House of Representatives Committees

| Joint Standing Committee on Treaties


Preliminary Pages

[1]       Article VIII of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) provides for a conference of the parties to review operation of the treaty every five years. The next conference, the 2010 NPT Review Conference, will be held in May 2010.

[2]       Letter from the Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister, to Mr Kelvin Thomson MP, Committee Chair, 13 October 2008.

Chapter 1 Introduction

[1]       Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 1.

[2]       For a breakdown of the estimated number of weapons held by each state, see Table 4.1 in chapter four.

[3]       Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Press Conference, 3 May 2009, Santiago de Chile, Chile, viewed 24 August 2009, <>. See also Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 1; Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, ‘Address to Conference on Disarmament’, 30 June 2009, Geneva, viewed 24 August 2009,<>.

[4]       George Schultz was Secretary of State from 1982 to 1989. William Perry was Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1997. Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977. Sam Nunn is former Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

[5]       George P. Schultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger and Sam Nunn, ‘A World Free of Nuclear Weapons’, The Wall Street Journal, 4 January 2007, viewed 4 August 2009, <>.

[6]       George P. Schultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger and Sam Nunn, ‘Toward a Nuclear-Free World’, The Wall Street Journal, 15 January 2008, viewed 18 May 2009 <>.

[7]       See Ms Joan Rohlfing, Submission No. 87, pp. 3-4.

[8]       Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 2.

[9]       President Barack Obama, Remarks by President Barack Obama, Hradcany Square, Prague, Czech Republic, The White House, Washington, 5 April 2009, viewed 7 April 2009, <>.

[10]     President Barack Obama, Remarks by President Barack Obama, Hradcany Square, Prague, Czech Republic, The White House, Washington, 5 April 2009, viewed 7 April 2009, <>.

[11]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 10.

[12]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 2.

[13]     Mr Allan Behm, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 54. See also Professor Joseph Camilleri, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 5; Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 54.

[14]     A delegation of the Committee visited Geneva, Vienna, Washington and New York during July 2009. The delegation’s program is at Appendix D. 

[15]     See also, for example, Mr Allan Behm, Submission No. 30, p. 2 and Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 16.

[16]     Dr Frank Barnaby, Submission No. 19, p. 1; Mr Allan Behm, Submission No. 30, p. 6.

[17]     Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Report of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996, p. 3.

[18]     See, for example, G. Perkovich and J.M. Acton (eds), Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A Debate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, 2009. The United Kingdom and Norway have also established the UK Norway Initiative on Nuclear Warhead Dismantlement, a collaborative research project to examine technical verification of nuclear arms reduction.

[19]     Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Report of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996, p. 18.

[20]     Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Report of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996, p. 11.

[21]     Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Report of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996, p. 11.

[22]     Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Report of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996, p. 51.

[23]     Adjunct Professor Richard Broinowski, Submission No. 16, p. 2; Mr Allan Behm, Submission No. 30, p. 2.

[24]     Adjunct Professor Richard Broinowski, Submission No. 16, p. 2.

[25]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 8.

[26]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 8.

[27]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 9.

[28]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 11.

[29]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 10.

[30]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 11.

[31]     Ambassador Tibor Tóth, ‘Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament – Prospects and Challenges’, Speech to 2009 Nuclear Policy Symposium, Budapest, 2009, p. 3, Exhibit No. 81.

[32]     Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Submission No. 84, p. 2.

[33]     George P. Schultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger and Sam Nunn, ‘A World Free of Nuclear Weapons’, The Wall Street Journal, 4 January 2007, viewed 4 August 2009, <>.

[34]     Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Submission No. 84, p. 1.

[35]     Pakstani scientist A.Q. Khan assisted Iran, Libya, North Korea and possibly others to acquire the technologies and designs needed to develop illicit nuclear programs. The network was discovered in 2003 after authorities intercepted a cargo ship travelling to Libya that was carrying gas centrifuge components. Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, World at Risk: The Report of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, Vintage Books, New York, 2008, p. 19.

[36]     Ambassador Tibor Tóth, ‘Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament – Prospects and Challenges’, Speech to 2009 Nuclear Policy Symposium, Budapest, 2009, p. 1, Exhibit No. 81. See also Dr Ron Huisken, ‘Can we live without the nuclear abyss? The task ahead of the Australia-Japan nuclear commission’, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, pp. 6-7, Exhibit No. 92.

[37]     Hon Gareth Evans AC QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 1.

[38]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 10.

[39]     Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 6.

[40]     D Flitton, ‘Burma and the bomb’, The Age Insight, 1 August 2009, p. 1; Senator the Hon John Faulkner, Senate Hansard, 10 September 2009, p. 44.

[41]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 2.

[42]     Dr Carl Ungerer, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 68.

[43]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 16.

[44]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 57.

[45]     Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, World at Risk: The Report of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, Vintage Books, New York, 2008, p. 18.

[46]     Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, World at Risk: The Report of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, 2008, Vintage Books, New York, 2008, p. 18.

[47]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 5.

[48]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 6. See also Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 10.

[49]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 5.

[50]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 7.

[51]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 5.

[52]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 7.

[53]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 7. Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 8.

[54]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 3.

[55]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Submission No. 87, p. 1.

[56]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 2.

[57]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 57.

[58]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 2.

[59]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Submission No. 87, p. 2.

[60]     Dr Ron Huisken, ‘Can we live without the nuclear abyss? The task ahead of the Australia-Japan nuclear commission’, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, p. 3, Exhibit No. 92.

[61]     Dr Ron Huisken, ‘Can we live without the nuclear abyss? The task ahead of the Australia-Japan nuclear commission’, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, p. 3, Exhibit No. 92.

[62]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 5.

[63]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 2.

[64]     Mr John Carlson, ‘Challenges to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: Can the Regime Survive? An Australian Perspective’, Paper presented to the Carnegie Moscow Centre, 29 May 2007, p. 8, Exhibit No. 1.

[65]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 12.

[66]     Ambassador Tibor Tóth, ‘Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament – Prospects and Challenges’, Speech to 2009 Nuclear Policy Symposium, Budapest, p. 2, 2009, Exhibit No. 81.

[67]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 7.

[68]     Dr Ron Huisken, ‘Can we live without the nuclear abyss? The task ahead of the Australia-Japan nuclear commission’, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, p. 11, Exhibit No. 92.

[69]     Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Report of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996, p. 36.

[70]     Dr Hans Blix, Submission No. 78, p. 2.

[71]     Defending Australia in the Asia Pacific Century: Force 2030, Defence White Paper, 2009, Commonwealth of Australia, p. 50.

[72]     Uniting Justice Australia, Submission No. 27, p. 3; Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 3, Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, pp. 45-46; Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission No. 73, p. 4; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 7; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 2; Adjunct Professor Richard Broinowski, Submission No. 16, pp. 6, 7; Peace Organisation of Australia, Submission No. 33, p. 2.

[73]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 67.

[74]     Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 46; Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 41; Professor Richard Tanter, Submission No. 53, p. 5.

[75]     Dr Sue Wareham, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 31.

[76]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 7.

[77]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 7.

[78]     Mr Rory Medcalf, ‘Wicked Weapons: North Asia’s nuclear tangle’, Presentation to Wednesday Lunch at Lowy, 24 June 2009, accessed 17 August 2009, <>.

[79]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 41.

Chapter 10 International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament

[1]       Letter from the Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister, to Mr Kelvin Thomson MP, Committee Chair, 13 October 2008.

[2]       Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 5.

[3]       Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 5.

[4]       Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 5.

[5]       Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 5.

[6]       Dr Marianne Hanson, Submission No. 79, p. 3.

[7]       Mr Allan Behm, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 51.

[8]       Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcrip of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 47.

[9]       Dr Marianne Hanson, Submission No. 79, p. 3.

[10]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 42.

[11]     Mr Allan Behm, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 49.

[12]     International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 3; Dr Ben Saul, Submission No. 54, p. 3.

Chapter 11 2010 NPT Review Conference

[1]       Dr Hans Blix, Submission No. 78, p. 2.

[2]       Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 6.

[3]       Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 6.

[4]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 4.

[5]       Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 4.

[6]       Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 7.

[7]       2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Final Document, Volume I, NPT/CONF.2000/28 (Parts I and II), New York, 2000, pp. 14-15.

[8]       Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 7.

[9]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 4.

[10]     Dr Ron Huisken, ‘Can we live without the nuclear abyss? The task ahead of the Australia-Japan nuclear commission’, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, p. 13, Exhibit No. 92.

[11]     Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Final Report of the Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, NPT/CONF.2010/1, 20 May 2009, p. 2.

[12]     Ms Caroline Millar, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 18.

[13]     Ms Caroline Millar, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 18.

[14]     Ms Caroline Millar, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 19.

[15]     Ms Caroline Millar, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 19.

[16]     Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Final Report of the Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, NPT/CONF.2010/1, 20 May 2009, p. 6.

[17]     Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Final Report of the Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, NPT/CONF.2010/1, 20 May 2009, pp. 49-50.

[18]     Ms Caroline Millar, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 20.

[19]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 5.

[20]     Statement by Mr John Sullivan, Assistant Secretary, Arms Control and Counter Proliferation Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 4 May 2009, Third Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, New York, p. 4, Exhibit No. 91.

[21]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 8.

[22]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 10.

[23]     Dr Marianne Hanson, Submission No. 79, p. 2.

[24]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 15.

[25]     Mr Sergio Duarte, Submission No. 81, p. 2.

[26]     Dr Sue Wareham, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 31.

[27]     Statement by Mr John Sullivan, Assistant Secretary, Arms Control and Counter Proliferation Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 4 May 2009, Third Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, New York, p.1, Exhibit No. 91.

[28]     Statement by Mr John Sullivan, Assistant Secretary, Arms Control and Counter Proliferation Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 4 May 2009, Third Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, New York, p. 3, Exhibit No. 91.

[29]     Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Article III and preambular paragraphs 4 and 5, especially in their relationship to article IV and preambular paragraphs 6 and 7 (compliance and verification), Working paper submitted by Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden (‘the Vienna Group of Ten’), NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/WP.14, 4 May 2009, p. 1.

[30]     Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: the Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, May 2008, p. 4; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 8.

[31]     Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA, Submission No. 75, p. 15; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 4.

[32]     United Justice Australia, Submission No. 27, p. 3.

[33]     International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Submission No. 42, p. 5.

[34]     International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Submission No. 42, p. 5.

[35]     Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Arab working paper submitted by the United Arab Emirates on behalf of the Group of Arab States, which are States members of the League of Arab States to the third session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, New York, 4-15 May 2009, NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/WP.23, p. 1.

[36]     Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/3 (Australia), NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/5 (Canada), NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/7 (Iran), NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/WP.1 (Iran), NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/WP.20 (Egypt), NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/WP.20 (Palestine), NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/WP.23 (Group of Arab States), viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[37]     Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/7 (Iran), NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/WP.20 (Egypt), NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/WP.21 (Palestine), NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/WP.23 (Group of Arab States), viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[38]     Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Steps to promote the achievement of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East and realization of the goals and objectives of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East, NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/3, 6 May 2009. Canada made a number of similar points in its paper.

[39]     Professor John Langmore, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 30.

[40]     Dr Hans Blix, Submission No. 78, p. 4.

Chapter 12 The role of Parliamentarians

[1]       Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Press Conference, 3 May 2009, Santiago de Chile, Chile, viewed 24 August 2009, <>.

[2]       Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 8.

[3]       Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Report of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996, p. 52.

[4]       Inter-Parliamentary Union, Submission No. 69, p. 1.

[5]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 14; Mr Sergio Duarte, Submission No. 81, p. 3.

[6]       International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 18.

[7]       Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Submission No. 84, p. 2.

[8]       Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Submission No. 84, p. 2.

[9]       Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Submission No. 84, p. 2.

[10]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 14.

[11]     Mr Allan Behm, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 50.

[12]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 14.

[13]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 16.

[14]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 6; Dr Carl Ungerer, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 58.

[15]     Dr Carl Ungerer, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 58.

[16]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 41. See also Professor Joseph Camilleri, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 6.

[17]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, pp. 55-56.

[18]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 6.

[19]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 11. See also Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 41.

[20]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 41.

[21]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, pp. 41-42; Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, pp. 46-47.

[22]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 15.

[23]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 42.

[24]     Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 47; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 14.

[25]     International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 19; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, pp. 7-8.

[26]     Mr Allan Behm, Submission No. 30, p. 12.

[27]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, pp. 27-30.

[28]     Dr Ben Saul, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 53.

[29]     Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 59.

[30]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 5. See also Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66.

[31]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 16.

[32]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 13.

[33]     Mr David Noonan, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 23; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 25.

[34]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 5.

Chapter 2 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

[1]       Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Objectives and Activities, information brochure, CTBTO, April 2007; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 4.

[2]       These states are the 44 States that participated in the CTBT negotiations within the Conference on Disarmament prior to adoption of the CTBT in 1996, and that also possess nuclear power or research reactors. Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, Submission No. 40, p. 1.

[3]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 4; UN Association of Australia, Submission No. 31, p. 3.

[4]       President Barack Obama, Remarks by President Barack Obama, Hradcany Square, Prague, Czech Republic, The White House, Washington, 5 April 2009, viewed 5 August 2009, <>.

[5]       Mr Peter Burns, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 26; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 9.

[6]       CTBTO, The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, information brochure, CTBTO, August 2001, p. 1.

[7]       CTBTO, The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, information brochure, CTBTO, August 2001, p. 1.

[8]       CTBTO, The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, information brochure, CTBTO, August 2001, p. 1.

[9]       CTBTO, Preparatory Commission to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation, information brochure, CTBTO, August 2001, p. 1; Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, Submission No. 40, p. 2.

[10]     CTBTO, Overview of the verification regime, CTBTO, 2009, viewed 5 August 2009, <>; Australian Radiation Protection and Safety Agency, Submission No. 40, pp. 2-3; Mr Peter Burns, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 29.

[11]     Australian Radiation Protection and Safety Agency, Submission No. 40, pp. 1, 4; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 10.

[12]     Ambassador Tibor Tóth, ‘Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament – Prospects and Challenges’, Speech to 2009 Nuclear Policy Symposium, Budapest, March 2009, p. 5, Exhibit No. 81.

[13]     Mr Peter Burns, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 25.

[14]     Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, ASNO Annual Report 2007-08, ASNO, 2008, p. 14; Ambassador Tibor Tóth, ‘Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament – Prospects and Challenges’, Speech to 2009 Nuclear Policy Symposium, Budapest, March 2009, p. 6, Exhibit No. 81.

[15]     CTBTO, CTBTO’s initial findings on the DPRK’s 2009 announced nuclear test, media release, CTBTO, 25 May 2009, viewed 5 August 2009, <>; CTBTO, Next phase in the analysis of the announced DPRK nuclear test, media release, CTBTO, 27 May 2009, viewed 5 August 2009, <>.

[16]     Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia, Submission No. 75, p. 11; United Nations Youth Association of Australia, Submission No. 35, p. 4; United Nations Association of Australia, Submission No. 31, p. 7; Uniting Justice Australia, Submission No. 27, p. 3; Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 10; People for Disarmament, Submission No. 15, p. 3; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 13; Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education, Submission No. 59, p. 4; International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Submission No. 42, p. 5; The Australian Psychological Society Ltd, Submission No. 76, p. 5; Rep. Park Jin, Submission No. 44, p. 2; Ms Marion Giles, Submission No. 25, p. 1; Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament, Submission No. 28, p. 2; Ms Leitha Martin, Submission No. 43, p. 1.

[17]     Mr Peter Burns, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 26; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 9; United Nations Youth Association of Australia, Submission No. 35, p. 4.

[18]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 4.

[19]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 9; United Nations Youth Association of Australia, Submission No. 35, p. 4; Dr Carl Ungerer, Submission No. 50, p. 5.

[20]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 8; Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 8; Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 16; Canadian Centre for Treaty Compliance, Submission No. 64, p. 1.

[21]     Dr Hans Blix, Submission No. 78, p. 3.

[22]     Dr Mohamed ElBaradei, ‘Nuclear Testing: A Bygone Era’, CTBT Spectrum, September 2008, p. 7, Exhibit No. 83.

[23]     United Nations Youth Association of Australia, Submission No. 35, p. 4; Canadian Centre for Treaty Compliance, Submission No. 64, p. 1; Vine and Fig Tree Planters, Submission No. 38, p. 7.

[24]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 11; Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 8; Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 41; Adjunct Professor Richard Broinowski, Submission No. 16, p. 4.

[25]     Ms Caroline Millar, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, pp. 5, 18.

[26]     H.E. Dr. N.H. Wirajuda, ‘The United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership’, Speech to the Carnegie Endowment of International Peace and the United States-Indonesia Society, Washington DC, 8 June 2009, p. 6, accessed 9 July 2009, <>.

[27]     Ambassador Tibor Tóth, ‘Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament – Prospects and Challenges’, Speech to 2009 Nuclear Policy Symposium, Budapest, March 2009, p. 6, Exhibit No. 81.

[28]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 11; Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 8; Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 11.

[29]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 11.

[30]     National Academy of Science, Technical Issues Related to Ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 2002, p. 1.

[31]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 8.

[32]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 11.

[33]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 11; Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 8.

[34]     Ambassador Tibor Tóth, ‘Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament – Prospects and Challenges’, speech to 2009 Nuclear Policy Symposium, Budapest, March 2009, p. 5, Exhibit No. 81.

[35]     Ambassador Tibor Tóth, ‘Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament – Prospects and Challenges’, speech to 2009 Nuclear Policy Symposium, Budapest, March 2009, p. 6, Exhibit No. 81.

[36]     National Academy of Science, Technical Issues Related to Ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 2002, p. 5.

[37]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 11.

[38]     CTBTO, CTBTO’s initial findings on the DPRK’s 2009 announced nuclear test, media release, CTBTO, 25 May 2009, viewed 5 August 2009, <>; CTBTO, Next phase in the analysis of the announced DPRK nuclear test, media release, CTBTO, 27 May 2009, viewed 5 August 2009, <>.

[39]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 6.

[40]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 11.

[41]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 11; President Barack Obama, Remarks by President Barack Obama, Hradcany Sqaure, Prague, Czech Republic, The White House, Washington, 5 April 2009, viewed 5 August 2009, <>.

[42]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 6.

[43]     Ms Caroline Millar, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 23; Ms Jennifer Rawson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 30; Dr Geoffrey Shaw, Transcript of Evidence, p. 30.

[44]     Uniting Justice Australia, Submission No. 27, p. 3; Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 10; Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission No. 55, p. 8; United Nations Youth Association of Australia, Submission No. 35, p. 4; Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia, Submission No. 75, p. 11; People for Disarmament, Submission No. 15, p. 3; Dr Ben Saul, Submission No. 54, p. 2; Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) In Australia Inc, Submission No. 17, p. 2; Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education, Submission No. 59, p. 2; Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Western Australia, Submission No. 83, p. 2; Adjunct Professor Richard Broinowski, Submission No. 16, p. 4; Mr Adam Dempsey, Submission No. 24, p. 1; The Australian Psychological Society Ltd, Submission No. 76, p. 5; Friends of the Earth Adelaide, Submission No. 67, p. 3; Mr Nic Maclellan, Submission No. 36, p. 6; Professor Richard Tanter, Submission No. 53, p. 2; Dr Marianne Hanson, Submission No. 79, p. 2; Dr Margaret Beavis, Submission No. 5, p. 1; Victorian Trades Hall Council, Submission No. 68, p. 2.

[45]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 10; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 46; Rep. Park Jin, Submission No. 44, p. 2.

Chapter 3 Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty

[1]       Conference on Disarmament, CD/1864, 29 May 2009.

[2]       The Committee recognises that the inclusion of ‘Cut-Off’ in the treaty title is contentious for some states as there is disagreement as to whether the treaty should ban only the future production of fissile material (Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty) or whether it should deal as well with existing stockpiles (Fissile Material Treaty). This is discussed further in this chapter. For the purposes of the report, the Committee uses the term Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty.

[3]       International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, pp. 2, 105. The International Panel on Fissile Materials, founded in 1996, is an independent group of arms control and non-proliferation experts from 16 countries, including both nuclear weapon and non nuclear weapon states. Its mission is to analyse the technical basis for practical and achievable policy initiatives to secure, consolidate, and reduce stockpiles of highly enriched uranium and plutonium.

[4]       International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 102.

[5]       For more detailed discussion of this process, see International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, pp. 106-107.

[6]       International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, pp. 107-109. See also Dr Richard Garwin, Submission No. 85; Dr Frank Barnaby, Submission No. 19, p. 2. Reactor grade plutonium is classified as ‘direct use material’ by the IAEA.

[7]       International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 107.

[8]       International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 109.

[9]       Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 9.

[10]     Dr Patricia M. Lewis, ‘The Ban on Fissile Materials for Weapons Purposes (FM(C)T): New Opportunities’, viewed 17 August 2009, <>, p. 3.

[11]     United Nations General Assembly, A/RES/48/75, 81st Plenary Meeting, 16 December 1993, viewed 17 August 2009, <>.

[12]     Dr Patricia M. Lewis, ‘The Ban on Fissile Materials for Weapons Purposes (FM(C)T): New Opportunities’, viewed 17 August 2009, <>, p. 3.

[13]     Dr Patricia M. Lewis, ‘The Ban on Fissile Materials for Weapons Purposes (FM(C)T): New Opportunities’, viewed 17 August 2009, <>, p. 4.

[14]     2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Final Document, Volume 1, NPT/CONF.2000/28 (Parts I and II), New York, 2000, p. 14.

[15]     For more details of these proposals, see Dr Patricia M. Lewis, ‘The Ban on Fissile Materials for Weapons Purposes (FM(C)T): New Opportunities’, viewed 17 August 2009,, pp. 5-8.

[16]     CD/1299, Report of Ambassador Gerald E. Shannon of Canada on Consultations on the Most Appropriate Arrangement to Negotiate a Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices, 24 March 1995, viewed 19 August 2009, <>.

[17]     Mr John Carlson, ‘Can A Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty be Effectively Verified?’, p. 2, Exhibit No. 89.

[18]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 13.

[19]     See, for example, Dr Carl Ungerer, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 44.

[20]     Nuclear Threat Initiative, ‘Securing the Bomb: Ending Further Production: Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty’, viewed 28 July 2009 <>.

[21]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 13; International Panel on Fissile Materials, 2008, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, pp. 23-24.

[22]     Mr John Carlson, ‘Can A Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty be Effectively Verified?’, p. 3, Exhibit No. 89.

[23]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, pp. 24-25; Nuclear Threat Initiative, ‘Securing the Bomb: Ending Further Production: Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty’, viewed 28 July 2009, <>.

[24]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 25;

[25]     Dr Ron Huisken, ‘Can we live without the nuclear abyss? The task ahead of the Australia-Japan nuclear commission’, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, p. 17, Exhibit No. 92.

[26]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 7.

[27]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 25.

[28]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 56.

[29]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 68.

[30]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 25.

[31]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 25.

[32]     Mr John Carlson, ‘Can A Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty be Effectively Verified?’, p. 3, Exhibit No. 89.

[33]     Mr John Carlson, ‘Can A Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty be Effectively Verified?’, p. 3, Exhibit No. 89.

[34]     Ms Jennifer Rawson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 26.

[35]     US Department of State, cited in Nuclear Threat Initiative, ‘Securing the Bomb: Ending Further Production: Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty’, viewed 28 July 2009, <>.

[36]     Ms Jennifer Rawson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 26.

[37]     Dr Patricia M. Lewis, ‘The Ban on Fissile Materials for Weapons Purposes (FM(C)T): New Opportunities’, viewed 17 August 2009, <>, p. 9.

[38]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 1.

[39]     Mr John Carlson, ‘Can A Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty be Effectively Verified?’, p. 1, Exhibit No. 89.

[40]     Mr John Carlson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 27.

[41]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 2.

[42]     Mr John Carlson, ‘Can A Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty be Effectively Verified?’, p. 1, Exhibit No. 89.

[43]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 6.

[44]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, 2008, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, p. 15.

[45]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 3.

[46]     Friends of the Earth Australia, Submission No. 77, p. 8.

[47]     Reaching Critical Will, ‘Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty’, viewed 22 August 2009, < >.

[48]     Mr David Noonan, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 29. See also Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 12.

[49]     Mr John Carlson, ‘Can A Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty be Effectively Verified?’, p. 4, Exhibit No. 89.

[50]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 28.

[51]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2008: Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty, 2008, p. 27.

[52]     Dr Patricia M. Lewis, ‘The Ban on Fissile Materials for Weapons Purposes (FM(C)T): New Opportunities’, viewed 17 August 2009, <>, p. 10.

[53]     Dr Carl Ungerer, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 43.

Chapter 4 The NPT and IAEA safeguards

[1]       Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 3.

[2]       Dr Carl Ungerer, Submission No. 50, p.1.

[3]       Rep. Park, Jin, Submission No. 44, p. 3.

[4]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 8; Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 41.

[5]       Mr Allan Behm, Submission No. 30, p. 4; UN Association of Australia, Submission No. 31, p. 4; Dr Hans Blix, Submission No. 78, p. 2.

[6]       Mr John Carlson, ‘Challenges to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime, and Implications for Nuclear Disarmament’, Presentation to representatives of UN Missions at the Australian Mission, New York, 8 September 2008, p. 1, Exhibit No. 2. Article X of the treaty provides for the conference of parties to decide on its indefinite extension 25 years after it enters into force. This occurred at the 1995 NPT Review Conference.

[7]       Mr Allan Behm, Submission No. 30, p. 3.

[8]       Ms Joan Rohlfing, Submission No. 87, p. 2.

[9]       IAEA, INFCIRC/140, Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 22 April 1970, viewed 24 August 2009, <>.

[10]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 8; United Justice Australia, Submission No. 27, p. 3; Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 41; People for Nuclear Disarmament (Western Australia), Submission No. 15, p. 1.

[11]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 5.

[12]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 5.

[13]     Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 42.

[14]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 5.

[15]     The Non-aligned Movement is made up of 118 developing countries and aims to represent the political, economic and cultural interests of the developing world. It originated in 1955 amongst the common concerns of Asian and African countries about colonisation and the influence of the West. Indonesia has been the Chair of the Non-aligned Movement for ten years.

[16]     H.E. Hasan Kleib, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations, personal communication.

[17]     G. Perkovich and J. Acton (eds), Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: a debate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, 2009, p. 13.

[18]     Ambassador Tibor Tóth, ‘Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament – Prospects and Challenges’, speech to 2009 Nuclear Policy Symposium, Budapest, March 2009, p. 4, Exhibit No. 81.

[19]     Mr Allen Behm, Submission No. 30, p. 4.

[20]     United Justice Australia, Submission No. 27, p. 3.

[21]     G. Perkovich and J. Acton (eds), 2009, Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: a debate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, p. 15.

[22]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 17.

[23]     Dr Hans Blix, Submission No. 78, p. 2.

[24]     International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Submission No. 42, p. 5.

[25]     Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: the Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, May 2008, p. 15.

[26]     According to the US Congressional Research Service, in September 1990, before START entered into force, the United States had more than 10,500 accountable warheads deployed on nearly 2,250 delivery vehicles. By January 2009, this number had declined to 5,576 accountable warheads on 1,198 delivery vehicles. Soviet forces had declined from more than 10,000 accountable warheads on 2,500 delivery vehicles in September 1990 to 3,909 accountable warheads on 814 delivery vehicles in January 2009. A F Woolf, Strategic Arms Control after START: Issues and Options, Congressional Research Service, 9 July 2009, viewed 31 August 2009, <>.

[27]     Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: the Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, May 2008, p. 15; USEC, viewed 31 August 2009, <>.

[28]     Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: the Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, May 2008, p. 4; Dr Hans Blix, Submission No. 78, p. 2.

[29]     Mr Sergio Duarte, Submission No. 81, p. 2.

[30]     Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Report of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996, p. 10.

[31]     G. Perkovich and J. Acton (eds), Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: a debate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, 2009, p. 15.

[32]     Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Report of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996, p. 10.

[33]     Dr Mohamed ElBaradei, cited in Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 6.

[34]     Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: the Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, May 2008, p. 4.

[35]     Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: the Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, May 2008, p. 4.

[36]     Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: the Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, May 2008, p. vii.

[37]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 11.

[38]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 11.

[39]     B M Blechman, ‘Introduction’ in Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington, 2009.

[40]     B M Blechman, ‘Introduction’ in Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington, 2009.

[41]     Mr John Carlson, ‘Challenges to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: Can the Regime Survive? An Australian Perspective’, Paper presented to the Carnegie Moscow Center, 29 May 2007, p. 12, Exhibit No. 1.

[42]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Submission No. 87, p. 2.

[43]     Mr John Carlson, ‘Challenges to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: Can the Regime Survive? An Australian Perspective’, Paper presented to the Carnegie Moscow Center, 29 May 2007, p. 1, Exhibit No. 1.

[44]     Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, World at Risk: The Report of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, Vintage Books, New York, 2008, p. 18.

[45]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 6.

[46]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 6.

[47]     International Atomic Energy Agency, INFCIRC/140, Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 22 April 1970, viewed 24 August 2009, <>.

[48]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 11.

[49]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 11.

[50]     Statement by H.E. Caroline Millar, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Australia to the Conference on Disarmament, ‘Specific Issue – Other Provisions of the Treaty, including Article X’, Third Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, 11 May 2009, Exhibit No. 91.

[51]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 15; Dr Marianne Hanson, Submission No. 79, p. 2; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 10.

[52]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 5.

[53]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 10.

[54]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 10.

[55]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 8.

[56]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 11.

[57]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 11.

[58]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 4.

[59]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, pp. 14-15.

[60]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 9.

[61]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 9.

[62]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 8.

[63]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 9.

[64]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 9; Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 48.

[65]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 16.

[66]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 6.

[67]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 4.

[68]     Statute of the IAEA, viewed 31 August 2009, <>.

[69]     Statute of the IAEA, viewed 31 August 2009, <>.

[70]     Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 2; Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA, Submission No. 75, p. 8; Friends of the Earth, South Australia, Submission No. 67, p. 2.

[71]     Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 6.

[72]     Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 6.

[73]     Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 2.

[74]     People for Nuclear Disarmament (Western Australia), Submission No. 15, p. 1.

[75]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 10.

[76]     Dr Ron Cameron, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, pp. 16-17.

[77]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 9.

[78]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 9.

[79]     Dr Ron Huisken, ‘Can we live without the nuclear abyss? The task ahead of the Australia-Japan nuclear commission’, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, p. 6, Exhibit No. 92; Mr John Carlson, ‘IAEA Safeguards Additional Protocol’, 2009, viewed 25 August 2009, <>.

[80]     Mr John Carlson, ‘IAEA Safeguards Additional Protocol’, 2009, viewed 25 August 2009, <>.

[81]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 4.

[82]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 9. The key elements of an Additional Protocol are summarised in Mr John Carlson, ‘IAEA Safeguards Additional Protocol’, 2009, viewed 25 August 2009, <>.

[83]     IAEA, ‘Strengthened Safeguards System: Status of Additional Protocols’, viewed 25 August 2009, <>.

[84]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 9.

[85]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 11.

[86]     Rep. Park, Jin, Submission No. 44, p. 2.

[87]     Mr John Carlson, ‘IAEA Safeguards Additional Protocol’, 2009, viewed 25 August 2009, <>.

[88]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 7.

[89]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 10.

[90]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 14.

[91]     Tasmanian Quakers Peace and Social Justice Committee, Submission No. 3, p. 1; Mr Paul Grillo, Submission No. 7, p. 1; People for Nuclear Disarmament, Perth, Submission No. 15, pp. 2-3; Adjunct Professor Richard Broinowski, Submission No. 16, p. 4; United Nations Youth Association of Australia, Submission No. 35, p. 3; Vine & Fig Tree Planters, Submission No. 38, p. 4; Ms Michele Madigan, Submission No. 49, p. 1; Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission No. 55, pp. 11-12; Mr Bill Fisher, Submission No. 56, p. 4; Canadian Centre for Treaty Compliance, Submission no. 64, p. 2; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 5; Friends of the Earth, Adelaide, Submission No. 67, p. 3; The Environment Centre NT, Submission No. 74, p. 3; Friends of the Earth, Australia, Submission No. 77, p. 6; Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Western Australia, Submission No. 83, p. 4; Mr David Noonan, Transcript of  Evidence, 25 March 2009, pp. 28, 48.

[92]     Australian Conservation Foundation and Medical Association for the Prevention of War, An Illusion of Protection: the unavoidable limitations of safeguards on nuclear materials and the export of uranium to China, October 2006, p. ii, Exhibit No. 16.

[93]     See International Atomic Energy Agency, 20/20 Vision for the Future: Background Report by the Director General for the Commission of Eminent Persons, February 2008, p. 25.

[94]     International Atomic Energy Agency, 20/20 Vision for the Future: Background Report by the Director General for the Commission of Eminent Persons, February 2008, p. 25.

[95]     Ms Jennifer Rawson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 28.

[96]     Ms Jennifer Rawson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 29.

[97]     Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: the Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, May 2008, pp. vii, 28.

[98]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 4.

[99]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 4.

[100]   Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: the Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, May 2008, pp. vii, 28.

[101]   Mr John Carlson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 28.

[102]   Ms Joan Rohlfing, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 10.

[103]   See for example, ‘Confronting 21st Century Threats’, viewed 26 August 2009, <>; and comments by the IAEA Director-General, Dr Mohamad ElBaradei, viewed 26 August 2009,  <>; and <>.

[104]   IAEA, ‘Board of Governors Approves 2010 Budget’, viewed 25 August 2009,

[105]   International Atomic Energy Agency, 20/20 Vision for the Future: Background Report by the Director General for the Commission of Eminent Persons, February 2008, p. 24; Dr Mohamed ElBaradei, ‘Introductory Statement to the Board of Governors’, IAEA, Vienna, 15 June 2009, viewed 14 September 2009, <>.

[106]   International Atomic Energy Agency, 20/20 Vision for the Future: Background Report by the Director General for the Commission of Eminent Persons, February 2008, p. 24; See also, ‘Program Assessment: Contributions to the International Atomic Energy Agency’, viewed 14 September 2009, <>.

Chapter 5 Fuel cycle multilateralisation

[1]       Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, UNIDR, Switzerland, 2009, p. xi.

[2]       NTI, Submission No. 87, p. 1; Mr John Carlson, Introduction to the Concept of Proliferation Resistance, 23 January 2009, p. 1, Exhibit No. 80.

[3]       Dr Hans Blix, Submission No. 78, p. 3.

[4]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 12.

[5]       IAEA, Power Reactor Information System, viewed 1 September 2009, <>; IAEA, Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, 2009 Edition, IAEA, Vienna, 2009, p. 11, viewed 1 September 2009, <>. In 2008, nuclear reactors generated 2,598 terawatt-hours of electricity and supplied 17.7 per cent of the global total. One gigawatt electric equals one billion watts of electrical capacity.

[6]       M Lampard, ‘Uranium’, Australian Commodities, Vol 16, No. 1, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Canberra, March 2009, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[7]       M Schneider et. al., The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2009, German Department of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety, viewed 15 September 2009, < >.

[8]       M Letts and F Cunningham, ‘The role of the civil nuclear industry in preventing proliferation and in managing the second nuclear age’, Paper prepared for the Second Meeting of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, Washington, 13–15 February 2009, p. 12.

[9]       OECD-NEA, Nuclear Energy Outlook 2008, OECD-NEA, Paris, 2008, pp. 75–76, Exhibit No. 14. See also: International Security Advisory Board, Report on Proliferation Implications of the Global Expansion of Civil Nuclear Power, US Department of State, 7 April 2008, p. 3. The report notes that 12 countries have plans to introduce nuclear power within ten years: Azerbaijan, Norway, Turkey, Belarus, Poland, Vietnam, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia.

[10]     IAEA, International Status and Prospects for Nuclear Power, IAEA, Vienna, 2008, p. 21.

[11]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 2.

[12]     Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, World At Risk: The Report of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, Vintage Books, New York, 2008, pp. 14–15.

[13]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 13

[14]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 5.

[15]     Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, UNIDR, Switzerland, 2009, p. 65.

[16]     Mr John Carlson, Introduction to the Concept of Proliferation Resistance, 23 January 2009, p. 29, Exhibit No. 80.

[17]     Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, UNIDR, Switzerland, 2009, p. 69.

[18]     IAEA, IAEA Safeguards Glossary, 2001 Edition, IAEA, Vienna, 2002, pp. 33, 23.

[19]     M ElBaradei, Possible New Framework for the Utilization of Nuclear Energy: Options for Assurance of Supply of Nuclear Fuel, GOV/INF/2007/11, IAEA, Vienna, 13 June 2007, Annex 2, p. 1.

[20]     A Glaser, ‘Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, Research paper commissioned by the ICCND, February 2009, p. 17, viewed 31 August 2009, <>.

[21]     A Glaser, ‘Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, Research paper commissioned by the ICCND, February 2009, p. 17, viewed 31 August 2009, <>.

[22]     A Glaser, ‘Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, Research paper commissioned by the ICCND, February 2009, p. 26, viewed 31 August 2009, <>.

[23]     A Glaser, Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, February 2009, p. 13, viewed 30 August 2009, <>. Emphasis in original.

[24]     M ElBaradei, Possible New Framework for the Utilization of Nuclear Energy: Options for Assurance of Supply of Nuclear Fuel, GOV/INF/2007/11, IAEA, Vienna, 13 June 2007, Annex 2, p. 1; WNA, ‘Uranium Enrichment’, Information Paper, viewed 2 September 2009, <>.

[25]     Mr John Carlson, Introduction to the Concept of Proliferation Resistance, 23 January 2009, p. 26, Exhibit No. 80.

[26]     M Letts and F Cunningham, ‘The role of the civil nuclear industry in preventing proliferation and in managing the second nuclear age’, Paper prepared for the Second Meeting of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, Washington, 13–15 February 2009, p. 13.

[27]     IAEA, IAEA Safeguards Glossary, 2001 Edition, IAEA, Vienna, 2002, p. 23. Dr Frank Barnaby states that the critical mass of weapons grade Pu required for a nuclear weapon is 10 kilograms, and approximately 13 kilograms of reactor grade Pu. See: Dr Frank Barnaby, Submission No. 19, p. 3.

[28]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Nuclear Weapon and Fissile Material Stockpiles and Production, viewed 2 September 2009, <>.

[29]     Dr Richard L Garwin, Submission No. 85, pp. 3–4. See also: Dr Frank Barnaby, Submission No. 19, p. 3.

[30]     Mr John Carlson, Introduction to the Concept of Proliferation Resistance, 23 January 2009, p. 22, Exhibit No. 80.

[31]     International Panel on Fissile Materials, Production and Disposition of Fissile Materials, viewed 2 September 2009, <>.

[32]     IAEA, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Information System, 2009, viewed 1 September 2009,
<>. The facilities located in the other countries are variously decommissioning, decommissioned, shutdown, deferred or, in the case of the DPRK, on standby.

[33]     M Letts and F Cunningham, ‘The role of the civil nuclear industry in preventing proliferation and in managing the second nuclear age’, Paper prepared for the Second Meeting of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, Washington, 13–15 February 2009, p. 14.

[34]     Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, UNIDR, Switzerland, 2009, p. 73.

[35]     Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the IAEA, Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: The Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, IAEA, Vienna, 2008, p. 7. Emphasis added.

[36]     Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the IAEA, Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: The Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, IAEA, Vienna, 2008, p. 7.

[37]     Mr John Carlson, Introduction to the Concept of Proliferation Resistance, 23 January 2009, p. 4, Exhibit No. 80. See also the web sites for the GIF <>  and INPRO < >, viewed 1 September 2009.

[38]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 5.

[39]     IAEA, INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 1a, 7 November 2007, p. 2, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[40]     Mr John Carlson, Challenges to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: Can the Regime Survive? An Australian Perspective, Paper presented to the Carnegie Moscow Center, 29 May 2007, p. 9, Exhibit No. 1.

[41]     Citizens’ Nuclear Information Centre, Submission No. 8.1, p. 2.

[42]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 13.

[43]     Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Switzerland, 2009, p. 9.

[44]     A Glaser, ‘Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, February 2009, Research paper commissioned by the ICNND, p. 10, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[45]     Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Switzerland, 2009, p. xi.

[46]     OECD-NEA, Nuclear Energy Outlook 2008, OECD-NEA, Paris, 2008, pp. 281–282, Exhibit No. 14

[47]     Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the IAEA, Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: The Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, IAEA, Vienna, 2008, p. 10.

[48]     A Glaser, ‘Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, February 2009, Research paper commissioned by the ICNND, p. 6, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[49]     For a full chronology see: IAEA, Multinational Approaches to Nuclear Fuel-Cycle in Historical Context, viewed 3 September 2009, <>

[50]     OECD-NEA, Nuclear Energy Outlook 2008, OECD-NEA, Paris, 2008, p. 281, Exhibit No. 14

[51]     M ElBaradei, ‘Towards a safer world’, The Economist, 16 October 2003, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[52]     M ElBaradei, ‘Towards a safer world’, The Economist, 16 October 2003, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[53]     IAEA, Multilateral Approaches to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Expert Group Report submitted to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, INFCIRC/640, IAEA, Vienna, 22 February 2005, viewed 30 August 2009, p. 6, <>.

[54]     IAEA, Multilateral Approaches to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Expert Group Report submitted to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, INFCIRC/640, IAEA, Vienna, 22 February 2005, viewed 30 August 2009, p. 15, <>. Emphasis in original.

[55]     The summaries reproduce those contained in: T Rauf and Z Vovcjok, ‘Fuel for Thought’, IAEA Bulletin, Vol. 49, No. 2, March 2008, pp. 62–63, viewed 1 September 2009, <>; and Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, UNIDR, Switzerland, 2009, pp. 15–18.

[56]     IAEA, Communication dated 28 September 2005 from the Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the Agency, INFCIRC/659, 29 September 2005, p. 1, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[57]     IAEA, Communication received from the Resident Representative of the Russian Federation to the Agency transmitting the text of the Statement of the President of the Russian Federation on the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, INFCIRC/667, 8 February 2006, p. 3, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[58]     United States Mission to International Organizations in Vienna, Fact Sheet on the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, viewed 1 September 2009, <>. Further information on GNEP is available at <>.

[59]     WNA, Ensuring Security of Supply in the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle, 12 May 2006, p. 3, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[60]     IAEA, Communication dated 31 May 2006 received from the Permanent Missions of France, Germany, the Netherlands, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, GOV/INF/2006/10, 1 June 2006, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[61]     IAEA, Communication received on 12 September 2006 from the Permanent Mission of Japan to the Agency concerning arrangements for the assurance of nuclear fuel supply, INFCIRC/683, 15 September 2006, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[62]     NTI, ‘Nuclear Threat Initiative Commits $50 Million to Create IAEA Nuclear Fuel Bank’, NTI press release, 19 September 2006, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[63]     NTI, ‘NTI/IAEA Fuel Bank Hits $100 Million Milestone; Kuwaiti Contribution Fulfils Buffett Monetary Condition’, Press Release, 5 March 2009, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[64]     IAEA, ‘Multinational Fuel Bank Proposal Reaches Key Milestone’, 6 March 2009, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[65]     IAEA, Communication dated 30 May 2007 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the IAEA concerning Enrichment Bonds—A Voluntary Scheme for Reliable Access to Nuclear Fuel, INFCIRC/707, 4 June 2007, p. 3, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[66]     IAEA, Communication received from the Resident Representative of the Russian Federation to the IAEA on the Establishment, Structure and Operation of the International Uranium Enrichment Centre, INFCIRC/708, 8 June 2007, p. 3, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[67]     IAEA, Communication received from the Resident Representative of Germany to the IAEA with regard to the German proposal on the Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, INFCIRC/704, 4 May 2007, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[68]     IAEA, Communication dated 30 May 2008 received from the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Agency with regard to the German proposal for a Multilateral Enrichment Sanctuary Project, INFCIRC/727, 30 May 2008, viewed 1 September 2009 <>; IAEA, Communication dated 22 September 2008 received from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the Agency regarding the German proposal on a Multilateral Enrichment Sanctuary Project, INFCIRC/735, 25 September 2008, viewed 1 September 2009 <>.

[69]     IAEA, Communication received from the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of Austria with regard to the Austrian proposal on the Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, INFCIRC/706, 31 May 2007, p. 2 , viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[70]     T Rauf and Z Vovcjok, ‘Fuel for Thought’, IAEA Bulletin, Vol. 49, No. 2, March 2008, p. 63, viewed 1 September 2009, <>.

[71]     M ElBaradei, Statement of the IAEA Director General to the International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Supply: Challenges and Opportunities, Germany, 17 April 2008, viewed 3 September 2009, <>. Emphasis in original.

[72]     M ElBaradei, Statement of the IAEA Director General to the International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Supply: Challenges and Opportunities, Germany, 17 April 2008, viewed 3 September 2009, <>. Emphasis in original.

[73]     Report prepared by an independent Commission at the request of the Director General of the IAEA, Reinforcing the Global Nuclear Order for Peace and Prosperity: The Role of the IAEA to 2020 and Beyond, IAEA, Vienna, 2008, p. 7.

[74]     M ElBaradei, ‘A New Start for Non-Proliferation’, Daily News Egypt, 15 July 2009, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[75]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 13.

[76]     Australian Uranium Association, Submission No. 45.1, p. 3.

[77]     Dr Ron Cameron, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 21.

[78]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 11.

[79]     Dr Ron Cameron, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 13.

[80]     Dr Marko Beljac, Submission No. 18, p. 6.

[81]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 3.

[82]     Dr Hans Blix, Submission No. 78, p. 3.

[83]     Dr Hans Blix, Submission No. 78, p. 3.

[84]     President Barack Obama, Address to the people of Prague, delivered 5 April 2009, viewed 14 July 2009, <>.

[85]     Professor Richard Broinowski, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 63.

[86]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 8. See also: Dr Frank Barnaby, Submission No. 19, p. 5.

[87]     Dr Ben Saul, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 45.

[88]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 13.

[89]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 13.

[90]     A Glaser, ‘Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, Research paper commissioned by the ICNND, February 2009, p. 2, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[91]     A Glaser, ‘Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, Research paper commissioned by the ICNND, February 2009, p. 27–28, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[92]     Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, UNIDR, Switzerland, 2009, p. xv.

[93]     Australian Uranium Association, Submission No. 45.1, p. 3.

[94]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 18; A Glaser, ‘Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, Research paper commissioned by the ICNND, February 2009, p. 28, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[95]     A Glaser, ‘Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, Research paper commissioned by the ICNND, February 2009, p. 3, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[96]     A Glaser, ‘Internationalization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, Research paper commissioned by the ICNND, February 2009, pp. 16–17, viewed 30 August 2009, <>.

[97]     Citizens’ Nuclear Information Centre, ‘Background Paper for Submission to the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament Concerning the Civilian Use of Nuclear Energy’, p. 8, Exhibit No. 7.

[98]     Citizens’ Nuclear Information Centre, ‘Background Paper for Submission to the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament Concerning the Civilian Use of Nuclear Energy’, p. 8, Exhibit No. 7; Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission No. 55, p. 10; Dr Marko Beljac, Submission No. 18, p. 12.

[99]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 18.

[100]   Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Switzerland, 2009, p. 51.

[101]   Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Switzerland, 2009, p. 52.

[102]   Y Yudin, Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Switzerland, 2009, pp. xi–xii.

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons Convention

[1]       Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 9.

[2]       G Reeve, B Williams and J Loretz, An SOS for the Human Race, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, n.d., p. 1, Exhibit No. 24; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 4; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, covering letter.

[3]       T Ruff and J Loretz (eds), Securing our Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, 2007, pp. 2, 6, 42, Exhibit No. 23.

[4]       International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Submission No. 42, p. 3.

[5]       T Ruff and J Loretz (eds), Securing our Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, 2007, p. I, Exhibit No. 23.

[6]       International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 6.

[7]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 13.

[8]       Adjunct Professor Richard Broinowski, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, pp. 52-53; Dr Sue Wareham, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 53; Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 54; Mr Allan Behm, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 54; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 11; Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA, Submission No. 75, p. 13; Friends of the Earth, Australia, Submission No. 67, p. 2; Mr Adam Dempsey, Submission No. 24, p. 1; Religious Society of Friends in Australia, Submission No. 17, p. 2; International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Submission No. 42, p. 3.

[9]       International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, pp. 11-14; Uniting Justice Australia, Submission No. 27, p. 4.

[10]     Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 35.

[11]     T Ruff and J Loretz (eds), Securing our Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, 2007, p. 14, Exhibit No. 23; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 11; Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 64; International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Submission No. 42, p. 3; Australian Council of Trade Unions, Submission No. 58, p. 2.

[12]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 9; Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 42; Dr Sue Wareham, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 53; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 13; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 12.

[13]     Adjunct Professor Broinowski, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 53; Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 13; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 12; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 12; Uniting Justice Australia, Submission No. 27, p. 4; Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA, Submission No. 75, p. 14.

[14]     T Ruff and J Loretz (eds), Securing our Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, 2007, p. 2, Exhibit No. 23; Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 64; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 13; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 12; Dr Marianne Hanson, Submission No. 79, p. 3.

[15]     Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 12; Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 42; People for Nuclear Disarmament, Submission No. 15, p. 6; Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA, Submission No. 75, p. 15.

[16]     Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 33; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 26; Dr Ben Saul, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 53; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, pp. 6, 13; International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Submission No. 42, p. 3.

[17]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 30.

[18]     Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, pp. 33,43.

[19]     International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, pp. 6, 12; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 12; Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission No. 55, p. 7; Soka Gakkai International Australia, Submission No. 39, p. 2; Mr Stanley Johnston, Submission No. 23, p. 6.

[20]     Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 13.

[21]     Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 34; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, pp. 6, 11.

[22]     Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 34; Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, Parliamentary endorsement of the Nuclear Weapons Convention, Exhibit No. 26.

[23]     Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 34; International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Submission No. 42, p. 5; Japanese for Peace, Submission No. 63, p. 4;

[24]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 7.

[25]     International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, pp. 6, 14; Australian Psychological Society, Submission No. 76, p. 4; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 12; Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission No. 55, p. 2; Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA, Submission No. 75, p. 14; Religious Society of Friends in Western Australia, Submission No. 83, p. 5; Japanese for Peace, Submission No. 63, p. 4; Dr Margaret Beavis, Submissions No. 5, p. 1.

[26]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 9.

[27]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009 , p. 9.

[28]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 15.

[29]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 54.

[30]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 54; Ms Joan Rohlfing, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 10; Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 9.

[31]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 9.

[32]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 54; Dr Carl Ungerer, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 57; Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 64; Professor John Langmore, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, pp. 51-52; Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 7; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 30.

[33]     Ms Joan Rohlfing, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 10.

[34]     Mr Rory Medcalf, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 54; Professor John Langmore, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 51; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 31.

[35]     International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, pp. 13-14; International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Submission No. 42, p. 5.

[36]     Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 14; Dr Ben Saul, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 53; Mr Nic Maclellan, Submission No. 36, p. 9.

[37]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 33.

[38]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, pp. 25-26.

Chapter 7 Other treaties

[1]       The White House Office of the Press Secretary, Joint Understanding, The White House Office of the Press Secretary, 8 July 2009, viewed 29 July 2009, <>.

[2]       Information on dates and treaty provisions were sourced from the following two documents: Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Inventory of International Non-proliferation Organizations & Regimes, Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2009, viewed 23 July 2009, <>; Arms Control Association, US-Soviet/Russian Nuclear Arms Control Agreements at a Glance, Arms Control Assoication, February 2009, viewed 23 July 2009, <>.

[3]       United States Office of the Press Secretary, Announcement of Withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, media release, United States Office of the Press Secretary, 13 December 2001, viewed 23 July 2009, <>.

[4]       Canadian Centre for Treaty Compliance, Submission No. 64, p. 3; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 13; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 8.

[5]       United States Office of the Press Secretary, Joint Understanding, United States Office of the Press Secretary, 8 July 2009, viewed 29 July 2009, <>.

[6]       Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 12.

[7]       Ms Jennifer Rawson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 32; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 12.

[8]       Ms Jennifer Rawson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 32.

[9]       Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 13; Canadian Centre for Treaty Compliance, Submission No. 64, p. 3; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 8; Arms Control Association, The Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty at a Glance, Arms Control Association, September 2006, viewed 30 July 2009, <>; O B Toon, A Ronock and R P Turco, Environmental consequences of nuclear war, Physics Today, American Institute of Physics, p. 1, Exhibit No. 28.

[10]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 13.

[11]     The White House Office of the Press Secretary, Joint Understanding, The White House Office of the Press Secretary, 8 July 2009, viewed 29 July 2009, <>.

[12]     The White House Office of the Press Secretary, Joint Understanding, The White House Office of the Press Secretary, 8 July 2009, viewed 29 July 2009, <>.

[13]     Professor John Langmore, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 30; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 20; United Nations Association of Australia, Submission No. 3, p. 7; International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Submission No. 70, p. 9.

[14]     Ms Jennifer Rawson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, pp. 31-32.

[15]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 5.

[16]     United Nations General Assembly, Resolution 3472 B (1975)

[17]     United Nations General Assembly, Resolution 3472 B (1975)

[18]     Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 66, p. 10; Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, pp. 1,12; Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Inventory of International Non-proliferation Organizations & Regimes, Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2009, viewed 6 July 2009, <>; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 14.

[19]     IAEA, ‘Africa Renounces Nukes’, viewed 26 August 2009, <>.

[20]     Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 12; Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Inventory of International Non-proliferation Organizations & Regimes, Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2009, viewed 3 July 2009, <>.

[21]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, p. 5; Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Inventory of International Non-proliferation Organizations & Regimes, Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2009, viewed 3 July 2009, <>.

[22]     Mr Nic Maclellan, Submission No. 36, p. 4; Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, PNND Briefing Book, PNND, 2002, viewed 3 July 2009, <>.

[23]     Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 14; Mr Nic Maclellan, Submission No. 36, p. 2.

[24]     Mr Nic Maclellan, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 14.

[25]     Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 12; Mr Nic Maclellan, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 15; Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 11.

[26]     Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 12; Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Submission No. 72, p. 1; Mr Nic Maclellan, Submission No. 36, p. 4; United Nations Youth Association of Australia, Submission No. 35, p. 5; Mr Adam Dempsey, Submission No. 24, p. 1.

[27]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 13; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 13; United Nations Association of Australia, Submission No. 35, p. 4.

[28]     Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 20; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 13.

[29]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 21; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 20; United Nations Youth Association of Australia, Submission No. 35, p. 4.

[30]     Mr Nic Maclellan, Submission No. 36, pp. 5-9; Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 11; Adjunct Professor Richard Broinowski, Submission No. 16, p. 6.

[31]     Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 13.

[32]     Mr Nic Maclellan, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 14.

[33]     Mr Nic Maclellan, Submission No. 36, p. 7; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Submission No. 72, p. 2; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 13. Mr Nic Maclellan, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 16; Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 3.

[34]     Ms Martine Letts, Transcript of Evidence, 11 May 2009, p. 21.

[35]     Mr Nic Maclellan, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, pp. 15, 23-24; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 23; Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia), Submission No. 61, p. 11.

[36]     UN General Assembly, Verbatim Report of General Assembly Session 61 Meeting 67, 6 December 2006, viewed 6 July 2009, <>.

[37]     Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 19; Article 12 of the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia.

[38]     Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 19; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Submission No. 72, p. 4.

[39]     Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 20.

[40]     Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 20; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Submission No. 72, p. 3.

[41]     Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 20.

[42]     Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 14; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Submission No. 72, p. 4.

[43]     Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 14; Mr Nic Maclellan, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, pp. 15-16; Adjunct Professor Richard Broinowski, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 44; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 21.

[44]     Mr Nic Maclellan, Submission No. 36, p. 4.

[45]     Mr Nic Maclellan, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 16.

[46]     Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 14; Mr Nic Maclellan, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 25.

[47]     Mr Nic Maclellan, Submission No. 36, p. 4; Mission of Brazil to the United Nations, Nuclear weapons free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas, Mission of Brazil to the United Nations, viewed 14 July 2009, <>; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Submission No. 72, p. 3; Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Inventory of International Non-proliferation Organizations & Regimes, Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2009, viewed 14 July 2009, <>.

[48]     Mr Nic Maclellan, Submission No. 36, p. 4; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Submission No. 72, p. 3; Associate Professor Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 14; Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 21.

[49]     Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 17; 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the NPT, Resolution on the Middle East; Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Inventory of International Non-proliferation Organizations & Regimes, Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2009, viewed 3 July 2009, <>; M. Spies, Between Irrelevance and a New Era: Report on the 2008 UN First Committee, Disarmament Diplomacy, Winter 2008, Issue No. 89; Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 64;

[50]     Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission No. 65, p. 5; UN Association of Australia, Submission No. 31, p. 11; Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 8; Dr Carl Ungerer, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, pp. 64-65; Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 64; Dr Ben Saul, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 66; Pax Christi International, Statement to G8 Ministers in Hokkaido, Japan, Pax Christi International, Exhibit No. 9.

[51]     Professor Joseph Camilleri, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 11.

[52]     Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 17.

[53]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 15.

[54]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 8

[55]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 15.

[56]     Associate Professor Michael Hamel-Green, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, p. 17; Dr Marianne Hanson, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 66.

[57]     Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Arab Working Paper submitted by the United Arab Emirates on behalf of the Group of Arab States, which are States members of the League of Arab States to the third session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, New York, 4-15 May 2009, NPT/CONF.2010/PC.III/WP.23, 5 May 2009, p. 2.

Chapter 8 Iran and North Korea

[1]       Professor Joseph Camilleri, Submission No. 66, p. 10.

[2]       G Bruno, Iran’s Nuclear Program, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 September 2008, accessed 11 August 2009, <>; Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Inventory of International Non-proliferation Organizations & Regimes, Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), 2009, viewed 12 August 2009, <>.

[3]       G Bruno, Iran’s Nuclear Program, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 September 2008, accessed 11 August 2009, <>; Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Inventory of International Non-proliferation Organizations & Regimes, NTI, 2009, viewed 12 August 2009, <>.

[4]       G Bruno, Iran’s Nuclear Program, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 September 2008, accessed 11 August 2009, <>; Federation of American Scientists, Bushehr – Iran Special Weapons Facilities, FAS, 2000, accessed 11 August 2009, <>.

[5]       G Bruno, Iran’s Nuclear Program, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 September 2008, accessed 11 August 2009, <>.

[6]       G Bruno, Iran’s Nuclear Program, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 September 2008, accessed 11 August 2009, <>; World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, World Nuclear Association (WNA), May 2009, accessed 12 August 2009, <>; Nuclear Threat Initiative, Iran Profile, NTI, May 2006, accessed 12 August 2009, <>; L A Niksch, North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Development and Diplomacy, US Congressional Research Service, 27 May 2009, p. 15, accessed 13 August 2009, <>.

[7]       G Bruno, Iran’s Nuclear Program, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 September 2008, accessed 11 August 2009, <>; IAEA Director General, Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Report by the IAEA Director General to the Board of Governors, IAEA, 19 June 2003, p. 7; World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, accessed 12 August 2009, <>.

[8]       G Bruno, Iran’s Nuclear Program, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 September 2008, accessed 11 August 2009, <>

[9]       A Ehteshami, ‘Iranian Perspectives on the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons’, in B M Blechman (editor), Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Centre, Washington, 2009, p. 19; Nuclear Threat Initiative, Iran Profile, NTI, May 2006, accessed 12 August 2009, <>

[10]     G Bruno, Iran’s Nuclear Program, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 September 2008, accessed 11 August 2009, <>

[11]     A Ehteshami, ‘Iranian Perspectives on the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons’, in B M Blechman (editor), Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Centre, Washington, 2009, p. 19; G Bruno, Iran’s Nuclear Program, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 September 2008, accessed 11 August 2009, <>; IAEA Director General, Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Report by the IAEA Director General to the Board of Governors, IAEA, 24 September 2005, p. 2; UN Security Council, Resolution 1696 (2006), UN Security Council, 31 July 2006, accessed 12 August 2009, <>.

[12]     G Bruno, Iran’s Nuclear Program, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 September 2008, accessed 11 August 2009, <>.

[13]     UN Security Council, Resolution 1737 (2006), UN Security Council, 27 December 2006, accessed 12 August 2009, <>; UN Security Council, Resolution 1747 (2007), UN Security Council, 24 March 2007, accessed 12 August 2009, <>; UN Security Council, Resolution 1803 (2008), UN Security Council, 3 March 2008, accessed 12 August 2009, <>.

[14]     A Ehteshami, ‘Iranian Perspectives on the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons’, in B M Blechman (editor), Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Centre, Washington, 2009, p. 21; Nuclear Threat Initiaitve, Iran Profile: Nuclear Overview, NTI, May 2009, accessed 12 August 2009, <>; UN Security Council, Resolution 1835 (2008), UN Security Council, 27 September 2008, accessed 12 August 2009, <>; Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Elements of a revised proposal to Iran made by the E3+3, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 6 June 2006, accessed 18 August 2009, <>.

[15]     A Ehteshami, ‘Iranian Perspectives on the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons’, in B M Blechman (editor), Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Centre, Washington, 2009, p. 20.

[16]     RIA Novosti, Iran counts on Russia for September launch of nuclear plant, RIA Novosti, 10 March 2009, accessed 14 August 2009, <>.

[17]     IAEA Director General, Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Report by the IAEA Director General to the Board of Governors, IAEA, 5 June 2009, pp. 1-4; A Ehteshami, ‘Iranian Perspectives on the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons’, in B M Blechman (editor), Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Centre, Washington, 2009, p. 21.

[18]     Mr Robert Wood, US Department of State: Daily Press Briefing, US Department of State, 10 August 2009, accessed 14 August 2009, <>; UN Security Council, Resolution 1835 (2008), UN Security Council, 27 September 2008, accessed 12 August 2009, <>; UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Statement of the E3+3 meeting in London, 8 April 2009, FCO, accessed 18 August 2009, <>.

[19]     IAEA, ‘Safeguards Report on Iran and Syria Circulated’, viewed 30 August 2008, <>.

[20]     G Evans, Joint Press Conference between Mr Gareth Evans and Ms Yoriko Kawaguchi, Co-Chairs, International Commission for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, ICNND, 21 October 2008,  Sydney, accessed 14 August 2009, <>; Dr Marko Beljac, Submission No. 18, p. 4.

[21]     Medical Association for Prevention of War, Submission No. 61, p. 7; People for Nuclear Disarmament, Submission No. 15, p. 1; Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia, Submission No. 75, pp. 5-6.

[22]     Dr Carl Ungerer, Transcript of Evidence, 25 March 2009, pp. 50-51.

[23]     Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, World at Risk: Report of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, Vintage Books, New York, 2008, p. 61.

[24]     M El Baradei, Introductory Statement to the Board of Governors, IAEA, 2 March 2009, Vienna, accessed 17 August 2009, <>.

[25]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 9.

[26]     A Ehteshami, ‘Iranian Perspectives on the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons’, in B M Blechman (editor), Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Centre, Washington, 2009, p. 41.

[27]     Dr George Perkovich, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 13.

[28]     Dr Ben Saul, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, p. 45.

[29]     M Mottaki, Statement made by H.E. Manouchehr Mottaki Foreign Minister of the Islamic Repbulic of Iran before the United Nations Security Council, United Nations, 24 March 2007, pp. 1-3, accessed 18 August 2009, <>.

[30]     Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, World at Risk: Report of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, Vintage Books, New York, 2008, p. 61.

[31]     Senator Bob Graham, Transcript of Evidence, 26 March 2009, pp. 6, 8. See also Ms Jennifer Rawson, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 26.

[32]     Hon Gareth Evans AO QC, Transcript of Evidence, 26 February 2009, p. 10.

[33]     IAEA, Fact Sheet on DPRK Nuclear Safeguards, viewed 28 August 2009, <>.

[34]     IAEA, Fact Sheet on DPRK Nuclear Safeguards, viewed 28 August 2009, <>; World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, viewed 13 July 2009, <>.

[35]     IAEA, Fact Sheet on DPRK Nuclear Safeguards, viewed 28 August 2009, <>.

[36]     World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, viewed 13 July 2009, <>.

[37]     L V Sigal and J Wit, ‘North Korea’s Perspectives on the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapon’, in B M Blechman (editor), Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington, 2009, p. 10.

[38]     World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, viewed 13 July 2009, <>.

[39]     World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, viewed 13 July 2009, <>.

[40]     World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, viewed 13 July 2009, <>.

[41]     IAEA, Fact Sheet on DPRK Nuclear Safeguards, viewed 28 August 2009, <>; World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, viewed 13 July 2009, <>.

[42]     IAEA, Fact Sheet on DPRK Nuclear Safeguards, viewed 28 August 2009, <>; World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, viewed 13 July 2009, <>.

[43]     World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, viewed 13 July 2009, <>.

[44]     IAEA, Fact Sheet on DPRK Nuclear Safeguards, viewed 28 August 2009, <>; World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, viewed 13 July 2009, <>.

[45]     IAEA Director General, Implementation of Safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Board of Governors General Conference, IAEA, 30 July 2009, p. 2.

[46]     IAEA Director General, Implementation of Safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Board of Governors General Conference, IAEA, 30 July 2009, pp. 2-3.

[47]     IAEA Director General, Implementation of Safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Board of Governors General Conference, IAEA, 30 July 2009, p. 3.

[48]     World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Proliferation Case Studies, WNA, May 2009, viewed 13 July 2009, <>.

[49]     Hon Kevin Rudd MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 26 May 2009, p. 4257

[50]     Hon Kevin Rudd MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 26 May 2009, p. 4257.

[51]     UN Security Council, SC/9679, 12 June 2009, viewed 28 August 2009, <>.

[52]     IAEA Director General, Implementation of Safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Board of Governors General Conference, IAEA, 30 July 2009, p. 3.

[53]     IAEA Director General, Implementation of Safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Board of Governors General Conference, IAEA, 30 July 2009, p. 4.

[54]     L V Sigal and J Wit, ‘North Korea’s Perspectives on the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapon’, in B M Blechman (editor), Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington, 2009, pp. 1, 9, 12.

[55]     L V Sigal and J Wit, ‘North Korea’s Perspectives on the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapon’, in B M Blechman (editor), Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington, 2009, p.9.

[56]     Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, World at Risk: The Report of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, Vintage Books, New York, 2008, p. 19.

[57]     D Flitton, ‘Burma and the bomb’, The Age Insight, 1 August 2009, p. 1.

[58]     D Flitton, ‘Burma and the bomb’, The Age Insight, 1 August 2009, p. 1.

[59]     IAEA, Fact Sheet on DPRK Nuclear Safeguards, viewed 28 August 2009, <>.

[60]     Dr Marianne Hanson, Submission No. 79, p. 3.

[61]     L V Sigal and J Wit, ‘North Korea’s Perspectives on the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapon’, in B M Blechman (editor), Unblocking the Road to Zero: Perspectives of Advanced Nuclear Nations, Volume IV, The Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington, 2009, p. 3.

[62]     IAEA Director General, Implementation of Safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Board of Governors General Conference, IAEA, 30 July 2009, p. 3.

[63]     See, for example, P Alford, ‘Pyongyang vows to lay it all on the table in talks with Americans’, Australian, viewed 31 August 2009, <,25197,25957713-2703,00.html>.

Chapter 9 The Conference on Disarmament

[1]       United Nations Office at Geneva, ‘An introduction to the Conference’, viewed 17 August 2009, <>.

[2]       United Nations Office at Geneva, ‘An Introduction to the Conference’, viewed 24 August 2009, <>.

[3]       Ms Caroline Millar, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 18.

[4]       United Nations Office at Geneva, ‘An introduction to the Conference’, viewed 17 August 2009, <>.

[5]       Ms Caroline Millar, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2009, p. 18.

[6]       Conference on Disarmament, CD/1864, 29 May 2009, pp. 1-2.

[7]       Conference on Disarmament, CD/1864, 29 May 2009, pp. 2-3.

[8]       An unofficial transcript of these comments is available at <>, viewed 17 August 2009.

[9]       Statement by Ambassador Zamir Akram, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN at the conference on Disarmament, Conference on Disarmament, 2 July 2009. A copy of this statement is available at <>.

[10]     Statement by the Swedish Presidency on behalf of the European Union, Ambassador Magnus Hellgren, Conference on Disarmament, 10 August 2009, viewed 19 August 2009, <>.

Appendix E — Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament Treaties

[1]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office, Submission No. 29, Attachment A.

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