Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2011-2012

Text version of Fraud control certification

Senator the Hon John Hogg
President of the Senate
Parliament House

Ms Anna Burke MP
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Parliament House

Dear President and Speaker

DPS–Fraud control certification

I am writing to you to inform you about the status of fraud control in the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS), as required by paragraph 5.8 of the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines 2011.

I am satisfied that

  1. fraud risk assessments and fraud control plans have been prepared;
  2. DPS has appropriate fraud prevention, detection, investigation, data collections and reporting procedures in place; and
  3. DPS has taken all reasonable measures to minimise the incidence of fraud including action to investigate and recover the proceeds of fraud.

For more details about fraud control in DPS, please refer to Part 5–Sustainability of the Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report and Financial Statements 2011-12.

Yours sincerely

Carol Mills

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