Bill negatived by the Senate
Administrative Review Tribunal Bill 2000
Administrative Review Tribunal (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2000
26 February 2001 |
Bills were negatived at second reading (division) |
Border Protection Bill 2001 |
30 August 2001 (am) |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Commonwealth Superannuation Board Bill 1998
Superannuation Legislation (Commonwealth Employment) Repeal and Amendment Bill 1998
Superannuation Legislation (Commonwealth Employment) Repeal and Amendment (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1998
Superannuation Legislation (Commonwealth Employment—Saving and Transitional Provisions) Bill 1998
8 August 2001 |
Bills were negatived at second reading (division) |
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Choice of Superannuation Funds) Bill 1998 |
8 August 2001 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Unfair Dismissals) Bill 1998 [No. 2] |
26 March 2001 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Bills discharged from the Senate Notice Paper
Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Australians Working Together and other 2001 Budget Measures) Bill 2002 |
12 December 2002 |
A redundant order relating to the bill was discharged from the Notice Paper |
Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2001 [2002] (PS) |
11 December 2002 |
Bills negatived by the Senate
Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Disability Reform) Bill (No. 2) 2002 |
19 November 2002 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Migration Legislation Amendment (Further Border Protection Measures) Bill 2002 |
9 December 2002 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits—Budget Measures) Bill 2002 |
20 June 2002 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Trade Practices Amendment (Small Business Protection) Bill 2002 |
19 August 2002 |
Bill was negatived at third reading (division) |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Secret Ballots for Protected Action) Bill 2002 |
25 September 2002 |
Bill was negatived at third reading |
Bills laid aside by the House of Representatives
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2002 |
13 December 2002 (am) |
House of Representatives insisted on disagreeing to amendments insisted on by the Senate (division) and laid the bill aside. |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Dismissal) Bill 2002 |
28 June 2002 (am) |
House of Representatives insisted on disagreeing to amendments insisted on by the Senate (division) and laid the bill aside. |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Prohibition of Compulsory Union Fees) Bill 2002 |
18 September 2002 |
House of Representatives insisted on disagreeing to amendments insisted on by the Senate (division) and laid the bill aside. |
Bills discharged from the Senate Notice Paper
Electoral Amendment (Political Honesty) Bill 2000 [2002] (PS) |
27 March 2003 |
Freedom of Information Amendment (Open Government) Bill 2000 [2002] |
25 June 2003 |
Bill laid aside by the Senate
Constitution Alteration (Right to Stand for Parliament—Qualification of Members and Candidates) 1998 (No. 2) [2002] |
15 May 2003 |
Laid aside under standing order 135 |
Bills negatived by the Senate
Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Disability Reform) Bill (No. 2) 2002 [No.2] |
24 June 2003 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Migration Legislation Amendment (Further Border Protection Measures) Bill 2002 [No. 2] |
16 June 2003 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits—Budget Measures) Bill 2002 [No. 2] |
4 March 2003 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Superannuation (Surcharge Rate Reduction) Amendment Bill 2003 |
24 June 2003 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) but subsequently restored to the Notice Paper on 10 September 2003. |
Telstra (Transition to Ful Private Ownership) Bill 2003 |
30 October 2003 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Trade Practices Amendment (Small Business Protection) Bill 2002 [No.2] |
3 March 2003 |
Bill was negatived at third reading (division) |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Secret Ballots for Protected Action) Bill 2002 [No.2] |
24 March 2003 |
Bill was negatived at third reading (division) |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Termination of Employment) Bill 2002
11 August 2003 |
Bill was negatived at third reading (division) |
Bills laid aside by the House of Representatives
Broadcasting Services Amendment (Media Ownership) Bill 2002 |
27 June 2003 (am) |
House of Representatives insisted on disagreeing to amendments insisted on by the Senate (division) and laid the bill aside. |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Dismissal) Bill 2002 [No. 2] |
25 March 2003 |
House of Representatives insisted on disagreeing to amendments insisted on by the Senate (division) and laid the bill aside. |
Bills negatived by the Senate
Marriage Amendment Bill 2004 |
25 June 2004 |
Bill was negatived at first reading (division). Standing orders were suspended and the bill was read a first time and passed on 13 August 2004 |
Migration Amendment (Duration of Detention) Bill 2004 |
8 March 2004 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Sex Discrimination Amendment (Teaching Profession) Bill 2004 |
25 June 2004 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Telstra (Transition to Full Private Ownership) Bill 2003 [No. 2] |
30 March 2004 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Codifying Contempt Offences) Bill 2003 |
3 March 2004 |
Bill was negatived at third reading (division) but recommitted on 21 June 2004 and passed on 26 June 2004 (am) |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Compliance with Court and Tribunal Orders) Bill 2003 |
8 March 2004 |
Bill was negatived at third reading (division) |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Termination of Employment) Bill 2002 [No. 2] |
22 March 2004 |
Bill was negatived at third reading (division) |
Bills negatived by the Senate
Superannuation Laws Amendment (Abolition of Surcharge) Bill 2005 |
15 June 2005 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) but restored to the Notice Paper and passed on 10 August 2005. |
Bills discharged from the Senate Notice Paper
Workplace Relations Amendment (Better Bargaining) Bill 2005 |
30 March 2006 |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Extended Prohibition of Compulsory Union Fees) Bill 2005 |
30 March 2006 |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Right of Entry) Bill 2004 |
30 March 2006 |
Workplace Relations Amendment (Small Business Employment Protection) Bill 2005 |
30 March 2006 |
Bill discharged from the Senate Notice Paper
Charter of Political Honesty Bill 2000 [2004] (PS) |
1 March 2007 |
Public Interest Disclosure (Protection of Whistleblowers) Bill 2002 [2004] (PS) |
19 June 2007 |
Bill discharged from the Senate Notice Paper
Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Feed-in-Tariff) Bill 2008 (PS) |
11 November 2008 |
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Communications Fund) Bill 2008 |
17 June 2008 |
Bills negatived by the Senate
A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition—Customs) Amendment Bill 2008 |
4 September 2008 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) but the second reading was moved again and agreed to on 22 September 2008 (division). The bill was passed on 23 September 2008. |
A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition—Excise) Amendment Bill 2008 |
4 September 2008 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) but the second reading was moved again and agreed to on 22 September 2008 (division). The bill was passed on 23 September 2008. |
A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition—General) Amendment Bill 2008 |
4 September 2008 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) but the second reading was moved again and agreed to on 22 September 2008 (division). The bill was passed on 23 September 2008. |
Interstate Road Transport Charge Amendment Bill 2008 |
19 March 2008 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Migration Legislation Amendment (Complementary Protection Visas) Bill 2006 [2008] (PS) |
20 March 2008 |
Bill was negatived at second reading |
National Fuelwatch (Empowering Consumers) Bill 2008 |
12 November 2008 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
National Fuelwatch (Empowering Consumers) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008 |
12 November 2008 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical and Other Benefits—Cost Recovery) Bill 2008 |
28 August 2008 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Road Transport Charges (Australian Capital Territory) Repeal Bill 2008 |
19 March 2008 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Employment Services Reform) Bill 2008 |
4 December 2008 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Tax Laws Amendment (2008 Measures No. 1) Bill 2008 |
26 June 2008 |
Bill was negatived at third reading (division) |
Tax Laws Amendment (Medicare Levy Surcharge Thresholds) Bill 2008 |
24 September 2008 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) |
Tax Laws Amendment (Luxury Car Tax) Bill 2008 |
4 September 2008 |
Bill was negatived at second reading (division) but the second reading was moved again and agreed to on 22 September 2008 (division). The bill was passed on 25 September 2008 (division). |
Bill laid aside by the House of Representatives
Safe Work Australia Bill 2008 |
4 December 2008 |
House of Representatives insisted on disagreeing to amendments insisted on by the Senate (division) and laid the bill aside. |
Bills discharged from the Senate Notice Paper
Migration Amendment (Abolishing Detention Debt) Bill 2009 (S) |
25 June 2009 |
Social Security and Veterans' Entitlements Amendment (Commonwealth Seniors Health Card) Bill 2009 |
17 June 2009 |
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures No. 1) Bill 2009 |
15 September 2009 |
Bills negatived by the Senate
Appropriation (Nation Building and Jobs) Bill (No. 1) 2008-2009 |
12 February 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Appropriation (Nation Building and Jobs) Bill (No. 2) 2008-2009 |
12 February 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Australian Business Investment Partnership Bill 2009 |
16 June 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Australian Business Investment Partnership (Consequential Amendment) Bill 2009 |
16 June 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Australian Climate Change Regulatory Authority Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Australian Climate Change Regulatory Authority Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Amendment (Household Assistance) Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Amendment (Household Assistance) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Charges—Customs) Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Charges—Customs) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Charges—Excise) Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Charges—Excise) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Charges—General) Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Charges—General) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS Fuel Credits) Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS Fuel Credits) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS Fuel Credits) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS Fuel Credits) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Political Donations and Other Measures Bill 2008 [2009] (S) |
11 March 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Amendment Bill 2009 |
12 February 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Customs Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009 |
18 March 2009 |
Question put again, by leave, and bill negatived at third reading (division) |
Customs Tariff Amendment (Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme) Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Customs Tariff Amendment (Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Excise Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No. 1) Bill 2009 |
18 March 2009 |
Question put again, by leave, and bill negatived at third reading (division) |
Excise Tariff Amendment (Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme) Bill 2009 |
13 August 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Excise Tariff Amendment (Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
2 December 2009 (Journals of the Senate 30 November 2009) |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives Bill 2009 |
9 September 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives (Medicare Levy Surcharge) Bill 2009 |
9 September 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives (Medicare Levy Surcharge—Fringe Benefits) Bill 2009 |
9 September 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities, and Other Measures) Bill 2009 |
18 August 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Horse Disease Response Levy Bill 2008 |
4 February 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Horse Disease Response Levy Collection Bill 2008 |
4 February 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Horse Disease Response Levy (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008 |
4 February 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Household Stimulus Package Bill 2009 |
12 February 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Protecting Children from Junk Food Advertising (Broadcasting Amendment) Bill 2008 (PS) |
18 June 2009 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Tax Bonus for Working Australians Bill 2009 |
12 February 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Tax Bonus for Working Australians (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2009 |
12 February 2009 |
Negatived at third reading (division) |
Bills negatived by the Senate
Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
9 March 2010 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives (Medicare Levy Surcharge) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
24 February 2010 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Fairer Private Health Inusrance Incentives (Medicare Levy Surcharge—Fringe Benefits) Bill 2009 [No. 2] |
24 February 2010 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |
Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009 (PS) |
25 February 2010 |
Negatived at second reading (division) |