Former House Committees

Committee name Parliaments active
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs 38th to 43rd
Ageing 40th
Agriculture and Water Resources  44th to 46th
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 40th and 41st
Agriculture, Resources, Fisheries and Forestry 43rd
Climate Change, Environment and the Arts 43rd
Climate Change, Water, Environment and the Arts 42nd
Communications 42nd
Communications, Information Technology and the Arts 40th and 41st
Communications, Transport and the Arts 39th
Communications, Transport and Microeconomic Reform 38th
Economics, Finance and Public Administration 38th to 41st
Education and Training 40th, 42nd
Education and Vocational Training 41st
Employment and Workplace Relations 40th, 42nd
Employment, Education and Training 38th
Employment, Education and Workplace Relations 39th
Employment, Workplace Relations and Workforce Participation 41st
Environment and Energy
44th to 46th
Environment and Heritage 39th to 41st
Environment, Recreation and the Arts 38th
Family and Community Affairs 38th to 40th
Family, Community, Housing and Youth 42nd
Family and Human Services 41st
Health and Ageing 41st to 43rd
Indigenous Affairs 44th to 46th
Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources 45th to 46th
Industry and Resources 40th and 41st
Industry, Science and Innovation 42nd
Industry, Science and Resources 38th to 39th
Infrastructure and Communications 43rd, 44th
Infrastructure, Transport and Cities 44th to 46th
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government 42nd
Intergenerational Welfare Dependence (Select) 45th
Regional Australia 43rd
Legal and Constitutional Affairs 38th to 42nd
Members' Interests 38th to 41st
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (Select) 46th
Primary Industries and Regional Services 39th
Primary Industries, Resources and Rural and Regional Affairs 38th
Primary Industries and Resources 42nd
Privileges 38th to 41st
Recent Australian Bushfires (Select) 40th
Regional Australia 43rd
Regional Australia (Select) 46th
Regional Development and Decentralisation (Select) 45th 
Science and Innovation 40th and 41st
Social Media and Online Safety (Select) 46th
Tax and Revenue 44th to 46th
Transport and Regional Services 40th and 41st
Workforce Australia Employment Services (Select) 47th

About Former Committees

This list contains all former House of Representatives Committees for Parliaments 38 to 43.  The former House committees of the 44th Parliament are found under the respective committees in the 45th Parliament.


Reports of House of Representatives and Joint Committees from 1901 to 17 October 2014 can be found on the Register of Committee Reports.