Part 1Secretary’s review


We will continue to build on our achievements as we support the functions of Parliament and the work of parliamentarians through the provision of professional services, advice and facilities.

Respond to the changing needs of the Parliament

  • Our continued collaboration with the Department of the Senate, the Department of the House of Representatives and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet will see the introduction of an electronic workflow process for tabling documents in Parliament—speeding up their public release and reducing both costs and paper use.
  • Building on the vision set out in the Australian Parliament Digital Strategy 2019–2022, we will develop Roadmaps which will set out the forward work plan for ICT investment.
  • We will develop and implement new measures to strengthen our cyber resilience and further protect the Parliament in a continuously evolving security threat landscape.
  • We will escalate our efforts on security and cyber security awareness through targeted education initiatives. Cyber security awareness and education will be incorporated into induction processes for all parliamentary computing network users and one-on-one support will be enhanced.
  • The Parliamentary Library will continue to implement the priorities identified in its Framework for the Digital Delivery of Library Products and Services, Digital Preservation Framework. In particular, it will complete its Library systems replacement project to improve the discoverability of Library information, deploy the new digital parliamentary handbook and embark on a project with the Department of the Senate to enhance access to the Senate’s historical tabled papers collection.
  • We will continue to develop a culture of innovation in all our work by enabling our staff to approach challenges and opportunities from new perspectives to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in our delivery of services to the Parliament.
  • Seeking and responding to feedback from parliamentarians, parliamentary staff, stakeholders and the community will continue to inform the way we work—ensuring we retain a customer focus.

Enhance the Parliament’s engagement with the community

  • We will deliver an annual program of events and exhibitions relevant to parliamentary democracy and Parliament House, which endeavours to engage with the community while building stronger partnerships with Canberra’s cultural institutions.
  • We will enhance our online presence to encourage greater community engagement, raise awareness and understanding of the work of the Parliament, and increase interactions through the Parliament of Australia website and other ‘owned’ digital channels.

Effective stewardship of Parliament House

  • During 2018–19, DPS took ownership of Status B ‘Global’ furniture from the Departments of the Senate and House of Representatives, which were designed and manufactured for Parliament House when it opened in 1988. DPS will continue to electronically integrate this furniture into its asset management system, which, when completed, will deliver:
    • enhanced maintenance, refurbishment and conservation work records, and
    • better management of condition assessments through planning future furniture works and life-cycle projections.
  • The Parliament House Art Collection Audit and Digitisation Project will continue to improve the management of our valuable collection of cultural assets. Completion is expected in 2021, and will deliver:
    • the ability to track, via an electronic tag, the movement of artworks in real time, vastly improving stocktake and location capabilities
    • a full survey of the current condition of the collection to identify recommendations for its ongoing conservation and care and identify any treatment required
    • a catalogue of high-quality digital images which will be made accessible to both building clients and the public, and
    • improved cataloguing standards, to ensure high quality and accurate data is captured for all artworks.
  • To ensure ongoing management of the design integrity of Parliament House:
    • we will redesign and refurbish the Queen’s Terrace Café and Staff Dining Room to improve customer experience and service efficiency. The change will restore the design integrity of these spaces close to their original form
    • complete the CRD and progress additional chapters
    • begin work on developing a series of ‘maintenance of design’ statements that link to the CRD and will provide a practical guide for maintenance activity and will document the design intent of landscape within the precinct
    • progress work on digitising relevant design intent documentation, and
    • undertake work on a timber register which catalogues the many species of Australian timbers used throughout Parliament House and their locations.

Effective delivery of the Parliament House works program

  • The program to systematically replace and upgrade all original Parliament House passenger and goods lifts is well underway. The new lifts have enhanced reporting, safety and system control features and include upgraded electrics and mechanical componentry. With 20 lifts now complete, the remaining 22 lifts will be upgraded over the next 24 months. Outages are carefully scheduled and communicated to minimise inconvenience to building occupants.
  • A series of lighting projects will be initiated to improve energy efficiency and control across the building using LED technology.
  • Having completed the design phase of the auxiliary power upgrade project, we will enter the delivery phase in 2019–20 to ensure the building can continue to meet increased electricity load demands not accounted for in the original construction. The project will upgrade automatic power switching capabilities and replace generators as well as support and enhance the building’s fire and life safety services.
  • The final elements of the security upgrade capital works will be delivered in the first half of 2019–20 once upgrades of the main public entrance, Senate and House of Representatives entrances are complete.