalities aboard the MV Cormo Express.
  • The most recent draft of the National Drug Research Strategy, as prepared by the National Drug Research Committee.
  • Documents relating to options for vaccination programs.
  • Documents relating to the management of detention centres.
  • Documents held by the Australian Government Actuary relating to its calculations of the Incurred but not reported levy.
  • Documents relating to the voyage of the MV Cormo Express.
  • Documents detailing the results of the independent environmental and social audit of the Sepon Mine project in Laos.
  • Reports relating to assisted reproductive technology embryos.
  • The regional impact statement prepared by the Department of Education Science and Training, in support, explanation and justification of the higher education policy package.
  • Documents prepared by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority and the Department of the Treasury relating to deposit bonds.
  • Documents prepared by the Department of the Treasury relating to first home owners, the impact of 'bracket creep' and information used in the preparation of the Intergenerational Report 2002-03 (Budget Paper No. 5).
  • Documents relating to the National Prescribing Service and an education campaign about the Thiazolidinedione group of drugs.
  • Parts of an audit report on the Sepon mine project in Laos relating to the environmental and social impacts of the project.
  • Document detailing the actual revenue collected during the 2002-03 financial year from the measure, 'allowing departing temporary resident's access to their superannuation'.
  • Copies of all drafts of the clarifying statement which was negotiated between the Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mr Keelty, and the Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Dr Shergold.
  • Documents relating to the exercise of ministerial discretion under sections 351 and 417 of the Migration Act 1958.
  • Documents relating to the Lands Acquisition Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2), as contained in Statutory Rules 2004 No. 82 and made under the Lands Acquisition Act 1989.
  • The report and documents prepared by the Department of Defence's Iraq Detainees Fact-Finding Team relating to the abuse of detainees held in Iraq.
  • Documents relating to the synthetic aperture radar work commissioned or acquired by Geoscience Australia.
  • Documents relating to the Office of National Assessments (ONA) classified document log concerning the requests for, and movements of, the ONA report on the humanitarian impact of the war in Iraq.
  • Documents relating to the installation of videophone facilities.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of Australia and the United States of America relating to the program of cooperation on missile defence.
  • Report of the inquiry of the Council of Australian Governments on bushfire mitigation and management.
  • Documents relating to Repulse Bay.
  • Document containing the Commonwealth sites listed as potential sites for the storage of nuclear waste.
  • Documents relating to a security review of the nuclear reactor carried out by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.
  • Documents provided by Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) officials based in Argentina to ANSTO or the Government relating to the financial condition of INVAP and financial arrangements for the Lucas Heights contract.
  • Documents concerning health and nuclear testing.
  • Instructing the Economics Legislation Committee to reconvene for the consideration of additional estimates, directing relevant officers of the Australian Office of Financial Management Advisory Board to appear and make available relevant documentation relating to foreign currency.
  • Report to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority by the Inspector of KPMG into the Enhanced Cash Management Trust.
  • Reports relating to the visits by the Animal Welfare Committee to the National Health and Medical Research Council primate colonies.
  • The study commissioned by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation of the preliminary evaluation of the construction site for the replacement research reactor at Lucas Heights.
  • Documents relating to greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Documents held by Geoscience Australia relating to research or exploration proposals in the Queensland and Townsville troughs.
  • Report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission relating to Australian tobacco companies.
  • Documents relating to financial information and forward financial projections and actuals, routinely prepared by the Department of Education, Science and Training for higher education institutions.
  • Advice by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority relating to applications for financial assistance for superannuation funds where Commercial Nominees of Australia Ltd was trustee.
  • Documents relating to the Honeymoon trial mine and uranium project.
  • Documents relating to the clearing of granite from the Nelly Bay Harbour project site.
  • Documents relating a proposed ethanol excise and production subsidy.
  • Documents held by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator relating to the risk assessment for the canola trial licence application.
  • Report of the Independent Reference Group on the options for improving the welfare record of Australia's live animal export trade.
  • Advice from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on its progress in responding to the Senate order of 27 June 2002 and its expected date of reporting to the Senate.
  • Documents relating to the inter-departmental committee examining the effectiveness of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
  • The Commonwealth Government's submission to the Remuneration Tribunal's major review of judicial and related offices' remuneration.
  • Documents relating to the possible inclusion of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme as an item for discussion in negotiations for an Australia-United States free trade agreement.
  • Documents relating to the agreement by the Commonwealth for the Walla Weir Irrigation Project.
  • Documents prepared by Geoscience Australia in response to the proposal by TGS NOPEC to conduct seismic testing in the Townsville Trough.
  • Documents relating to funding or allocation of money or benefits to the Rio Tinto Foundation for a Sustainable Minerals Industry.
  • Documents relating to the legality of involvement in a war with Iraq where there is no resolution subsequent to Resolution 1441.
  • Document relating to the European Union's decision to phase-out tobacco sponsorship of formula one races in 2003.
  • Further information relating to the expressions of interest in Defence land for sale at Point Nepean.
  • Documents from the Australian Grand Prix Corporation to the Federal Government for exemption from the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992.
  • Report of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) and the National Health and Medical Research Council report on the new ATAGI recommended vaccines.
  • Documents relating to work undertaken by the public relations company Hill and Knowlton concerning nuclear issues.
  • Report by the Director of Trials of the Review of Test and Evaluation in Defence.
  • Documents relating to work undertaken by the public relations company, Turnbull Porter Novelli, for Biotechnology Australia.
  • Correspondence from the Minister for the Environment and Heritage to the Minister for Fisheries, Forestry and Conservation relating to the prosecution of fishers under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 for the incidental capture of members of listed threatened species, listed migratory species and listed marine species in Commonwealth areas.
  • Documents relating to the National Report on Australia's Higher Education Sector 2001 ('national report').
  • Documents relating to Rio Tinto Technology and the report "Beyond Kyoto: Innovation and Adaptation".
  • Documents relating to the proposed Australia-United States free trade agreement and the regulation of labelling of genetically-modified foods in Australia and/or the United States.
  • Any assessment made since 1996 in preparation for, or consideration of, a world heritage nomination for the Sydney Opera House.
  • A statement, by each minister in the Senate, in respect of each agency administered by that minister, or by a minister in the House of Representatives represented by that minister, relating to advertising or public information project undertaken by each agency where the cost of the project is estimated or contracted to be $100 000 or more.
  • The free trade agreement made between the governments of Australia and the United States of America.
  • Documents relating to information produced as part of the 2000-03 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Biodiversity Division project, 'Ecological Implications of GMOs'.
  • Documents relating to the Government's formal response to the United Nations Human Rights Committee findings in the case of Young v Australia.
  • Documents relating to funding under the Government's Cooperative Research Centre Program.
  • Documents relating to the sale of Comland Limited to Lend Lease Corporation Limited that relate to the former Australian Defence Industries site at St Marys, New South Wales.
  • Documents relating to the commercial release of GE canola.
  • Statement of measures taken by Telstra to ensure that its senior officers are appropriately trained in their obligations to Parliament.