Key points
- The main purpose of the Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Bill 2023 (the Main Bill) is to consolidate existing Commonwealth tobacco legislation into a single Act (with regulations to be made under the Act).
- The Main Bill will also expand the existing advertising restrictions to apply to e-cigarettes, introduce new measures with respect to tobacco packaging, and introduce new reporting requirements for the tobacco industry.
- The Bills do not address the stronger regulation of e-cigarette availability and supply, they only seek to prohibit certain forms of e-cigarette advertisements and sponsorships.
- It is reasonable to assume that the proposed increased requirements contained in the Bill will enhance existing plain packaging measures by preventing tobacco companies from misleading consumers about the harmful effects of smoking, further reducing the appeal of tobacco products, and increasing the effectiveness of warnings.
- The prohibitions on tobacco and e-cigarette advertising and sponsorships should similarly contribute to the realisation of the objects of the Bill.
Introductory Info
Date introduced: 13 September 2023
House: House of Representatives
Portfolio: Health and Aged Care
Commencement: Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Bill 2023: sections 1 and 2 on Royal Assent; sections 3 – 185 on the earlier of a day to be fixed by Proclamation or 6 months after Royal Assent.
Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2023: sections 1 – 3 on Royal Assent; Schedules 1 – 2 either the same day as section 3 of the Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Bill 2023 commences or not at all.
Purpose and
structure of the Bills
Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Bill 2023
The key purpose of the Public
Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Bill 2023 (the Main Bill) is to
consolidate existing Commonwealth tobacco legislation into a single Act (with
regulations to be made under the Act).
The Bill also proposes to expand the existing framework
- update
and improve graphic health warnings on packaging
- require
health promotion inserts in packs and pouches
- capture
e-cigarettes in advertising restrictions
- standardise
the size of tobacco packets and products
- prevent
the use of specified ingredients in tobacco products
- standardise
the design and look of filters in cigarettes
- limit
the use of appealing brand and variant names that imply reduced harm and
- introduce
reporting requirements for the tobacco industry to disclose tobacco product
ingredients, tobacco product sales volumes and promotional activities.
The Main Bill is divided into seven chapters:
- Chapter
1: sets out the preliminary matters including commencement dates, objects
of the Act, definitions and key concepts.
- Chapter
2: incorporates existing requirements in the Tobacco
Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 relating
to tobacco, advertising and sponsorship and introduces new provisions relating
to the advertising and promotion of e-cigarettes.
- Chapter
3: incorporates existing requirements in the Tobacco Plain
Packaging Act 2011 relating to plain packaging of tobacco products, as
well as additional measures. It also allows for regulations to be made prescribing
plain packaging requirements and conditions for the appearance, content and
standards of tobacco products.
- Chapter
4: consolidates existing provisions which ban certain tobacco products.
- Chapter
5: provides for new reporting requirements for the tobacco industry. Reporting
entities, as defined, will be required to submit reports containing information
about tobacco products sold, supplied, or offered for sale or supply in
Australia as well as to report on advertising, promotion and sponsorship
activities and expenditure.
- Chapter
6: deals with compliance and enforcement activities. It provides for the
appointment of authorised officers and supporting monitoring and investigation
powers, along with civil penalty provisions, and provision for infringement
notices, enforceable undertakings and injunctions.
- Chapter
7: sets out miscellaneous provisions, such as delegation powers, cost
recovery provisions and constitutional authority for the Act.
This Bills Digest primarily focuses on the provisions
contained in Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 5 of the Main Bill.
Health (Tobacco and Other Products) (Consequential Amendments and Transitional
Provisions) Bill 2023
The Public
Health (Tobacco and Other Products) (Consequential Amendments and Transitional
Provisions) Bill 2023 deals with consequential and transitional matters
arising from the enactment of the Main Bill, including repealing the Tobacco
Plain Packaging Act and the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act.
This Bills Digest does not address specific provisions in the Main Bill and for
further information about these provisions see the Explanatory
of tobacco products in Australia
Tobacco regulation in Australia is shared between the
Commonwealth, state and territory governments. Regulation in this space covers a
range of areas, including taxation; sale/importation of tobacco products;
advertising, promotion and sponsorship; packaging and labelling requirements;
illicit/banned tobacco products; and public health requirements. This Bills
Digest provides an overview of the relevant legislation in this space though is
not intended to be comprehensive and focuses primarily on Commonwealth
Since Federation, the Commonwealth Government has imposed
customs and excise duties on tobacco products. The tobacco
excise rate is indexed based on average weekly ordinary-time earnings
(AWOTE) which is aimed
at ensuring ‘that tobacco products do not become more affordable over time’.
For a period, state governments also imposed a licence
fee on tobacco products though this was later held
to be unconstitutional.
Sale and importation
of tobacco products
The importation of tobacco products into Australia is
regulated at the federal level, whereas the sale of tobacco products is
generally regulated at the state/territory level.
Most tobacco products are classed as ‘prohibited
imports’ and therefore require an import permit before being imported into
Australia. It is currently illegal to commercially import or sell smokeless
tobacco products in Australia as per the Trade Practices Act
1974 – Consumer Protection Notice No. 10 of 1991 – Permanent Ban on Goods.
All cigarettes manufactured or imported into Australia
must also comply with the mandatory standard for reduced fire risk. The
standard is set out in the Trade Practices
(Consumer Product Safety Standard) (Reduced Fire Risk Cigarettes) Regulations
Controls over access to, and supply of tobacco products,
vary significantly between states and territories, with some
jurisdictions having introduced licensing requirements for wholesalers and
retailers. Broadly, restrictions on the sale of tobacco products relate to:
- prohibitions
on the sale of tobacco products to children
- restrictions
on the sale of tobacco products through vending machines
- restrictions
on the sale of tobacco products at under-age music/dance events and other
temporary outlets.[1]
promotion and sponsorship
At the federal level, the Tobacco Advertising
Prohibition Act and Tobacco Advertising
Prohibition Regulation 1993 regulate advertising, promotion and sponsorship
of tobacco products.
The intention of the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition
Act is to limit the exposure of the public to messages and images that may
persuade them to either start smoking or continue smoking; or to use, or
continue using, tobacco products. The Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act imposes
restrictions on the broadcasting and publishing of tobacco advertisements.
The Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act does not
restrict state/territory governments from enacting their own concurrent
legislation, with most
state and territory governments having passed laws that restrict tobacco
sponsorships, point-of-sale advertising and the retail display of tobacco
and labelling requirements
The packaging of tobacco is also regulated by Commonwealth
and state/territory legislation.
Australia was the first country in the world to mandate
plain packaging via the enactment of the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act
and the Trade
Marks Amendment (Tobacco Plain Packaging) Act 2011. The Tobacco
Plain Packaging Act and the Tobacco Plain
Packaging Regulations 2011 prohibit the use of all tobacco industry logos,
brand imagery, colours and promotional text on the retail packaging of tobacco
products. The legislation
mandates that retail packaging of tobacco products be a standard drab dark
brown colour, with the exception of health warnings, the brand and variant name
and any other relevant legislative requirements.
Under the Competition and
Consumer (Tobacco) Information Standard 2011, all tobacco products must
also display certain text and graphic
health warnings.
health requirements
Smoking restrictions and prohibitions are generally
governed by state/territory laws. According to the Department
of Health and Aged Care, in all states and territories it is illegal to
smoke in enclosed public places though there are some variances with respect to
exemptions to these requirements and the laws regulating smoking in outdoor
areas. In all states and territories in Australia, it
is also illegal to smoke in a car when a minor is inside.
Impact of existing tobacco control
Prior to the introduction of plain packaging in Australia,
all the studies of its likely impacts were based on simulated plain packaging. These
studies clearly demonstrated that plain packaging led smokers to perceive
the packs as lower in appeal, made health warnings more salient, and reduced
misapprehensions about the perceived harms of smoking (pp. 16–17).
Since the measure’s introduction a number of studies have
confirmed these theoretical findings. A summary of the findings of several
studies, published in a special edition of the
British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2015 concluded:
The evidence suggests that plain packaging is
severely restricting the ability of the pack to communicate and create appeal
with young people and adults. For instance, school-based surveys with students
aged 12–17 year in 2011 and 2013 show that the removal of branding and
uniformity of pack appearance has increased negative pack ratings and decreased
positive ones. Cognitive processing of the health warnings did not change,
however, suggesting that pack appearance is more relevant to young people than
are the warnings.
A number of studies with adult smokers point to
plain packaging fulfilling its core aims of reducing appeal, particularly among
young adults, and increasing warning salience. In a cross-sectional tracking
survey of cigarette smokers, plain packaging was associated with increased
thinking about quitting and quit attempts. In addition, dislike of the pack,
lower satisfaction from cigarettes and attributing motivation to quit to the
warnings predicted daily thoughts of quitting. These findings may also help to
explain why smokers were more likely to conceal their packs in outdoor venues
after the introduction of plain packaging. Research with adults is not confined
to cigarette smokers either, with a mixed methods study suggesting that the
benefits of plain packaging may also extend to cigar and cigarillo smokers. A
lesson perhaps for those governments (eg, Ireland, UK) planning to exclude such
products from plain packaging legislation (p. ii1).
In 2016 the Department of Health conducted a post-implementation
review of the tobacco plain packaging measure. As a part of the review, the
Department summarised the findings of a range of studies of the measure’s
Taken as a whole, the studies summarised … provide early
evidence that the tobacco plain packaging measure is having a positive impact
on the three specific mechanisms of reducing the appeal of tobacco products,
reducing the potential for tobacco packaging to mislead consumers, and
enhancing the effectiveness of graphic health warnings. Studies also provide
early evidence that the measure is resulting in positive changes to smoking
behaviours. The body of evidence is diverse, including analyses conducted on a
range of different groups (including adolescents, adults, cigarette smokers and
cigar/cigarillo smokers) and using different datasets (including the National
Tracking Survey, the NSW Tracking Survey, the ASSAD data, the ITC Project data
and bespoke surveys) (p. 32).
The Department also engaged independent researcher, Dr
Tasneem Chipty to conduct an
econometric analysis of smoking prevalence data to determine whether plain
packaging had had a discernible impact on the prevalence of smoking.
Dr Chipty based her analysis on data from the Roy Morgan
Single Source Survey (RMSS) for the period January 2001 to September 2015. RMSS
is described as ‘a nationally representative, repeated cross-sectional survey
that asks every month each of about 4,500 participants aged 14 and above a
series of smoking-related questions, including whether the respondent smokes
each of various different tobacco products (e.g., factory-made cigarettes,
roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe, and cigars). These data also contain a variety
of demographic and socioeconomic information, including the respondent’s age,
gender, marital status, immigration status, educational level, employment
status, income level, and state or territory of residence’ (p. 6).
Dr Chipty argues that, given the range of national tobacco
control policies introduced from 2001 to 2010 (such as the introduction of
graphic health warnings on tobacco packaging in 2006 and a 25 per cent
tobacco excise increase in 2010), this period provides a reasonable basis for
estimating what smoking prevalence would have been after December 2012 without
the plain packaging changes—the ‘before’ period. Chipty uses the period from
December 2012 to September 2015 as the ‘after’ period for comparison purposes.
The ‘before period’ includes 143 months of observational data, and the ‘after
period’ 34 months of observational data.
After controlling for a range of variables, Dr Chipty
found that the combination of plain packaging and enlarged graphic health
warnings had resulted in a reduction in smoking prevalence. Dr Chipty estimated
‘a statistically significant decline in smoking prevalence of 0.55 percentage
points over the post-implementation period, relative to what the prevalence
would have been without the packaging changes’ (p. 3). This equates to 108,228
fewer smokers over the 34-month post‑implementation period from December
2012 to September 2015 (p. 39).
Following the introduction of plain packaging in
Australia, several other jurisdictions have either implemented or plan to
implement plain packaging measures. According
to the Cancer Council:
As of September 2022, plain packaging laws have been adopted
and implemented in 22 jurisdictions … and adopted with implementation pending
in a further five countries. Legislation is being considered by parliaments in
six countries, and is going through a formal process of consideration in a
further four. Political commitments have been made in at least six countries.
speaking, evidence from studies conducted in other jurisdictions bears out the
findings from Australia; that is, that plain packaging has in combination with
other measures contributed to a reduction in smoking uptake, increased
motivation to quit among smokers, and reductions in smoking prevalence. For a
summary of the relevant evidence, see Tobacco in Australia.
Based on a
general review of progress made in relation to plain packaging world-wide,
Crawford Moodie et al concluded:
suggest that plain packaging has improved health outcomes and has not burdened
retailers, although research is limited to early policy adopters and important
gaps in the literature remain. While the power of packaging as a sales tool has
diminished in markets with plain packaging, tobacco companies have exploited
loopholes to continue to promote their products and have increasingly focused
on filter innovations. Opportunities exist for governments to strengthen plain
packaging laws.
It is not possible to draw a causal link between tobacco
advertising and sponsorship and smoking uptake by children and young people.
The uptake of smoking is influenced by a multitude of factors, and, as such, it
is not possible to single out any one variable as causal. Nevertheless, a
significant body of evidence has
demonstrated that tobacco advertising does influence levels of smoking,
especially among children. Likewise, evidence demonstrates
that banning or restricting tobacco advertising and marketing reduces both the
prevalence and initiation of smoking.
New tobacco
control measures
On 30 November
2022, the 10th anniversary of the introduction of plain packaging in Australia,
Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler, announced that the Government planned to consolidate into a single Act
all of Australia’s current tobacco measures, along with 11 new measures.
Minister Butler
insisted that ‘Australia’s current patchwork quilt of eight different
tobacco-related laws, regulations, instruments and court decisions is
convoluted, outdated and full of loopholes’. This, he maintained, when combined
with ‘nine years of delay and inaction’, has contributed to Australia’s losing
its standing as a world leader in tobacco control, and more Australians
suffering poor health and dying than is necessary. In Mr Butler’s view, the
creation of a single streamlined Act along with the introduction of new
measures would ‘reignite the fight against tobacco and nicotine addiction’.
The Government has argued that the reforms that would be enabled by the Bills are
necessary to respond to:
… changes in the
market and products which influence consumer behaviour and seek to undermine
existing tobacco control measures. Reforms are also necessary to ensure
Australia continues to meet its ongoing obligations under the World Health
Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).
The current
Bills and proposed regulations have been informed by a thematic review of tobacco control legislation conducted by the Department of Health and
Aged Care in 2019. The review drew on the suggestions of a range of
stakeholders as to how the legislation could be improved to address current and
future challenges and achieve the Government’s objectives in tobacco control.
speaking, the consultation identified as key themes:
- the need for policy and legislation to be
responsive to emerging changes in smoking markets and patterns such as the
growth in online sales and proliferation of marketing and promotional
activities through social media platforms
- the challenges posed by the emergence of
e-cigarettes and the need for a regulatory framework for this category of
product given consumer and industry interest in the products and concerns
regarding evidence both of their safety and efficacy as smoking cessation
- the
fragmented nature of tobacco control regulation and inconsistencies between the
Commonwealth and the states and territories’ tobacco control legislation
- the perceived opportunity to improve
tobacco control by ‘centralising the administration, monitoring and enforcement
of legislative interventions relating to the health impacts of tobacco use in
one agency’ (pp. 8–9).
The review was
intended to ensure that Australia’s tobacco control legislative framework would
support the objectives outlined in the National Tobacco Strategy 2023–2030, which was released on 2 May 2023.
Further details
of the review process and submissions in response to the review are available
on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.
Following the review, the Government prepared exposure
draft legislation which was the subject of a consultation
process that ran from 31 May to 14 July 2023. Submissions to the
consultation have not been published by the Department.
Minister Butler has indicated
that the Government aims for the Bills to be passed by the Parliament by 1
April 2024. This is the sunset date of
the Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations and the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition
Regulation. Mr Butler envisages that the updated regulations and requirements
that the new legislation will enable will come into effect on 1 July 2025.
Proposed vaping control measures
The Minister has also insisted that the former government had been ‘asleep at the wheel on
vaping’. Largely in response to evidence of an increase in e-cigarette use by
children, Mr Butler announced in November 2022 a public consultation process on the regulation of nicotine vaping
products to be run from 30 November 2022 to 16 January 2023 by the Therapeutic
Goods Administration (TGA).
Following this
process, the Minister announced that the Government would be proposing stronger regulation
and enforcement in relation to all e-cigarettes—both those that contain
nicotine and those that do not—‘including new controls on their importation,
contents and packaging’.
According to Minister
Butler, the Government will work with the states and territories to:
- stop the import of non-prescription
- increase the minimum quality standards for
e-cigarettes including by restricting flavours, colours, and other ingredients
- require pharmaceutical-like packaging
- reduce allowed nicotine concentrations and
- ban all single use, disposable
The Government
also intends to ‘work with the states and territories to close down the sale
of vapes in retail settings, ending vape sales in convenience stores and other
retail settings, while also making it easier to get a prescription for
legitimate therapeutic use’.
The current Bill
does not seek to enable any of the above e-cigarette-related measures; it only
seeks to prohibit certain forms of e-cigarette advertisements and sponsorships.
Government’s proposed stronger regulation of e-cigarette availability and
supply, as well as its planned new controls on contents and packaging, are currently being worked through by the e‑cigarette working group,
which is comprised of senior representatives from the federal, state and
territory health departments.
Minister Butler
has indicated that his preferred legal response to e-cigarette control
would be ‘through Commonwealth legislation, rather than every single
jurisdiction having to go through a parliamentary process’ as this would be
‘the quickest and most efficient way’.
Smoking rates
The National
Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS), conducted by the Australian
Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), is the most comprehensive population-based
source of data on the use of licit and illicit drugs in Australia. The results
of this survey are released on a three-yearly basis, with the latest data
available being for 2019.
Figure 1 shows rates of smoking in Australia among
people aged 14 years and older from 1991 to 2019. The prevalence of smoking has
declined considerably over this period, with the rate of daily smoking having
more than halved (from 24.3% to 11.0%) and the proportion never taking up
smoking increased (from 49.0% in 1991 to 63.1% in 2019).
The AIHW attributes much of the decline in daily smoking
in recent years to the increased number of Australians never taking up smoking,
rather than smokers quitting. Between 2013 and 2019 the rate of people never
smoking increased by three percentage points, from 60.1 per cent to 63.1 per cent.
Figure 1: Tobacco smoking status, people aged 14 and over, 1991
to 2019 (per cent)
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), National Drug Strategy Household
Survey detailed report 2019,
Senate Community
Affairs Legislation Committee
The Bill has been referred to the Senate Community Affairs
Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 22 November 2023. Details of
the inquiry, including submission received, are available on the inquiry’s
Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills
The Committee had yet to report on the Bill at the time of
writing of this Digest.
position of non-government parties/independents
At the time of writing this Bills Digests, non-government
parties/independents do not appear to have commented on the Bill.
Position of
major interest groups
Following the Government’s announcement of its proposed
tobacco and vaping control reforms several health organisations and experts
expressed support for the measures.
Commenting on the
legislation and regulation package, the Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners (RACGP) stated
‘in general, the package is a good step forward and will provide improved
consistency in the regulatory control of tobacco and e-cigarettes at the
Commonwealth level’. The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) has indicated that it
‘strongly supports the essential modernisation of the ageing suite of
Commonwealth tobacco control legislation’ and observed that the proposed
legislation appeared to be ‘very comprehensive and appropriate’ (p. 4). On
its introduction to the Parliament the Cancer Council Australia welcomed
the Bill ‘as a critical action to prevent and further reduce harm caused by
tobacco products and nicotine addiction’, adding that it ‘simplifies,
modernises and helps future-proof tobacco control in Australia’.
While the Australian Medical Association (AMA) has also expressed
support for the package of legislation and regulations (in exposure draft
form), it went on to call on all governments to urgently work together to
implement a retail ban on non-prescription e-cigarettes (p. 1).
The Government estimates
that while there may be initial costs associated with implementation of the new
measures, ‘in the long term there should be compliance savings as a result of
consolidation of relevant compliance agencies’ (p. 13). According to the Explanatory
Memorandum, the cost of implementing the proposed new measures are minimal
and will be met through existing departmental resources (p. 13).
Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights
As required under Part 3 of the Human Rights
(Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011, the Government has assessed the
Bills’ compatibility with the human rights and freedoms recognised or declared
in the international instruments listed in section 3 of that Act.
The Government states that the Bills collectively engage
the following rights:
In addition, the Main Bill engages the following rights:
- Right
to freedom of opinion—Article 19(1) of the ICCPR
- Right
to take part in public affairs or elections—Article 25 of the ICCPR
- Right
to privacy—Article 17 of the ICCPR
- Right
to a fair trial and fair hearing rights—Article 14(1) of the ICCPR
- Right
to a presumption of innocence—Article 14(2) of the ICCPR.
The Government considers that the Bills are compatible
because to the extent the Bills limit human rights, those limitations are
reasonable, necessary and proportionate.[2]
Australia is a signatory to the
World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and the Government
also considers
that the legislation is consistent with FCTC implementation
guidelines and is supporting Australia to meet its international
obligations (p. 16).
Joint Committee on Human Rights
The Committee had yet to report on the Bill at the time of
writing of this Digest.
Key issues and provisions
Consolidation of legislation
The Main Bill and associated regulations will consolidate
- Tobacco
Plain Packaging Act
- Tobacco
Plain Packaging Regulations
- Tobacco
Advertising Prohibition Act
- Tobacco
Advertising Prohibition Regulation
- Trade
Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) (Reduced Fire Risk Cigarettes)
- Trade
Practices Act 1974 – Consumer Protection Notice No. 10 of 1991 – Permanent Ban
on Goods
- Competition
and Consumer (Tobacco) Information Standard.
As noted above,
one of the issues highlighted in the thematic review was a perceived lack of
consistency between Commonwealth and state and territory tobacco control
consultation paper on the exposure draft of the Bill stated that ‘the proposed reforms do not limit the operation of state or
territory laws relating to tobacco control, where those laws can operate
concurrently. It is expected that Commonwealth and state and territory tobacco
control laws will continue to operate alongside each other’ (p. 8). In its
submission on the draft exposure legislation the PHAA expressed the view
that ‘nothing in the new Commonwealth scheme should in any way detract from
[state and territory] legislative systems’ (p. 5).
Exclusion for therapeutic goods
Under subclauses
9(5) and 11(5) of the Main Bill, a tobacco product or e-cigarette will
continue to be not classed as a tobacco product or e-cigarette so long as it is
included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG); that is, if it is a smoking
cessation device.
The Main Bill
will also introduce new definitions for ‘tobacco product accessory’ and
‘e-cigarette accessory’ (clauses 10 and 12). For example, a ‘tobacco
product accessory’ would include crush balls/capsules (which add a
flavour or substance to a tobacco product when crushed by the user) and novel
cigarette filters which make products more attractive to current smokers and
attract new users. A tobacco product
accessory or e-cigarette accessory will also not be classed as a tobacco
product or e-cigarette so long as it is included on the ARTG (subclauses 10(5)
and 12(4)). This also means that such products included on the ARTG are not
captured by the advertising restrictions in Chapter 2 of the Main Bill.
Although nicotine vaping products may be prescribed for
smoking cessation, they have
not been approved by the TGA for this or any other therapeutic purpose and
are therefore not included on the ARTG. The TGA notes that there are
established pathways for consumers to legally access unapproved nicotine vaping
products, with a valid prescription, which include the Authorised Prescriber
Scheme, Special Access Scheme and the Personal Importation Scheme.[3]
Some commentators have
argued that current restrictions applied to nicotine liquid and nicotine
vaping products amount to a de facto prohibition on these products. This, they
maintain, has led to few doctors being prepared to prescribe nicotine vaping
products for smoking cessation purposes and the diversion of users to ‘a
thriving illicit market’.
Tobacco and
e-cigarette advertising and sponsorships
Chapter 2 of the Bill sets out a general prohibition on
advertising and sponsorship for regulated tobacco and e-cigarette products.
Currently, the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act and
Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Regulation regulate advertising, promotion and
sponsorship of tobacco products. These provisions will now be incorporated into
the Main Bill and associated regulations, though they have been amended to
expand the scope of the prohibitions. In particular, clause 30 of the
Main Bill provides that a person publishes a tobacco advertisement if the
person uses any means of communication to make it available to the public. This
means that the prohibition will now apply to tobacco advertising on the
internet and other forms of electronic media and will capture other forms of
media in the future. Subclause 30(4) clarifies that material is
considered to have been communicated to the public where it has been
communicated at a private event/function for the purpose of promoting smoking
or tobacco products/manufacturers.
The provisions in proposed parts 2.4 and 2.5 of Chapter 2
of the Main Bill will also expand the advertising and sponsorship prohibitions
to e-cigarette products. Clause 43 defines
e-cigarette advertisement to mean any form of communication,
recommendation or action that promotes or is likely to promote, whether
directly or indirectly, vaping, an e-cigarette product or the use of such a
product. According to the consultation
paper on the exposure drafts of the Bills, this definition is based on that
for a tobacco advertisement which is based on the WHO FCTC definition of that
term (p. 9).
The Government will also have the power to make
regulations prescribing a kind of material to be either a tobacco advertisement
or e-cigarette advertisement (subclauses 20(6) and 43(6)). Contraventions
of the tobacco and e-cigarette advertising and sponsorship provisions will give
rise to a fault-based offence, an offence of strict liability and a civil
penalty provision. There are also a number of exceptions provided for in the
legislation, including for government or political matters (clause 26),
or the publication in certain circumstances of material relating to a
news/current event report (clause 28).
advertising and sponsorships
Because e-cigarettes are a comparatively recent invention
research on many aspects of the devices is not extensive. Nevertheless, according
to Elizabeth Greenhalgh and Michelle Scollo there is mounting evidence that
e-cigarette advertising is effective, in the sense that it results in young
people having ‘more positive attitudes toward, greater curiosity about and
higher intention to use the products, as well as reductions in their perceptions
of health risks of e-cigarette use’. There is also evidence of an association
between e-cigarette marketing exposure and increased use of e-cigarettes.
In light of such evidence, and concerns that e-cigarettes
may act as a gateway to young people taking up smoking and help to re-normalise
smoking, public health experts and other commentators have been calling
for bans on the promotion of e-cigarettes in Australia since 2015. Public
health experts and the AMA have
argued that the advertising of e-cigarettes should be subject to the same
restrictions as are applied to tobacco cigarettes—that is, that there should be
no advertising of these products at all.
Such measures would appear to have strong public support.
Based on National
Drug Strategy Household Survey data, in 2019 over two-thirds of Australians
supported restrictions on where and when e-cigarettes can be advertised (p. 13).
While the prohibition on both e-cigarette and tobacco
advertisements and sponsorships applies to any means of communication—including
the internet, which is where most e-cigarette advertising occurs—this is likely
to prove difficult to enforce. In their submissions on the draft legislation
both the AMA
and PHAA acknowledge
this, with the former organisation calling for further information on how the
claims made by online e-cigarette retailers would be regulated and enforced.
The RACGP has
observed ‘it is not clear how the proposed advertising and sponsorship
provisions will address emerging forms of media such as product placement in
social media sites that are hosted overseas, for example TikTok. It is unclear
what process of enforcement can be imposed on such overseas based sites
promoting tobacco products to Australia’. The RACGP also noted that the
enforcement of the relevant regulations would require funding and sought
further clarity regarding which Commonwealth body/agency would have the role of
monitoring and enforcement.
Tobacco sponsorship for political
donations and electoral expenditure
Under Article
5.3 of the WHO FCTC implementation guidelines, Australia is obliged to ensure
that efforts to protect tobacco control from commercial and other vested
interests of the tobacco industry are comprehensive and effective. Priority
Area 1 of the National Tobacco Strategy 2023–2030 specifies a number of actions ‘to further
implement Australia’s obligations under Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC’ (p. 12).
One of these
actions—action 1.4—requires that Australian governments ‘develop and implement
measures to prohibit contributions from the tobacco industry and those working
to further its interests to political parties, candidates or campaigns; or to
require full disclosures of such contributions’ (p. 13). The Main Bill
explicitly makes exceptions for tobacco and e-cigarette sponsorship in relation
to political donations and electoral expenditure (clauses 40 and 67). As
such, the Government has chosen the latter of the two actions specified.
Currently, the Nationals are the only major federal political
party that accepts donations from the tobacco industry. In the lead up to the 2013
Federal Election the ALP made a commitment, if re-elected, to amend the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 ‘to ban donations from tobacco companies
to Australian political parties and candidates’.
In their
submissions to the consultation on the exposure draft legislation the PHAA, the AMA, and the RACGP all expressed the view that political donations from tobacco companies
should be entirely prohibited. However, the PHAA observed that ‘the proper
forum to decide such legislative policy should be through the provisions of the
Commonwealth Electoral Act’ and that ‘a live debate about banning donations
from tobacco and several other unhealthy business sectors is ongoing’ (p. 6).
In its submission the AMA suggested that, in the absence of a ban on political
donations, the reporting and information disclosure requirements set out in
Chapter 5 of the Bill and the Regulations should be expanded. It felt that the
term ‘lobbying’ (at paragraph 133(3)(e)) ought to be defined in
legislation and the required reporting expanded to specifically include ‘direct
and indirect lobbying to political and government leaders and staff’ (p. 5).
Neither of these suggestions were adopted by the Government.
Packaging changes
Chapter 3 of the Bill proposes to incorporate existing
requirements in the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act relating to packaging of
tobacco products, along with several additional measures aimed at reducing the
appeal of tobacco products, including:
- allowing
the regulations to prescribe additional requirements for tobacco products relating
to the number of units, weight and volume of a tobacco product and the pricing
of tobacco products (clause 76)
- prohibiting
the inclusion of prohibited tobacco product accessories (clause 81),
including those that alter, or are capable of altering, the flavour or smell of
a tobacco product (clause 91)
- requiring
health promotion inserts in packs and pouches (clause 82)
- updating
and improving graphic health warnings on packaging (clause 78)
- restricting
the use of flavours and additives (clause 87)
- limiting
the use of appealing brand and variant names (defined as prohibited terms) that
imply reduced harm (clauses 73, 77 and 85).
information on the Government’s rationale for, and evidence supporting, each of the new requirements is provided
at pages 3–12 of the Explanatory Memorandum.
While plain
packaging has been found to be effective, a number of stakeholders who engaged
in the thematic review argued that the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act and Tobacco
Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 could be strengthened through the introduction of requirements that
would further reduce the appeal of cigarettes to smokers or would-be smokers.
As noted above, such changes are considered necessary to respond to the tobacco
industry’s development of new products that challenge the objectives of plain
packaging requirements.
speaking, the requirements recommended by stakeholders and included in the Main
Bill (see above) would prevent the retail packaging of tobacco products from
misleading consumers about the harmful effects of smoking, increase the
effectiveness of health warnings incorporated in the retail packaging of
tobacco products, and further standardise cigarettes to reduce their appeal to
In its submission on the exposure draft legislation the AMA indicated that it
supported the packaging and product requirements set out in the Bill and the
regulations. The AMA also welcomed the requirement for the addition of health
promotion inserts into tobacco product packaging (under the proposed regulations)
(p. 4). The RACGP similarly endorsed all the proposed packaging and product requirements,
singling out as essential the prohibition on terminology used to imply that
tobacco products are less harmful or safer.
reporting and information disclosure requirements
The provisions in Chapter 5 of the Bill will require
certain manufacturers and importers of tobacco products (defined as reporting
entities in clause 130) to provide to the Secretary of the
Department of Health and Aged Care the following reports every financial year:
- a
report identifying the ingredients used in manufacturing tobacco products (clause
- a
report providing information relating to the volume of tobacco products
imported into, or sold and supplied in Australia (clause 132)
- a
report providing information about the entity’s marketing and promotional
expenditure (clause 133).
A reporting entity may combine these reports into one
report for the relevant financial year and the Secretary, by notifiable
instrument may determine that a reporting entity is not required to provide one
or more reports (clauses 138 and 134).
The Minister must publish each report provided by a
reporting entity unless they are satisfied that it would not be appropriate to
do so (the Minister must not publish information that is a trade secret or has
a commercial value that would or could be destroyed if the information was
disclosed) (clause 145).
Contraventions of the reporting requirements give rise to
a fault-based offence, an offence of strict liability and a civil penalty
provision (clause 148). The Minister will also have the power to publish
information about failures to comply with the requirements, including the
identity of the reporting entity (clause 147).
Following the Government’s announcement of its proposed
new tobacco control measures tobacco control researcher Becky Freeman welcomed
the possibility of increased industry reporting requirements. In Freeman’s
view, the ‘higher degree of mandated tobacco industry transparency and
reporting’ could potentially ‘make further reforms faster and more responsive’.
This, she argues, is essential given that:
Public health is always lagging behind tobacco industry
marketing and sales innovations. Requiring the industry to fully report its
marketing activities, rather than spending time and resources trying to track
these activities is far more efficient.