Significant reports tabled before 1997

Significant reports tabled before 1997

Senate Select Committees

Appropriations and Staffing
Parliament's Appropriations and Staffing Tabled June 1981
Animal Welfare Committee
Aspects of Animal Welfare in the Racing Industry Tabled August 1991
Equine Welfare In Competitive Events Other Than Racing Tabled August 1991
Transport of livestock within Australia Tabled August 1991
Culling of large feral animals in the Northern Territory Tabled June 1991
Intensive livestock production Tabled June 1990
The racing industry - Interim Report Tabled June 1990
Sheep Husbandry Tabled October 1989
Animal Experimentation Tabled 1989
Kangaroos Tabled 1988
Dolphins and whales in captivity Tabled 1985
The export of live sheep from Australia Tabled 1985
Certain Aspects of Foreign Ownership decisions in relation to the Print Media
Percentage Players - The 1991 and 1993 Fairfax ownership Decisions Tabled June 1994
Community Standards Relevant to the Supply of Services Utilising Electronic Technologies
The Portrayal of Violence in the Electronic Media Tabled February 1997
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Tabled August 1996
The Dangers of Radioactive Waste
No Time to Waste April 1996
Matters Arising From Pay Television Tendering Processes
Second Report Tabled December 1993
First Report Tabled September 1993
Public Interest Whistleblowing
The Public Interest Revisited Tabled October 1995
In the Public Interest Tabled August 1994
Review of the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal Tabled April 1996
Super and Broken Work Patterns Tabled November 1995
Super Guarantee: Its Track Record Tabled February 1995
Super Regs II Tabled November 1994
Super Regs I Tabled August 1994
Super Supervision Bills Tabled October 1993
Super - Fees, Charges and Commissions Tabled June 1993
Super - Fiscal and Social Links Tabled December 1992
Super and the Financial System Tabled October 1992
Safeguarding Super Tabled June 1992
Super Guarantee Bills Tabled June 1992
Senate Select Committee on the Victorian Casino Inquiry
Compelling Evidence Tabled 5 December 1996

Senate Standing Committees

Constitutional and Legal Affairs
Freedom of Information ACT 1982 Tabled 1987
Ordinary Annual Services of the Government Tabled June 1976
Finance and Government operations
The circumstances surrounding the various court actions relating to the film 'The return of Captain Invincible' Tabled 1987
ABC Employment Contracts and their confidentiality Tabled December 1986
Social Welfare Committee
Children in Institutional and Other Forms of Care - A National Perspective Tabled June 1985
Homeless Youth Tabled 1982
Through a Glass Darkly - Evaluation in Australian Health and Welfare Services Tabled 1979

Joint Select Committees

Joint Select Committee on an Australia Card
Report of the Joint Select Committee on an Australia Card Tabled May 1986

Not sure which Committee tabled a report or what year a report was tabled?
Refer to the Consolidated Register of Senate Committee Reports. The Register of Senate Committee Reports and subsequent annual supplements list reports tabled since 1970 by committees administered by the Senate Committee Office. The register is updated regularly. Entries are listed by committee name, subject matter and year of tabling.

Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees: The first 20 years (1970-1990)