Appendix F: Proportion of disciplinary actions by state and territory compared to the proportion of seats



State or Territory Named but not proceeded with or negatived Suspended Sin binned Total Seats
NSW 58 142 284 31.3% 484 35.8% 48 32%
Victoria 30 75 230 25.4% 335 24.8% 37 24.6%
Queensland 18 37 150 16.5% 205 15.2% 30 20%
SA 10 17 85 9.4% 112 8.3% 11 7.3%
WA 6 25 97 10.7% 128 9.5% 15 10%
Tasmania 11 7 36 4.0% 54 4.0% 5 3.3%
ACT 0 2 4 0.4% 6 0.4% 2 1.3%
NT 2 5 21 2.3% 28 2.1% 2 1.3%
Total 135 310 907 1,352 150


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