
Submissions received by the Committee

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 21 items in 2 pages
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Page size:
 21 items in 2 pages
1Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (PDF 1098 KB) 
2Tweed Shire Council (PDF 165 KB) 
3Australian Paramedics Association (NSW) (PDF 133 KB) 
4Good Ancestors Project (PDF 71 KB) 
5Insurance Council of Australia (PDF 228 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 4803 KB) 
6Dr Michael Noetel and Dr Peter Slattery (PDF 73 KB) 
7Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (PDF 509 KB) 
8Institute for Effective Policy (PDF 393 KB) 
9Ms Manisha Lishman (PDF 19 KB) 
10Department of Finance and Department of Home Affairs  (PDF 699 KB) 
11Department of Industry, Science and Resources (PDF 205 KB) 
12Natural Hazards Research Australia (PDF 247 KB) 
13Australian Red Cross (PDF 246 KB) 
14Bushfire Building Council of Australia Ltd (PDF 223 KB) 
15Yarra Ranges Council (PDF 584 KB) 
16IAG (PDF 233 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 32381 KB) 
17Australian Local Government Association (PDF 123 KB) 
18St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia (PDF 425 KB) 
19Australian Academy of Science (PDF 189 KB) 
20Tasmanian Government (PDF 425 KB) 

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