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Meet Our Tradespeople

David, Executive Chef

David - meet our tradespeople

David is the Director and Executive Chef of Catering and Events for the Commercial Operations branch at Australian Parliament House.

A hatted Chef, David oversees a massive food service operation that feeds many thousands of people each year. This includes parliamentarians, staff that support the Parliament, distinguished guests and dignitaries, and members of the public.

If you are considering launching a career as a chef or pâtissier, David encourages everyone who is creative and passionate about food to apply – you’ll learn from industry leading professionals as you develop your skills and knowledge. We have state of the art commercial food production equipment as an added bonus. 

David says working at Parliament House, you’ll be surrounded by the iconic architecture and a unique atmosphere where every day is different and get the opportunity to use local and regional produce in a range of event settings.

Kaela, Landscape Services


Kaela works in our Landscape Services team to improve and maintain the gardens of Parliament House.

As part of a team, Kaela helped to design the annual flower displays in one of the courtyards as well as pot plant displays on the Queen’s Terrace. She enjoys being able to learn from knowledgeable colleagues in her team and has taken advantage of opportunities to add to her skill set with extra training. 

Kaela says anyone considering a job in the horticulture industry should think about applying for the Apprenticeship Program. If you have a passion for the environment, gardening and plants, you might find your dream job at Parliament House. During the interview process, Kaela says its best to be yourself and show your enthusiasm for the trade.

Kaela completed her apprenticeship at Parliament House in 2022. Since then, she has gone on to complete further training in Integrated Pest Management and tree felling.

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