House of Representatives Committees

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Appendix C Petition requests

“Your petitioners therefore request the House…”

No. of petitions


Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry




·         Prohibit the establishment of a nuclear irradiation facility or X-Ray or Electron beam irradiation facility at any location in Australia;

·         Ban the import, export and sale of irradiated food in Australia

·         Call on the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Council and the Australian New Zealand Food Authority to amend Standards A-17 and 1.5.3—Irradiation of Foods in the Food Standards Code to ban food irradiation outright in Australia and New Zealand.                                                                                              12 February 2007



Arts and Sport




(a) Acknowledge the need for any firearms legislation enacted by the State, Territory or Federal Parliaments of the Commonwealth to be based upon robust, peer-reviewed evidence and to incorporate the New Zealand consultative model.

(b) Recognise international sports shooting events other than Olympic and Commonwealth events.

(c) Ensure that legislation provides our sports people are on a level playing field with international competitors.                             

18 June 2007



Communications, Information Technology and the Arts



To investigate the need for an Australia Post outlet at the Timbarra Shopping Centre in Berwick                                        12 February 2007



To investigate the need for an Australia Post agency at the Parkhill Shopping Centre in Berwick                                        12 February 2007



To review Australia Post’s stance and support the provision of a PostPoint merchandising unit in the premises of the Balmain East Newsagency                                                              26 February 2007





To review the Telecommunications (Low-Impact Facilities) Determination 1997 under which such telecommunications infrastructure is erected 26 March 2007



To oppose any further attempts by the Liberal Party and Nationals to sell Telstra                                                                     26 March 2007



To support the replacement of the CDMA base station to provide mobile coverage in Buchan (Victoria) and district communities 26 March 2007



To reject any further sale of the Commonwealth’s shares in Telstra and that the annual profits be used for the benefit of all Australians           
21 May 2007



To vote against any legislation to allow further sale/privatisation or Private/Public/Partnership (PPP) of Telstra                        28 May 2007






To retain the 16th Air Defence Regiment at the Woodside Barracks in the Adelaide Hills                                                             12 February 2007



To disengage from planned involvement in the development, testing or operation of the United State’s Ballistic Missile Defence system and ensure that the Pine Gap joint communication facility will not be used in the Ballistic Missile Defence system. If this means closing this base, so be it.                                                         21 May 2007/28 May 2007



·         To put an end to the purchase and use of all uranium-containing weapons;

·         To allow scientists to freely investigate the human and environmental costs of the use of such weapons;

·         Immediately commence an independent study of all civilians in conflict zones and Australian combatants, to investigate the nature and extent of radiation and heavy metal sickness;

·         Grant immediate compensation for all combatants affected by radiation and heavy metal;

·         Commence an immediate clean up at the US, UK and Australian Government’s expense, of all areas contaminated with depleted uranium (DU) residue;

·         Provide information for the public on the sites were DU was used in Australia prior to 1990, and evidence of subsequent clean up efforts (if any);

·         Immediately end negotiations over the use of Australian land for weapons testing.                                      21 May 2007/28 May 2007




To persuade the Minister for Defence to reverse the decision to disband the Richmond based Air Command Band by January 2008                                                                          21 May 2007/18 June 2007



Employment and Workplace Relations



To ensure that the Howard Government:

·         Guarantees that no individual Australian employee will be worse off under proposed changes to the industrial relations system

·         Allows the national minimum wage to continue to be set annually by the independent umpire, the Australian Industrial Relations Commission

·         Guarantees that unfair dismissal law changes will not enable employers to unfairly sack employees.

·         Ensures that workers have the right to reject individual contracts and bargain for decent wages and conditions collectively.

·         Keeps in place safety nets for minium wages and conditions.

·         Adopt Federal Labor’s principles to a fair system based on the fundamental principles of minium standards, wages and conditions, safety nets, an independent umpire, the right to associate and the right to collectively bargain.

                                                       12 February 2007/26 March 2007/21 May 2007



Environment and Heritage



To call on the Government to take Japan to the International Court of Justice on behalf of our country and other smaller countries in the South Pacific who are impacted by Japan’s slaughter.                                                                                                          12 February 2007



To call on the Howard Government to:

·         Take all steps to prevent an increase in Japan’s “scientific research” quota at the International Whaling Commission meeting to be held in the Caribbean in June 2006;

·         Take all necessary legal steps to ensure Australian laws creating an Australian Whale Sanctuary in the Southern Ocean and making it an offence to kill or injure whales in Australian waters;

·         Challenge the legality of Japan’s abuse of the “scientific research” exemption to the ban on commercial whaling by taking a case to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.                                                                                                       12 February 2007



To heed our expectation that the National Government will become proactive by way of legislation, example and international leadership in achieving a major reduction in the production of CO2 and other atmospheric pollutants; in requiring resource consumption compatible with renewable certainties; and in countering the headlong drive for ‘economic development’ which threatens our survival.

We further expect that the National Government will devote its massive surplus to this end, rather than to transient expedients and that it will join other nations committee to the survival of the species, irrespective of the self indulgent stances adopted by less ethical nations.                                                                                                   26 March 2007



To establish one Federal body to control all inland waters associated with, and including the Murray River. That this single body will replace the Murray Darling Basin Ministerial Council. That this single body will change the fundamental water sharing rules to increase the “Living Murray” water flow to ensure that the yield and consumption of fresh water is managed at a sustainable level across the entire Murray Darling Basin, and to ensure that inefficiencies in the system are mitigated, and more economical and water efficient solutions are instigated to minimise wasteful irrigation practices.                                                                                                     26 March 2007



To reject any plans to send water from the Northern Rivers of the State of New South Wales to Queensland                                                                                                     21 May 2007/28 May 2007/18 June 2007



Legislate to commit Australia to the international effort to cut greenhouse gases by Immediately ratifying the Kyoto Protocol/ and help preserve the environment for present and future generations        

                                                                                       21 May 2007



To put in place the necessary legislation and funding to commence the Research and Development of Solar Power immediately    21 May 2007



Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs



To increase Federal Government Supported Accommodation Assistance Program funding so that services are able to meet unmet demand and be better resourced to help homeless persons and persons at risk of homelessness in and around Parramatta.

                                                                                                                 26 March 2007



To ensure that Centrelink is accountable for its actions in relation to assisting rather than hindering clients and their families who are seeking to establish their own small business while still on Commonwealth benefits                                                                           21 May 2007



To amend the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia to:

·         give full legal recognition to the marriage of David Douglass Mills and Evan Peter Gallagher equal to that given to valid different sex marriages;

·         extend full legal recognition to same sex marriages on the basis as that given to valid different sex marriages; and

·         remove all remaining distinctions between the recognition given to same sex couples and that given to different sex couples

                                                                                      18 June 2007



Foreign Affairs



To initiate a resolution to:

·         urge the Chinese Communist Party to release all Falun Gong practitioners and to give full access without impediment to the Coalition to Investigate Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG) to conduct an independent investigation into all jails 610 offices, labour camps, detention centres and related hospitals in China;

·         establish a Senate Committee into the allegation of organ harvesting;

·         inform and discourage Australian citizens from travelling to China for organ transplants, and prevent companies, institutions and individuals providing goods and services and training to China’s organ transplant programmes until such time as the CIPFG is satisfied that no organs have been taken by force against the will of the donor.                                  12 February 2007/26 March 2007




·         pay close attention to the safety of Australians, including Falun Gong practitioners, who face terrorist attacks by Jiang Zemin’s faction within the Chinese Government to help prevent such terrorist activities.

·         Co-operate with authorities in South Africa to thoroughly investigate [an] incident and bring to justice those responsible for this attempted murder                                         12 February 2007




To order the Australian military command within East Timor to arrest two fugitives [Major Alfredo Reinado and Commander Vicente Railos] so that they can be brought to trial for their alleged crimes.                                                                          12 February 2007/26 February 2007




To act immediately to bring David Hicks home to face an Australian court/To have David Hicks repatriated to Australia to be dealt with in accordance with Australian law and jurisprudence/To bring David Hicks home                                                       26 March 2007 & 21 May 2007



To condemn the statements made by the Iranian President; call on the Australian Government to:

·         Refer the incitements to, genocide by President Ahamdinejad and other Iranian leaders to the appropriate agencies of the United Nations for account;

·         Initiate in the International Court of Justice an inter-state complaint against Iran, for its criminal violation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide; and

·         Urge the United Nations to act against Iran’s threats towards the State of Israel; and

·         Affirm the principle that no country should be allowed to call for the elimination of another.         26 March 2007/21 May 2007/18 June 2007



To support Taiwan’s efforts to participate in the WHA and the WHO.

                                                                                                                 26 March 2007



Health and Ageing



To vote no on the Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction and the Regulation of Human Embryo Research Amendment Bill 2006 in order to protect the dignity of all human life and thus promote a humane, ethical and civilised Australian society                                   12 February 2007



To oppose the sale of Medibank Private

                                                                                   12 February 2007/21 May 2007



To improve our health system by reintroducing the Commonwealth Dental Scheme/to restore funding to public dental health; reduce waiting times for public dental health services; and train more public dentists.
                           12 February 2007/ 26 February 2007/26 March 2007/                                                                  21 May 2007/28 May 2007/18 June 2007



To ensure that mammograms are free to all woman in Australia regardless of age or medical history.               26 March 2007/21 May 2007



To ensure that Belmont Medicare Office is reopened as a matter of urgency.                                                     26 March 2007/ 21 May 2007



To take immediate action to guarantee the replacement of general practitioners/address the chronic shortage of doctors in the Shortland electorate (including Lake Macquarie and Hunter region)                                                                26 February 2007/26 March 2007/21 May 2007




·         Increase the number of undergraduate university places for medical students;

·         Increase the number of medical training places; and

·         Ensure Australia trains enough doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to maintain the quality of care provided by our hospitals and other health services in the future                                                                                                                         21 May 2007 /18 June 2007




To ensure that:

·         Australian plasma is not shipped offshore for processing;

·         Blood products will not become unaffordable or unavailable to those people in Australia with rare blood disorders;

·         Australia maintains self-sufficiency in blood and blood products; and

·         Australia’s voluntary blood donation system is not undermined.                                                                   21 May 2007/18 June 2007



To amend the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 so that:

·         Local governments operating aged care facilities are able to qualify for fringe benefits tax exemptions granted to public benevolent institutions for employees involved in the aged care facility; and

·         Fringe benefits exemptions applying to public employers delivering health services in hospital-based settings also apply to public employers providing health services in other settings.                                                                                         21 May 2007



To oppose the Howard-Costello plan to increase the cost of prescription drugs for Australians                                     

21 May 2007



To support affordable access to new treatments for multiple sclerosis by the inclusion of Tysabri in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme as a matter of urgency.                                                            21 May 2007



To ensure the Howard Government opposes the extension of pharmacies to major retail supermarkets and note that a failure to do so would:

·         Lead to the closure of many community pharmacies, the majority of whom are hard working small businesses;

·         The loss of jobs among the 30,000 assistants currently employed in community pharmacies;

·         Put at risk the 80 million free services provided by community pharmacies to the Australian community, many of who cannot afford the cost of going to the doctor due to the decline in bulk billing; and

·         The reduction in training and career opportunities for people who have chosen pharmacy as their career.                        21 May 2007



To ensure no changes are made to current Medicare funding of In-Vitro Fertilisation treatments as proposed by the Howard Government

                                                                                        28 May 2007



To reject any attempt to limit Medicare coverage of abortion       28 May 2007



To introduce a National Dental Health Scheme, as a matter of urgency, to be funded by a 1% levy of taxable income, this amount to be added on to the Medicare Levy.                                                    28 May 2007



Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs



To support the motion of the 1998 Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne that regrets the Government’s adoption of procedures for certain people seeking political asylum in Australia which exclude them from all public income support while withholding permission to work, thereby creating a group of beggars dependent on the Churches and charities for food and the necessities of life; and calls upon the Federal government to review such procedures immediately                                                                                       12 February 2007/26 February 2007/ 21 May 2007




·         Review our Commonwealth Immigration Policy to ensure the priority for Christians from all races and colours, especially from persecuted nations, as both immigrants and refugees.

·         Adopt a ten-year moratorium on Muslim immigration, so an assessment can be made on the social and political disharmony currently occurring in the Netherlands, France and the UK, so as to ensure we avoid making the same mistakes; and allow for a decade for the Muslim leadership and community in Australia to reassess their situation so as to reject any attempt to establish an Islamic nation within our Australian nations.                                                                                                      21 May 2007/28 May 2007/18 June 2007



To draw to the attention of the Minister for Immigration and in turn the federal government the need to use the currently mothballed Port Hedland Detention Centre as residential accommodation    28 May 2007



To implement the National Strategies to Advance Reconciliation to help put right the legacy of the past by:

·         Recognising that pre 1778 Australia was owned, occupied and ruled for many thousands of years by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

·         Recognising that since 1778 Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people have suffered removal of their sovereignty, dispossession and dispersal from their land and the forcible removal of their children.

·         Leading that part of the nation which needs to do so to ‘apologise and express its sincere regret for the injustices of the past’ so that the other part may ‘accept the apologies and forgive’;

·         Re-invigorating the strategy to redress the notorious disadvantage of Aboriginal and Tones Strait Islander people in areas such as health, education and employment opportunities, and imprisonment rates;

·         Renewing national commitment to the appreciation of and respect for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander cultural practices;

·         Re-affirming support for the reconciliation process as outlined in The Australian Declaration Towards Reconciliation and the Roadmap for Reconciliation;

·         Re-committing the nation to eradicating racism, injustice and inequality from our communities.                                18 June 2007




Industry, Tourism and Resources



To reject any nuclear reactors or high level nuclear waste dumps being built in the Wide Bay region                                        12 February 2007



To urge Government members to:

·         Table all environmental evidence and other studies supporting the proposal to build a nuclear reactor in Western Australia;

·         Identify which bodies in Western Australia have been consulted over such a proposal;

·         Advise on what consultation has taken place with the community in Western Australia over the proposal;

·         Identify all the sites in Western Australia under consideration for the construction of this nuclear reactor; and

·         Advise what safeguards will be put in place to prevent terrorist attacks against nuclear facilities in Western Australia.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        26 February 2007




To consider reversing the decision to close the Court House Museum (at the Steiglitz Historic Park) and to restore the associated funding for on-going tourists works in the township                             28 May 2007



To exclude Lake Macquarie and the Hunter region as potential nuclear power station sites as these would be high risk generators with disastrous consequences should an accident occur. To oppose the proposal to build 25 nuclear power plants in Australia.                                                                                        26 March 2007 & 21 May 2007



Local Government, Territories and Roads




·         Require the National Capital Authority (NCA) to withdraw Amendment 53.

·         Require the NCA to work with the ACT government to guarantee existing access for community and cultural groups to the Albert Hall.

·         Require the NCA to protect and maintain the heritage value of Albert Hall and its precinct and conduct a heritage study of the area.

·         Require the NCA to consult directly with residents local and national cultural groups about options for any future development of the Albert Hall Precinct.

·         Require the NCA to wait for the traffic study before making changes to Flynn Drive and Commonwealth Avenue.

                                                                                             21 May 2007/28 May 2007



To examine the measures that can improve the condition of Main North Road [between Clare and Gawler, South Australia], install overtaking lanes, seal the road shoulders and incorporate edge lines. 18 June 2007



Prime Minister



To take legislative action to protect the dignity and values of the Australian National Flag by making it an offence to burn or desecrate the National Flag or to sell flag burning kits.                      18 June 2007






During any time that there is a Commonwealth Exceptional Circumstances declaration of drought in place for any region within the Commonwealth, the following be added to the prayers said under standing order 38: “Lord God, we pray that during this period of exceptional circumstances and need, you would send rain on this land.”

                                                                                        28 May 2007



Special Minister of State



To move the following motion: that this petition be referred to a committee for consideration to take necessary steps by the members to renounce their allegiance jointly to a foreign power or the validity of the upcoming election will be absolutely void within the meaning of s.44(i) and s.44(ii) if the Constitution                            12 February 2007



Transport and Regional Services



To establish an Airport Development and Aviation Noise Ombudsman who will:

·         Investigate residents’ complaints fairly and impartially;

·         Communicate with residents promptly and honestly;

·         See that airport companies abide by the law.                28 May 2007



To reject the unsolicited proposal of a land swap of valuable Commonwealth land (at Jandakot Airport, Western Australia) hosting a metro community airport for a rural swampy paddock

                                                                                                                  26 March 2007



Veterans’ Affairs




·         Administer and pay Carer’s Allowance to Carers of Veterans through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

·         Provide a health programme for carers of Veterans to cover all aspects of their well being.

·         Provide transport assistance to veteran’s carers for their return trip home when the veteran is hospitalised and does not return with them.

·         Provide relief from parking fees for Carers when visiting hospitalised veterans.

·         Subsidise accommodation to enable the carers to stay nearby the veteran if their veteran is hospitalised away from their home town.

·         Increase the amount of respite available to Carers of disabled veterans.

·         Remove the abolition of payment of the Carer’s Allowance which ceases after a period of six weeks if the Carer’s veteran is required to stay in care outside of his home.

12 February 2007/26 March 2007/ 18 June 2007



To overturn the original decision not to award the Victoria Cross to Private John Simpson Kirkpatrick who is a symbol of the self-sacrifice, mateship and all those values that Anzacs now stand for and Australians treasure.                                                         21 May 2007



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We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledge their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and the elders past, present and emerging.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.