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Timeline of exhibitions

Exhibitions held at Australian Parliament House 

Year Exhibition
2024   Trailblazers: Celebrating women in the Parliamentary Service
2024  Letters for Change: Correspondence between Walter Mikac and Prime Minister John Howard
2023 Reflections: Selected works by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artist from the Parliament House Art Collections
2023 Turning the Key: Opening Australia's Parliament House
2022 Meeting of Minds: Constitutional Conventions
2022 Australasian Federal Convention 1897 - 1809
2022 Australia's First Prime Ministers
2022 Representing the Nation: Australia's Coat of Arms
2022 Every Voice Counts: Suffrage in Australia
2022 Napier Waller Prize: Australian War Memorial
2022 Thirty years after the Mabo decision
2021 Historic Memorials Collection: 110 Years
2021 New Acquisitions: contemporary identity and land
2021 Neville Bonner AO: Australia’s First Indigenous Parliamentarian
2021 Blitz relics at Parliament House
2020 Sir Edmund Barton: Australia’s first Prime Minister
2020 Voyage of Discovery: Sir Joseph Banks’ Florilegium
2020 Open Air: Landscape photography from the Parliament House Art Collection
2019 Alfred Deakin: Creating a Nation Exhibition
2019 Indigenous Design Now
2019 My Voice for My Country
2019 Imprint: A survey of the Print Council of Australia
2018 Lest we forget
2018 From War
2018 Façade
2018 Lest we forget
2018 ‘Because of her, we can!’ NAIDOC Week Exhibition
2018 The Barunga Statement Exhibition
2018 Design in a Decade: The 1980s
2018 Competition to Completion: Building Parliament House
2018 By the Sea
2017 Boundless Volumes
2017 Speaking Volumes
2017 Meeting Place: Kumantye Jagamara and Imants Tillers
2017 Sageraw Thonar—Stories from the Southeasterly Season: Contemporary Expressions of Cultural Knowledge from Badu Art Centre
2017 Prevailing Voices: Indigenous Australian Parliamentarians
2016 Romaldo Giurgola: Celebration of life
2016 Next Generation of Australian Banknotes, the new $5 note
2016 Length and Breadth: New acquisitions from the Parliament House Art Collection
2016  Celebrating Reconciliation and NAIDOC Weeks 2016
2016 Win, Lose, Draw: Art and sport

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