Terms of Reference

The impact of feral deer, pigs and goats in Australia, and national priorities to prevent the problems worsening for the natural environment, community and farmers, including: 

  1. the current and potential occurrence of feral deer, pigs and goats across Australia; 
  2. the likely and potential biosecurity risks and impacts of feral deer, pigs and goats on the environment, agriculture, community safety and other values; 
  3. the effectiveness of current state and national laws, policies and practices in limiting spread and mitigating impacts of feral deer, pigs and goats; 
  4. the efficacy and welfare implications of currently available control and containment tools and methods, and the potential for new control and containment tools and methods; 
  5. priority research questions; 
  6. the benefits of developing and fully implementing national threat abatement plans for feral deer, pigs and goats; and 
  7. any other related matters.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the impact of feral deer, pigs and goats in Australia, and national priorities to prevent the problems worsening for the natural environment, community and farmers.

Past Public Hearings

24 Nov 2020: Launceston
14 Oct 2020:
22 Jul 2020: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report tabled

How to make a submission

The committee invites individuals and organisations to send in their opinions and proposals in writing (submissions)


If you require any special arrangements to enable you to participate in the Committee's inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

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