
A petition is basically a request for action. The right to petition Federal Parliament has been one of the rights of citizens since federation, and it is the only way an individual can directly place grievances before the Parliament.

  • Senate Petitions

    The presentation of a petition to the Senate is a proceeding in Parliament and is protected by parliamentary privilege. The publication of a petition before presentation is not similarly protected. (See Chapter 2, Australian Senate Practice, Parliamentary Privilege, Circulation of petitions.)

What is a Petition?

Individuals and organisations may seek to have petitions presented to the Parliament. A petition expresses a point of view, usually on matters of public policy, and contains a request for action, or in some cases, not to take action. The right to petition Parliament has been one of the rights of citizens since Federation.

Each house of the Parliament has its own rules that documents must follow in order to be accepted as petitions.

Parliament House Calendar

December 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
26272829301 Other2
3 Both4 Both5 Both6 Both7 Other8 Other9
101112 Other13 Other14 Senate1516
17 Senate181920 Senate21 Senate2223
24 Public holiday25 Public holiday2627282930
31 Public holiday123456
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other