Appendix 1

Submissions received by the committee


1          Tasmanian Government

2          Dr Damien Riggs, Dr Heather Fraser and Dr Nik Taylor

3          Department of Social Services

4          Professor Suzanne Franzway, Professor Sarah Wendt, Dr Nicole Moulding, Dr Carole Zufferey, Professor Donna Chung, and Dr Alison Elder

5          Ms Gill Jeffery

6          Premier's Council for Women

7          Zonta Club of Adelaide

8          BPW South Australia

9          Australasian Centre for Human Rights and Health

10        Women's Health West

11        National Council of Women SA

12        Australian Baha'i Community

13        National Union of Students (NUS)

14        WEAVE Inc.

15        WIRE Women's Information

16        Victorian Health Promotion Foundation

17        Sex Workers Outreach Project Inc.

18        Dr Joan Garvan

19        The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

20        Darebin City Council

21        National Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services Forum

22        Junction Australia and Southern Domestic Violence Service

23        Victim Support Service

24        Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS)

25        The Australian Toy Association

26        Victorian Women's Trust

27        Victorian Council of Social Service

28        Monash City Council

29        Coalition for Women's Refuges (NSW)

30        One in Three Campaign

31        International Women's Development Agency

32        True Relationships and Reproductive Health

33        Australian Council on Children & the Media

34        Melbourne City Mission

35        Play Unlimited

36        Mr Neil Sloan

37        Justice Connect

38        Women's Health Victoria

39        Victorian Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby (VGLRL)

40        Burwood Council

41        Australian Human Rights Commission

42        Illawarra Forum

43        Bethlehem House Tasmania Inc.

44        Feminist Legal Clinic

45        Public Health Association of Australia

46        Australian Medical Association

47        Fighting For Justice Foundation

48        Mr Bruce Bickerstaff

49        Dr Kaye Quek

50        NSW Gay and Lesbian Lobby

51        Universities Australia

52        National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Legal Services

53        Good Shepherd

54        Australian Psychological Society

55        Change the Record Coalition

56        Sexual Violence Won't be Silenced

57        Ms Ludo McFerran and Ms Alexandra Heron

58        Women's Legal Services Australia

59        National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Women's Alliance

60        Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA)

61        The Law Society of New South Wales

62        Mr Albert Liao

63        Victims of Crime Assistance League Inc. NSW (VOCAL)

64        Redfern Legal Centre

65        White Ribbon Australia

66        Our Watch

67        Name Withheld

68        Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting)

69        Name Withheld

70        Fairness in Religions in Schools

71        Dr Chris Rikard-Bell

72        Collective Shout

73        Australian Christian Lobby

74        FamilyVoice Australia: A Christian voice for family, faith and freedom

75        NorMAC Nordic Model in Australia Coalition

76        Ms Paula Orbea

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