What's new in Statistics . . . March 2022

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon-Davies

This month: recorded crime and business conditions and sentiments.

Statistics releases in March

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.

  Statistical reports Release date
ABS Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia, September 2021 1 Mar
NVCER Government-Funded Students and Courses, January to September 2021 1 Mar
ABS Government Finance Statistics, Australia, December 2021 1 Mar
ABS Lending Indicators, January 2022 1 Mar
ABS Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, December 2021 2 Mar
ABS Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers, December 2021 3 Mar
ABS Building Approvals, January 2022 3 Mar
ABS International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia, January 2022 3 Mar
ABS Managed Funds, Australia, December 2021 3 Mar
ABS Retail Trade, Australia, January 2022 4 Mar
ABS Labour Account Australia, December 2021 9 Mar
AIHW Australian Burden of Disease Study 2018: Interactive data on risk factor burden among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 10 Mar
ABS Corrective Services, Australia, December Quarter 2021 10 Mar
ABS Building Approvals, January 2022 (Additional Information) 10 Mar
ABS Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, Week ending 12 February 2022 10 Mar
ABS Industrial Disputes, Australia, December 2021 10 Mar
ABS Work-Related Training and Adult Learning, Australia, 2020–21 11 Mar
ABS Residential Property Price Indexes: Eight Capital Cities, December 2021 15 Mar
ABS Monthly Business Turnover, January 2022 15 Mar
ABS Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, January 2022 16 Mar
ABS National, state and territory population, September 2021 17 Mar
ABS Labour Force, Australia, February 2022 17 Mar
AIHW Oral health and dental care in Australia 17 Mar
ABS Tourism Satellite Accounts: quarterly tourism labour statistics, Australia, experimental estimates, September 2021 18 Mar
AIHW Use of emergency departments for lower urgency care: 2015–16 to 2020–21 18 Mar
AIHW Potentially preventable hospitalisations in Australia by small geographic areas, 2019–20 18 Mar
AIHW OECD Health Care Quality Outcome Indicators, Australia 2021 22 Mar
ABS Personal Fraud, Australia, 2020–21 financial year 23 Mar
AIHW Hospitalised sports injury in Australia, 2019–20 23 Mar
AIHW Epilepsy in Australia 24 Mar
ABS Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, February 2022 24 Mar
AIHW Mental Health Services in Australia 25 Mar
ABS Regional Population, 2020–21 29 Mar
ABS Retail Trade, Australia, February 2022 29 Mar
ABS Provisional Mortality Statistics, January 2020–December 2021 30 Mar
ABS Engineering Construction Activity, Australia, December 2021 30 Mar
ABS International Merchandise Trade: Confidential Commodities List, February 2022 30 Mar
AIHW National Opioid Pharmacotherapy Statistics Annual Data collection 30 Mar
AIHW Youth Justice in Australia, 2020–21 31 Mar
ABS Building Approvals, February 2022 31 Mar
ABS Job Vacancies, Australia, February 2022 31 Mar
ABS Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth, December 2021 31 Mar
NVCER Apprentice and Trainees, September Quarter 2021 31 Mar
RBA Housing Lending Rates, January 2022  31 Mar

Please contact the Library if you would like to see further information on any of these releases. Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.

New reports

Recorded Crime – Offenders (ABS)

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 202021:

  • there were 359,975 offenders proceeded against by police in Australia
  • the offender rate was the lowest since the time series began in 2008-09
  • there were 29,218 offenders proceeded against for COVID19 related offences.

The three most common principal offences were:

  • acts intended to cause injury, with 82,942 offenders (23%)
  • illicit drug offences, with 62,698 offenders (17%)
  • public order offences, with 38,151 offenders (11%).

These offences have consistently been the three most common offence types since 201213.


There were 80,496 offenders proceeded against by police for at least one family and domestic violence (FDV) related offence in 202021, an increase of 7% since the previous year. This was around 1-in-5 (22%) offenders recorded nationally.

Other reports of interest:

Statistics of the month

Business Conditions and Sentiments (ABS)

The Business Conditions and Sentiments report, the first to be released since June 2021, provides insights into the conditions and sentiments of Australian businesses during the current pandemic. Data collection was conducted through a telephone-based business survey between 27 January and 4 February 2022. The survey includes Employing and Non-Employing Units on the ABS Business Register. However, micro non-employing businesses are excluded.

Key statistics:

  • More than 1-in-5 (22%) employing businesses had staff who were unavailable to work due to issues related to COVID-19 in January 2022. Large businesses were more likely than medium and small businesses to report employees being unavailable (65% compared with 54% and 20%)
  • More than 2-in-5 businesses in Information media and telecommunications (45%), Rental, hiring and real estate services (44%) and Accommodation and food services (41%) had reduced staff availability due to COVID-19.
  • Nearly half (47%) of all businesses are currently experiencing supply chain disruptions, an increase compared to April 2021 (30%):
  • In January 2022, 18% of employing businesses did not have enough employees based on current operations, compared to 19% in June 2021 and 12% in March 2021. Those with insufficient employees reported on factors that were influencing the number of staff:

Chart 1: factors influencing the number of employees for businesses with insufficient staff, January 2022

Note:  Businesses could select more than one response.

Source: ABS, Business Conditions and Sentiments, January 2022 (Canberra 2022)

Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population?

Each month the Parliamentary Library will publish a Flag Post listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list will include important upcoming releases from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as well as other research organisations and government departments.