Appendix 2

Public hearings

Thursday, 16 March 2017, Sydney

Sydney Coastal Councils Group

     Ms Belinda Atkins, Manager, Projects and Programs

Surf Life Saving Australia

     Mr Shane Daw, Coastal Safety and Risk Manager

Surf Life Saving NSW

     Mr Brent Manieri, Australia Lifeguard Service Manager

     Mr Andy Kent, Lifesaving Manager

Department of the Environment and Energy

     Mr Matthew Cahill, First Assistant Secretary

     Ms Kim Farrant, Assistant Secretary, Assessment (NSW/ACT) and Fuel

     Mr Dane Roberts, Director, Northern NSW Assessments, Assessments (NSW/ACT) and Fuel

Friday, 17 March 2017, Sydney

Dr Christopher Neff – via teleconference

SEA LIFE Trust Australia/New Zealand

     Ms Claudette Rechtorik, Manager

CARDNO (New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory) Pty Ltd

     Dr Craig Blount, Senior Environmental Scientist

Australian Aerial Patrol

     Mr Duncan Leadbitter, Director

Surfrider Foundation Australia

     Mr Brendan Donohue, Northern Beaches Branch President

Mr Daniel Webber – Private capacity

Humane Society International

     Ms Nicola Beynon, Head of Campaigns

     Ms Jessica Morris, Marine Scientist

Shark Mitigation Systems Ltd – via teleconference

     Mr Richard Talmage, General Manager

Thursday, 20 April 2017, Perth

Surf Life Saving Western Australia

     Mr Chris Peck, General Manager – Lifesaving and Training

Sea Shepherd Australia

     Mr Jeff Hansen, Managing Director

     Ms Natalie Banks, Chief Advisor

Shark Shield Pty Ltd

     Mr Lindsay Lyon, Managing Director

Surfsafe Pty Ltd

     Mr David Smith, Chief Executive Officer

City of Joondalup

     Councillor Troy Pickard, Mayor

Professor Shaun Collin – Private capacity

Professor Jessica Jane Meeuwig – Private capacity

Mr Rick Gerring – Private capacity

Shark Alert

     Mr Chris Gurtler, Managing Director

Western Australian Department of Fisheries

     The Hon David Kelly MLA, Minister for Water; Minister for Fisheries and Minister for Forestry

     Mr Tony Cappelluti, Regional Manager, Metropolitan

     Dr Warrick Fletcher, Executive Director, Science and Research Assessment

Tuesday, 2 May 2017, Byron Bay

Mr John Heaton – Private capacity

Le-Ba Boardriders and Lennox Head National Surfing Reserve

Mr Don Munro, President, Le-Ba Boardriders; and Spokesperson, Lennox Head National Surfing Reserve

Mr Alan Charles Baldock – Private capacity

Beyond the Bite – via teleconference

     Mr Dale Carr, Member, Bite Club

Ballina Shire Council

     Councillor David Wright OAM, Mayor

     Mr John Truman, Group Manager, Civil Services

Byron Shire Council

     Councillor Simon Richardson, Mayor

Surfing Australia

     Mr Andrew Stark, Chief Executive Officer

Associate Professor Darryl McPhee – Private capacity

The Hon Ian Cohen – Private capacity

Migaloo 2 Foundation

     Mr Dean Jefferys, Founder

Professor Daniel Bucher – Private capacity

Australian Maritime Conservation Society

     Miss Tooni Mahto, Senior Marine Campaigner

Ms Jann Gilbert – Private capacity

Ms Caitlin Weatherstone – Private capacity

Australian Seabird Rescue Inc

     Ms Kathrina Southwell, General Manager

     Mrs Rochelle Catherine Ferris, Projects and Research Manager

Sunshine Coast Environment Council

     Miss Leah Hays, Coordinator

     Mr Chad Latham Buxton, Marine Scientist and Volunteer

Friday, 28 July 2017, Perth

Miss Amanda Elizabeth Morgan – Private capacity

Australian Hotels Association (WA)

     Mr Bradley Woods, Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director

     Ms Clare McPherson, Research and Policy Analyst

Dr Sharon Burden – Private capacity

Mr Leon Deschamps – Private capacity

Mrs Rebecca Clough – Private capacity

Mr Ian Wiese – Private capacity via teleconference

Mr Paul Collier – Private capacity

Mr Russell Morey – Private capacity

Shark Shield Pty Ltd

     Mr Lindsay Lyon, Managing Director

Mr Blair Ranford – Private capacity via teleconference

Surfsafe Pty Ltd

     Mr David Smith, Chief Executive Officer

Monday, 31 July 2017, Brisbane

Dr Leah Gibbs – Private capacity

Dr Jan-Olaf Meynecke – Private capacity

Coolum and North Shore Coast Care

     Mr Chad Buxton, Admin Officer/Volunteer

     Ms Kellie Lindsay, Support Person

Mr Fred Pawle – Private capacity

Tag For Life – via teleconference

     Mr Kent Stannard, Founder and Trustee

Dorsal – via teleconference

     Mr Alan Bennetto


     Mr Tony Isaacson

Tuesday, 29 August 2017, Cairns

Mr Paul O'Dowd – Private capacity

Wednesday, 30 August 2017, Townsville

Professor Colin Simpfendorfer – Private capacity

Friday, 20 October 2017, Canberra

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

     Dr Peter Thompson, Acting Research Director

     Professor Nic Bax, Senior Principal Research Scientist

     Russell Bradford, Senior Experimental Scientist

Tuesday, 14 November 2017, Canberra

Department of the Environment and Energy

     Mr James Tregurtha, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Environment Standards Division

     Mr Geoff Richardson, Assistant Secretary, Protected Species and Communities Branch, Biodiversity Conservation Division

     Ms Lesley Gidding-Reeve, Director, Marine and Freshwater Species Conservation Section, Biodiversity Conservation Division

     Mr Dane Roberts, Director, Northern New South Wales Assessments Section, Environment Standards Division

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