What’s new in statistics . . . April

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon-Davies

This month: women and property, road accidents involving heavy vehicles and poverty in Australia.

Statistics releases in April 2022

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.

Statistical reports Release date
AIHW Congenital Anomalies, 2016 1 April
ABS Lending Indicators, February 2022 1 April
ABS Retail Trade, Australia, February 2022 4 April
ANZ Australian Job Advertisements, March 2022 4 April
AIHW Use of emergency departments for lower urgency care, 2015–16 to 2019–20: update 6 April
ABS Causes of Death, Australia–Updated Information 6 April
AIHW Falls in older Australians 2019–20: hospitalisations and deaths among people aged 65 and over 7 April
ABS Building Approvals, Australia, February 2022 7 April
ABS International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia, February 2022 7 April
ABS Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, 12 March 2022 7 April
ABS Monthly Business Turnover Indicator 8 April
ABS Language Statistics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 11 April
AIHW Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Australia, 2016–2020 12 April
ABS Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, February 2022 12 April
ABS Building Activity, Australia, December 2021 13 April
ABS Labour Force, Australia, March 2022 14 April
AIHW Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in Australia–data updates 20 April
ABS Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, March 2022 21 April
ABS Australia’s Population by Country of Birth, June 2021 26 April
ABS Government Finance Statistics, Australia, 2020–21 26 April
ABS Government Finance Statistics, Education, Australia, 2020–21 26 April
ABS Taxation Revenue, Australia, 2020–21 26 April
ABS Consumer Price Index, Australia, March 2022 27 April
ABS International Trade Price Indexes, Australia, March 2022 28 April
ABS Household Income and Wealth, Australia, 2019–20 28 April
ABS International Merchandise Trade: Confidential Commodities List, March 2022 28 April
ABS Provisional Mortality Statistics, January 2022 28 April
NCVER International onshore VET qualification completer outcomes 2021 28 April
ABS Producer Price Indexes, Australia, March 2022 29 April

Please contact the Library if you would like to see further information on any of these releases. Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.

New reports

Women and Property: One year on (CoreLogic)

Did you know …

In 2021, 28.3% of property purchases were by female owners, up from 27.4% in 2020 and 27.3% of purchases in 2019. The portion of male purchases declined, from 29.6% in 2020 to 28.7% of purchases in 2021. The past decade has seen an average of 42.9% of joint male and female purchases, down slightly from the previous decade average of 43.5%

Road Trauma Involving Heavy Vehicles (BITRE)

Did you know …

In 2020, 177 people were killed in crashes involving heavy trucks. This is a decrease of 6.8% compared with the total in 2019. Light vehicle occupants account for approximately 56.0% of the total fatalities involving heavy trucks for 2020. Heavy truck occupants account for 18.0%.

Approximately 260 bus occupants are hospitalised (2013–18) from crashes each year. Of these, around 21% were categorised with high threat to life injuries.

Other reports of interest:

Statistics of the month

Behind the line, Poverty and disadvantage in Australia 2022 (Focus on the States Series), (Bankwest Curtin Economic Centre)

‘Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre Focus on the States report provides the latest examination of the prevalence of poverty within Australia, how this has changed over time, and which groups in society face the greatest risks of financial hardship and material deprivation.’

In summary:

  • Just under three million people in Australia are assessed to be in poverty in 2020. This represents 11.8% of the population and includes nearly 750,000 children.
  • Over a quarter of single parents are in poverty, with one in ten experiencing severe poverty.
  • Poverty is more pronounced for women than men, with larger gender differences in rates of poverty for young women and women aged 55 and over.
  • Joblessness is a key driver of poverty, particularly for single people and people living in large families.
  • Single people in severe poverty have to live on less than $150 per week after housing costs are paid.
  • The poorest couples in Australia survive on less than $270 per week.
  • 1.5 million renters in Australia are in poverty, with the poorest families left with no more than $150 per week after housing costs are paid.

Table 1: Poverty rates and counts by states and territories, 2020

                      Income poverty rates and numbers
       Households          Persons        Children
        No. % rank       No. % rank       No. % rank
NSW 453,000 14.8   5 913,800 11.4   6 231,100 13.6   4
VIC 354,900 13.9   7 716,100 10.9   7 164,900 11.6   6
QLD 315,600 16.1   4 676,400 13.5   1 193,800 17.3   2
SA 129,900 17.9   1 220,300 12.8   4   48,900 13.2   5
WA 162,100 16.1   4 325,700 12.8   4   85,800 16.6   3
TAS   38,400 16.4   2   62,400 11.8   5   17,100 14.1   7
NT (a)     9,700 14.7   6   24,700 13.3   2   10,800 18.5   1
ACT (a)   14,000   8.2   8   22,600   5.4   8     4,900   8.6   8

(a) Due to smaller sample sizes, NT and ACT figures are averaged over two years, 2019 to 2020. Poverty calculations are based on real equivalised household disposable incomes, after housing costs. Nil and negative incomes are excluded from poverty calculations. Housing costs included mortgage repayments, rent and property rates.

Source: Duncan A, Behind the Line: Poverty and disadvantage in Australia 2022, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre Focus on the States Series, March 2022 p. 22.

According to the report, ‘persistent poverty is shown to be damaging to health and wellbeing.’

  • People in poverty for at least five of the last ten years are three times more likely to suffer acute mental stress compared to people who have never experienced poverty.
  • The psychological trauma from persistent poverty rises more steeply for women than for men in most age groups.
  • Poverty scars children and affects their economic, social and health outcomes in adulthood.

Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population?

Each month the Parliamentary Library will publish a Flagpost article listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list will include important upcoming releases from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as well as other research organisations and government departments.