2022 Caretaker costings

During the caretaker period for a general election, parliamentary parties and independent parliamentarians can request costings of their publicly announced election policies. The PBO publish these requests, complete the analysis and publicly release the costing responses as soon as possible, as per our legislation. During the caretaker period, to submit a request for a caretaker costing, use the Caretaker Costing Request template.

The Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 outlines arrangements under which the Secretaries of the Treasury and the Department of Finance (Finance) may be requested to cost election commitments during the caretaker period for a general election. Caretaker costings completed by Treasury Finance are available at www.electioncostings.gov.au.

Please note: the PBO did not receive any caretaker costings.

Policy topic

There are no costings available right now.

Parliament House Calendar

December 2018

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2 Both3 Both4 Both5 Both6 Other7 Other8
9 Other10 Other11 Other12 Other13 Senate14 Other15
1617181920 Both2122
2324 Public holiday25 Public holiday26272829
3031 Public holiday12345
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other