Senate training programs

In 2024 the Department of the Senate is offering targeted training programs for public servants and representatives from not-for-profit organisations. Sessions will be offered in-person and online. See further information about registrations and visiting Parliament House.

APS training

Introductory session: 

Not-for-profit training

The Senate is introducing online training programs targeted at not-for-profit organisations whose work involves understanding, monitoring or interacting with the Senate. Further information about registrations and visiting Parliament House is included below the session outlines.

List of not-for-profit organisation sessions: (online)

APS training


Senate fundamentals

10.00 am–1.00 pm

This session is designed to provide public servants who may be unfamiliar with the Senate with an introduction to the Senate’s role, work and functions. It examines the Senate’s Constitutional powers and includes an overview of how the Senate’s legislative and scrutiny work is carried out in the chamber and through Senate committees. Participants will learn how to access information to assist them in monitoring and understanding the Senate’s work.

Format: Online and in-person
Cost: $360 per person

Target audience: APS Graduates and those new to the public service

Dates: 20 February23 July

The legislative process

10.00 am–1.00 pm

This session is designed to give public servants a general understanding of the legislative process and provide some strategies for monitoring and facilitating the progress of bills through the Parliament. It provides an overview of the legislative process, including the amendment of bills, the role of Senate committees in reviewing legislation, disagreements between the two houses, and royal assent and commencement. It also addresses parliamentary consideration of delegated legislation.

Format: Online and in-person
Cost: $240 per person

Target audience: APS officers engaged in developing or monitoring legislation

Dates: 9 April15 October

Senate committees – Inquiry process

10.00 am–12.00 pm

This session is designed to introduce the Senate’s committee system to public servants who prepare submissions, evidence, or other information for Senate committees. It provides an overview of the powers and operation of different types of Senate committees. Participants will receive practical strategies for monitoring and engaging with different aspects of the committee process.

Format: Online and in-person
Cost: $240 per person

Target audience: APS officers who monitor or prepare submissions or briefings relating to Senate Committee inquiries

Dates: 5 March3 September

Senate committees  Estimates

10.00 am–12.00 pm

This session is designed to support public servants who monitor the estimates process or who prepare information for their department or agency for estimates. It takes a detailed look at the estimates cycle, including the questions on notice process, and provides users with practical skills and resources to engage in all aspects of the estimates process.

Format: Online and in-person
Cost: $240 per person

Target audience: APS officers who monitor or provide information for Senate estimates

Dates: 22 May30 October

Consideration of delegated legislation by the parliamentary scrutiny committees

10.00 am–12.00 pm

This session is designed to provide public servants involved in drafting delegated legislation and explanatory statements with practical guidance for working with the Senate Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation Committee and the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights. The session focuses on the expectations and work practices of the scrutiny committees in relation to delegated legislation.

Format: Online and in-person
Cost: $240 per person

Target audience: APS officers engaged in drafting and monitoring delegated legislation (and those interested in the work of the scrutiny committees)

Date: 23 April

Engaging with the Senate - Senior Executive Service training

10.00 am–12.30 pm

This session for SES officers focuses on the accountability of public servants to Parliament. Topics covered include the relationship between the public service, ministers, and the Parliament; the role of the Senate in the accountability process; parliamentary privilege as it relates to the operation of Senate committees and the estimates process. Participants will discuss the committee inquiry process, with particular focus on preparing written evidence and presenting oral evidence at committee hearings.

Format: Online and in-person
Cost: $360 per person

Target audience: Senior Executive Service officers

Dates: 21 May (in-person only and includes a mock hearing)29 October

Consideration of bills by the parliamentary scrutiny committees

10.00 am–12.00 pm

This session is aimed at those involved in developing primary legislation and accompanying explanatory materials. It focuses on the scrutiny principles and laws against which the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights and the Senate Scrutiny of Bills Committee assess legislation. It considers their expectations in relation to explanatory materials accompanying bills, their reporting processes, and the main sources of guidance and support for negotiating the passage of legislation through the legislative scrutiny process.

Format: Online and in-person
Cost: $160 per person 

Target audience: APS officers engaged in drafting or monitoring primary legislation (and those interested in the work of the scrutiny committees)

Date: 7 August

Not-for-profit training

Engaging with Senate committees

10.00 am–12.00 pm

This session is designed to introduce representatives from not-for-profit organisations to the Senate's committee system. It will explore the purposes, powers and operation of different types of committees. Participants will receive practical information about engaging with Senate committees including preparing submissions and providing evidence at committee hearings.

Format: Online
Cost: Free

Target audience: Representatives from not-for-profit organisations

Dates: 1 May23 October

Further information


All our training sessions, with the exception of one SES training, will be delivered in a hybrid format. Online sessions will be conducted via Microsoft Teams and you do not require a Teams account to participate. Links to online sessions and connection information will be provided to participants prior to the training. Details on attending training in-person will be sent once registrations have closed, five business days prior to the session date.  

For further information about in-person or online participation, please contact the Training Team on (02) 6277 3648 or by email to

Payment, cancellation and refund policy

Prices are current as of 14 December 2023.

All registrations, cancellations and amendments for training sessions close at 5 pm AEST five business days prior to the session date.

No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after these deadlines or for non-attendance.

Payment instructions will be issued once registrations have closed. Payment is due prior to attendance.

The Department reserves the right to cancel sessions at any time. In this event, participants will be advised of this cancellation as soon as possible and no fee will be charged.

Privacy statement

The Department of the Senate collects, holds and uses your personal information to administer the event that you have registered for and for associated support, and to respond to your enquiries or feedback.

The department may also use your details to inform you of other relevant training and events that are provided by the department.

The department will not share your details with any third parties.

By registering for an event, you consent to the department collecting, holding and using your personal information for the purposes outlined above.

Visiting Parliament House

Information about visiting Parliament House, including parking arrangements, accessibility and security screening, is available at

Booking and contact information

For bookings and further information, please contact the Senate Procedure and Research Section by email to or phone on (02) 6277 3648.

2024 Senate Training Program

Parliament House Calendar

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