
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

1Mr Alex Portnoy (PDF 16 KB) 
2Australian Association of Social Workers (PDF 634 KB) 
3Volunteering Victoria (PDF 319 KB) 
4Carers Australia (PDF 300 KB) 
5Australian Council of Social Service (PDF 429 KB) 
6Australian Unemployed Workers' Union (PDF 175 KB) 
7Willing Older Workers W.O.W! Incorporated (PDF 147 KB) 
8Jobs Australia (PDF 566 KB) 
9Ms Kathy Dora (PDF 15 KB) 
10Children with Disability Australia (PDF 4399 KB) 
11St Vincent de Paul Society (PDF 187 KB) 
12Name Withheld (PDF 12 KB) 
13National Welfare Rights Network (PDF 1177 KB) 
14Department of Employment (PDF 330 KB) 
15Mr William Bill (Billy) Peter Tait (PDF 4181 KB) 

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