Constitutionalism, Bicameralism and the Control of Power - Attachment 4

Matters inquired into by Senate Committees


Community Affairs References Committee

  • Validation of CAM and SAM Funding of Nursing Homes
  • Inquiry into Matters Pertaining to the Marketing of the Disability Reform Package
  • Psychotherapeutic Medication in Australia
  • The Tobacco Industry and the Costs of Tobacco-Related Illness
  • Funding of Aged Care Institutions
  • Access to Medical Records
  • CJD Settlement Offer
  • Housing Assistance
  • Public Dental Services
  • Child Care Funding
  • The Lucky Country Goes Begging: GST and a New Tax System
  • Proposals for Changes to the Welfare System
  • Rocking the Cradle: A Report into Childbirth Procedures
  • Public Hospital Funding: Second Report - Healing our Hospitals
  • Lost Innocents: Righting the Record - Report on Child Migration
  • Nursing: The patient profession
  • Participation requirements and penalties in the social security system [Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Australians Working Together and other 2001 Budget Measures) Bill 2002 and related issues
  • A hand up not a hand out: Renewing the fight against poverty - Report on poverty and financial hardship
  • Hepatitis C and the blood supply in Australia
  • Forgotten Australians: A report on Australians who experienced institutional or out-of-home care as children
  • Protecting vulnerable children: A national challenge - Inquiry into children in institutional or out-of-home care
  • The cancer journey: Informing choice - The delivery of services and treatment options for persons with cancer
  • Quality and equity in aged care
  • Response to the petition on gynaecological health issues

Economics References Committee

  • CSIRO: The Case for Revitalisation-Administration and Funding of Rural Research
  • Telecommunications Developments to the Year 2000 and Beyond (Issues Paper)
  • Issues of Small Business Taxation: An Issues Paper on Improving the Tax Treatment of Small Business
  • A Question of Balance: The Tax Treatment of Small Business
  • Taxation of Financial Arrangements
  • Connecting You Now...Telecommunications Developments Towards the Year 2000
  • Eastlink: The Interconnection of NSW and Queensland Electricity Grids with a High Voltage Powerline
  • Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 1996
  • Outworkers in the Garment Industry
  • Unauthorised Disclosure of Committee Report
  • Review of the Inquiry into Outworkers in the Garment Industry
  • Opportunities: Promoting Australian Industry
  • A New Reactor at Lucas Heights
  • Operation of the Australian Taxation Office
  • Mass marketed tax effective schemes and investor protection
  • Framework for the market supervision of Australia's stock exchanges
  • A review of public liability and professional indemnity insurance
  • The effectiveness of the Trade Practices Act 1974 in protecting small business
  • The structure and distributive effects of the Australian taxation system
  • Consenting adults deficits and household debt: Links between Australia's current account deficit, the demand for imported goods and household debt

Employment, Education and Training References Committee

  • Development of Open Learning in Australia
  • Accountability in Commonwealth-State Funding Arrangements in Education
  • Inquiry into Long Term Unemployment
  • Inquiry into the Sale of Bond University
  • Inquiry into the Australian National Training Authority
  • Education and Training in Correctional Facilities
  • Childhood Matters - Report on the Inquiry into Early Childhood Education
  • Beyond Cinderella: Towards a Learning Society
  • Not a Level Playground: Private and Commercial Funding of Government Schools
  • A Class Act: Inquiry into the Status of the Teaching Profession

Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education References Committee

  • GST and a New Tax System
  • Jobs for the Regions: Inquiry into Regional Employment and Unemployment
  • Katu Kalpa: The Effectiveness of Education and Training Programs for Indigenous Australians
  • Aspiring to Excellence: Quality of Vocational Education and Training in Australia
  • Universities in Crisis - Report into the Capacity of Public Universities to meet Australia's Higher Education Needs
  • The education of gifted children

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee

  • Education of students with disabilities
  • Small business employment
  • Order for production of documents on university finances
  • Bridging the skills divide
  • Hacking Australia’s Future: Threats to institutional autonomy, academic freedom and student choice in Australian higher education
  • Beyond Cole: The future of the construction industry: Confrontation or co-operation?
  • Office of the Chief Scientist
  • Commonwealth funding for schools
  • Unfair dismissal and small business employment [includes the Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Dismissal Reform) Bill 2004]
  • Indigenous education funding
  • Student income support
  • Workplace Agreements

Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts References Committee

  • Arts Education
  • Soccer
  • Marine and Coastal Pollution
  • Access to Heritage: User Charges in Museums, Art Galleries and National Parks

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee

  • The GST and a New Tax System
  • Commonwealth Environment Powers
  • Jabiluka: The Undermining of Process - Inquiry into the Jabiluka Uranium Mine Project
  • The Hinchinbrook Channel Inquiry
  • Inquiry into Gulf St Vincent
  • The Heat is On: Australia's Greenhouse Future - Report on Global Warming and the Convention on Climate Change (Implementation) Bill 2000
  • ABC On-line
  • Electromagnetic Radiation
  • Above Board? Methods of appointment to the ABC Board
  • The value of water: Inquiry into Australia's management of urban water
  • Regulating the Ranger, Jabiluka, Beverley and Honeymoon uranium mines
  • Libraries in the online environment
  • Australian telecommunications network
  • Competition in broadband services
  • Turning back the tide - the invasive species challenge: Report on the regulation, control and management of invasive species and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Invasive Species) Bill 2002
  • A lost opportunity? Inquiry into the provisions of the Australian Communications and Media Authority Bill 2004 and related bills and matters
  • Lurching forward, looking back: Budgetary and environmental implications of the Government's Energy White Paper
  • The performance of the Australian telecommunications regulatory regime

Finance and Public Administration References Committee

  • Disclosure Provisions for Prime Ministers and Leaders of the Opposition
  • Property Management in the Australian Public Service
  • The Proposed Sale of ANL Ltd
  • Service Delivery
  • Contracting out of Government Services
  • Sale of 57 Commonwealth Properties
  • Review of the Operation of the Order for the Production of Indexed Lists of Departmental Files
  • Business Taxation Reform
  • Australian Public Service Employment Matters: Australian Workplace Agreements
  • Government's Information Technology Outsourcing Initiative
  • Mechanism for providing accountability to the Senate in relation to government contracts
  • Departmental and agency contracts: Report on the first year of operation of the Senate order for the production of lists of departmental and agency contracts
  • A funding matter under the Dairy Regional Assistance Program
  • Recruitment and training in the Australian Public Service
  • Staff employed under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984
  • Administrative review of veteran and military compensation and income support
  • Regional Partnerships and Sustainable Regions programs
  • Matters relating to the Gallipoli Peninsula
  • Government advertising and accountability

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee

  • Crash of RAAF Nomad Aircraft A18-401 on 12 March 1990
  • Australia China Relations
  • Development of Australia's Air Links with Latin America
  • Abolition of the Development Import Finance Facility
  • Role and Future of Radio Australia and Australia Television
  • Helping Australians Abroad: A Review of the Australian Government's Consular Services
  • The 1998 Indian and Pakistani Nuclear Tests
  • The Sale of ADI Limited
  • Australia and APEC: A Review of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
  • East Timor
  • Japan: Politics and Society
  • Disposal of Defence Properties
  • Recruitment and retention of ADF personnel
  • Materiel acquisition and management in Defence
  • A Pacific engaged: Australia's relationships with Papua New Guinea and the island states of the south-west Pacific
  • Voting on trade: The General Agreement on Trade in Services and an Australia-US Free Trade Agreement
  • The (not quite) White Paper: Australia's foreign affairs and trade policy, Advancing the National Interest
  • Taking stock: Current health preparation arrangements for the deployment of Australian Defence Forces overseas
  • Bali 2002: Security threats to Australians in South East Asia
  • The effectiveness of Australia's military justice system
  • Duties of Australian personnel in Iraq
  • Mr Chen Yonglin's request for political asylum
  • Opportunities and challenges: Australia's relationship with China
  • The removal, search for and discovery of Ms Vivian Solon
  • China's emergence: implications for Australia

Legal and Constitutional References Committee

  • Treaties and the External Affairs Power (Discussion Paper)
  • Cashing in on the Sydney Olympics: Protecting the Sydney Olympic Games from Ambush Marketing
  • A System of National Citizenship Indicators (Discussion Paper)
  • Investigatory Powers of the Australian Securities Commission
  • Trick or Treaty? Commonwealth Power to Make and Implement Treaties
  • National Well-being: A System of National Citizenship Indicators and Benchmarks
  • Inquiry into the Commonwealth's Actions in Relation to Ryker (Faulkner) v The Commonwealth and Flint
  • Payment of a Minister's Legal Costs
  • Australian Legal Aid System
  • Sexuality Discrimination
  • Australian Legal Aid System
  • Privacy and the Private Sector: Inquiry into Privacy Issues, including the Privacy Amendment Bill 1998
  • A Sanctuary under Review: An Examination of Australia's Refugee and Humanitarian Determination Processes
  • Healing: A Legacy of Generations - Report of the inquiry into the Federal Government's Implementation of Recommendations made by the Human Rights Opportunity Commission in Bringing Them Home
  • Order in the Law: Management Arrangements and Adequacy of Funding of the Australian Federal Police and the National Crime Authority
  • Inquiry into s. 46 and s. 50 of the Trade Practices Act 1974
  • Outsourcing of the Australian Customs Service's information technology
  • Reconciliation: Off track
  • Legal aid and access to justice
  • The road to a republic
  • They still call Australia home: Inquiry into Australian expatriates
  • The real Big Brother: Inquiry into the Privacy Act 1988
  • Administration and operation of the Migration Act 1958

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee

  • Rural Adjustment, Rural Debt and Rural Reconstruction
  • Impact of Assets Tests on Farming Families' Access to Social Security and AUSTUDY
  • Purchase of the Precision Aerial Delivery System (PADS) by Airservices Australia
  • The Brew Report and the Continuing Role of the Commonwealth in the Australian Rail Industry
  • Value-adding in Agricultural Production
  • Commercial Utilisation of Australian Native Wildlife
  • Landcare Policies and Programs
  • The Effect of Pricing and Slot Management Arrangements at Kingsford Smith Airport on Regional Airlines and Communities
  • Australian Dairy Industry
  • Development of the Brisbane Airport Corporation Master Plan
  • Air Safety and Cabin Air Quality in the BAe 146 Aircraft
  • Airspace 2000 and Related Issues
  • The Incidence of Ovine Johnes Disease in the Australian Sheep Flock
  • Rural water resource usage
  • Australian forest plantations: A review of Plantations for Australia: The 2020 Vision
  • Iraqi wheat debt - repayments for wheat growers

Select Committees

  • A Certain Maritime Incident (children overboard)
  • ABC Management and Operations
  • Administration of Indigenous Affairs
  • Aircraft Noise in Sydney
  • Foreign Ownership Decisions in Relation to the Print Media
  • Certain Land Fund Matters
  • Community Standards and Electronic Technologies
  • Dangers of Radioactive Waste
  • Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America
  • Information Technologies
  • Contract for a New Reactor at Lucas Heights
  • Land Fund Bill
  • Lindeberg Grievance
  • Medicare
  • Mental Health
  • Ministerial Discretion in Migration Matters
  • New Tax System
  • Public Interest Whistleblowing
  • Scrafton Evidence (children overboard)
  • Socio-Economic Consequences of the National Competition Policy
  • Superannuation
  • Superannuation and Financial Services
  • Unresolved Whistleblower Cases
  • Uranium Mining and Milling
  • Victorian Casino