Dissenting Report from Senator Roberts

1.1        The committee uncovered many deficiencies in current electricity supply including needless high prices, insecurity of supply and instability of the electricity grid.

1.2        The fundamental reason for the committee's premise is false.

1.3        There is no empirical scientific evidence that the world has warmed or is warming due to the human production of carbon dioxide.

1.4        There is nothing from any climate data that shows anything unprecedented in climate:

1.5        Climate data prove a continuation of natural cycles.

1.6        Please refer to the accompanying responses to the CSIRO and reply to the chief scientist. Both documents reference extensive empirical data from international agencies including those cited by the CSIRO and UN IPCC.

1.7        Until there is empirical evidence proving carbon dioxide from human activity is affecting global climate and needs to be cut, there is no justification for such measures.

1.8        The current needless disruption to electricity supplies is a highly regressive tax on the poor, disrupts regional and national economies and is a threat to livelihoods and security.

1.9        Decisions and policies must be based on empirical evidence.

Senator Malcolm Roberts

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