Whats New in Statistics . . . June

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon

In this month’s release: homicides in Australia and an article about rental comparisons in regional and capital city areas.

Forthcoming releases

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.

  Statistical reports Release date
AIHW Younger people in residential aged care 4 June
ABS Business Indicators, March 2024 4 June
ABS Government Finance Statistics, March 2024 4 June
ABS Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, March 2024 4 June
ABS Retail Trade, April 2024 4 June
ABS Mineral and Petroleum Exploration, March 2024 4 June
JSA Nowcast of Employment by Region and Occupation, May 2024  5 June
ABS Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, March 2024 5 June
ABS National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing, 2020–2022 5 June
AIHW Deaths in Australia: General Record of Incidence of Mortality (Grim) books: Mortality Over Regions and Time (MORT) Books (updates) 6 June
AIHW What do Australians Die From? (New release) 6 June
ABS Weekly Payroll Jobs, Week ending 11 May 2024 6 June
ABS Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers, March 2024 6 June
ABS Lending Indicators, April 2024 6 June
ABS Corrective Services, March Quarter 2024 6 June
ABS Building Approvals, April 2024 6 June
ABS International Trade in Goods, April 2024 6 June
ABS Multiple job-holders, March 2024 7 June
ABS Labour Account, March 2024 7 June
ABS Monthly Household spending indicator, April 2024 7 June
ABS Total Value of Dwellings, March Quarter 2024 11 June
ABS Monthly Business Turnover Indicator, April 2024 11 June
ABS Industrial Disputes, March 2024 12 June
ABS Overseas Arrivals and Departures, April 2024 12 June
ABS Research and Experimental Development, Government and Private Non-Profit Oorganisations, 2022–23 12 June
AIHW National Bowel Cancer Screening Program Monitoring Report, 2023 13 June
ABS National, State and Territory Population, December 2023 13 June
ABS Labour Force, May 2024 13 June
AIHW Injury in Australia, 2022–23 14 June
ABS Tourism Satellite Accounts: Quarterly Tourism Labour Statistics, Australia, Experimental Estimates, March 2024 14 June
AIHW Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations 20 June
ABS Labour Force, May 2024 20 June
ABS Innovation in Australian Business, 2022–23 20 June
ABS Education Statistics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, 2021 25 June
ABS National Health Survey: State and Territory Findings, 2022 25 June
ABS National Health Survey, 2022 25 June
ABS Migrant Settlement Outcomes, 2024 26 June
ABS Engineering Construction Activity, March 2024 26 June
ABS Monthly Consumer Price Index Indicator, May 2024 26 June
AIHW Australia’s Health, 2024 27 June
ABS Labour Force (Detailed), May 2024 27 June
ABS Recorded Crime–Victims, 2023 27 June
ABS Job Vacancies, May 2024 27 June
ABS Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth, March 2024 27 June
ABS Provisional Mortality Statistics, Jan–Mar 2024 28 June
ABS Household and Family Projections, 2021–2046 28 June

(a) Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA)

Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.


Recent reports

Homicide in Australia, 2022–23 (Australian Institute of Criminology)

  • The National Homicide Monitoring Program is Australia’s only national data collection on homicide incidents, victims and offenders. Between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023, there were 232 incidents of homicide, with 247 victims and 260 identified offenders.
  • 90%, or 208 of the 232 homicide incidents were cleared at the time of reporting[1].
  • During this period, there were 79 incidents of domestic homicide (34% of all homicide incidents), 64 incidents of acquaintance homicide (28%) and 34 incidents of stranger homicide (15%).
  • Of domestic homicides, 38 incidents were intimate partner homicide, with 34 (89%) of these incidents perpetrated against a female victim.


  • The homicide victimisation rate in 2022–23 was 0.93 per 100,000, a slight increase when compared to 2021–22 (0.90 per 100,000). However, it is the third lowest victimisation rate recorded since 1989–90, with the victimisation rate declining overall by 52% since 1989–90.
  • On average, one woman is killed every 11 days and one man is killed every 91 days (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)).
  • Male homicide victims were most likely to be killed by a friend, an acquaintance or some other known person who was not a family member (39%). In comparison, almost half of female homicide victims (49%) were killed by a current or former intimate partner, with a further 17% killed by another family member.
  • Of the 84 domestic homicide victims in 2022–23:
    • 38 were killed by an intimate partner
    • 46 were killed by a family member.
  • There were 49 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims of homicide, comprising 20% of homicide victims in 2022–23.


  • Of the 260 homicide offenders, 68% perpetrated the homicide alone, an increase from 58% in the previous year. The remaining 32% committed the homicide with at least one co-offender.
  • Males comprised the majority of offenders in 2022–23 (87% (225)).
  • In 2022–23, most primary homicide offenders of cleared incidents were male (88%) and of these, 35% (64) committed a domestic homicide, most often against a current or former intimate partner. Over half of female primary offenders (58% (15)) also committed a domestic homicide.

Further data and sources on Domestic and Family Violence: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Dashboard


Article: Private Rent Inflation: Capital Cities vs Regions (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

From July 2022, the ABS has incorporated a new data source to measure the rents series in the quarterly CPI and monthly CPI indicator. The new dataset is updated monthly and includes over 600,000 private rental properties across both regional and capital city areas…

Capital city rental inflation has outpaced regional areas from March 2023 onwards. Rent price indices for capital city vs regional areas show that the overall increase in rents in capital cities since 2019 is still lower than the increase in regional rents over the same period.

Additional reading: New insights into the rental market

Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population? Each month the Parliamentary Library publishes a Flagpost article listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list includes important upcoming ABS releases and reports from other research organisations and government departments.


[1] A homicide incident is defined as cleared when one or more offenders have been charged with a homicide offence, or the offender who would have been charged with a homicide offence died prior to arrest or the incident or was cleared by other means (such as legal intervention). Information on homicide offenders is only collected for offenders from cleared homicide incidents.