House of Representatives Committees

| Parliamentary Joint Committee on Public Accounts and Audit


Chapter 1 Introduction

[1]       Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Audit Report, No. 24, 2008-09, The Administration of Contracting Arrangements in relation to Government Advertising to November 2007, p 18-19.

[2]       Department of Finance and Deregulation, Campaign Advertising, viewed at on 18 March 2010

[3]       Young, S. Government Communication in Australia, (2007), p 19.

[4]       Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee, Government Advertising and Accountability, (2005), p xiii.

[5]       Young, S. (2007). The regulation of government advertising in Australia: the politicisation of a public policy issue, Australian Journal of Public Administration. 66 (4): pp 438-452.

[6]       Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), Campaign Advertising Review 2008-09, p 14.

[7]       Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee, Government Advertising and Accountability, (2005), p 7.

[8]       Broadcasting Services Act 1992, Schedule 1, Part 1-2.

[9]       Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, Schedule 328.

[10]     As defined in Section 4 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.

[11]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 3.

[12]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 7.

[13] viewed on 15 June 2010.

[14]     The application was dismissed on as the Court determined that it was inappropriate to answer the key question of whether appropriations necessary to fund the advertisements were authorised.

[15]     Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Audit Report, No. 24, 2008-09, The Administration of Contracting Arrangements in relation to Government Advertising to November 2007, p 29.


[16]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 3.

[17]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns by Australian Government Departments and Agencies’ (July 2008) p 3.

[18]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 2, p .1

[19]     The Australian, ‘The price of political expediency’, viewed on 8 June 2010 at

[20]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 4.

[21]     Australian National Audit Office, Exhibit 3.

[22]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 4.

[23]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 5.

[24]     Hawke, A. ‘Independent Review of Government Advertising Arrangements’ (2010), p 26.

[25]     Ibid

[26]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, Campaign Advertising by Australian Government Departments and Agencies, Full Year Report 2008-09 (2009), p 5.

[27]     Summary of Hawke Report recommendations and Government response, viewed at on 5 May 2010

[28]     Ibid

Chapter 2 The role of the Auditor-General in scrutinising government advertising

[1]       New Advertising Guidelines joint media release, viewed at on 19 May 2010

[2]       The  new  arrangements  in relation  to  Government  advertising  came  into  effect  in  June 2008,  ahead  of  the  public announcement  of  the  new  approach  and  the  Guidelines.  The  first  review  undertaken by  the  ANAO  related  to  a  proposed  campaign  concerning  changes  to  the  Child  Care Tax Rebate. 

[3]       Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 12.

[4]       Australian National Audit Office, Extract of Auditor-General Act, viewed at on 20 May 2010

[5]       Australian National Audit Office, Assurance Activities, viewed at on 20 May 2010

[6]       Australian Accounting Standards Board, ‘Framework for Assurance Engagements’ (2007), p 10.

[7]       Australian National Audit Office, Sub 2, p 3.

[8]       Australian Accounting Standards Board, ‘Framework for Assurance Engagements’ (2007), p 10.

[9]       As defined on Australian Accounting Standards Board Glossary of defined terms viewed at on 14 April 2010

[10]     The Independent Auditor is a private sector auditor who serves as external auditor to the ANAO by auditing the ANAO’s annual financial statements and periodically conducting performance audits of selected areas of operation.

[11]     Mr Geoff Wilson, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 9.

[12]     Mr Simon Lewis, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 29.

[13]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 13.

[14]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 12.

[15]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, pp 12-13.

[16]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 13.

[17]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 8, p 1.

[18]     As viewed at on 5 May 2010.

[19]     Australian National Audit Office, ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2008-09’, (2009), p 35.

[20]     Mr Michael White, transcript, 17 June 2010, p 6.

[21]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 11.

[22]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Campaign Advertising by Australian Government Departments and Agencies, Full Year Report 2008-09’ (2009), p 11.

[23]     Mr Peter White, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 26.

[24]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 10 Feb 2010, p 9.

[25]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Campaign Advertising by Australian Government Departments and Agencies, Full Year Report 2008-09’ (2009), p 5.

[26]     Mr Simon Lewis, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 14.

[27]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Campaign Advertising by Australian Government Departments and Agencies, Full Year Report 2008-09’ (2009), p 5.

[28]     Mr Simon Lewis, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 21.

[29]     Mr Michael White, transcript, 22 Feb 2010, p 15.

[30]     Role of the IDCC viewed at on 2 March 2010

[31]     Communications Advice Branch as viewed at on 15 June 2010

[32]     Mr John Grant, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 9.

[33]     Australian National Audit Office, ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2008-09’ (2009) ; ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2009 – 31 March 2010’

[34]     Auditor-General’s Act 1997, Section 25

[35]     Australian National Audit Office, ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2008-09’ (2009), p 8.

[36]     All Reports on Australian Government advertising are able to be viewed at

[37]     This document is currently being redeveloped.

[38]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Business Planning Processes for Campaign Information and Advertising Activities’ (2009) p 15.

[39]     Ibid p.2-3

[40]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 22-7.

[41]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 23-25.

[42]     Mr Ian McPhee, transcript, 10 Feb 2010, p 9.

[43]     Australian National Audit Office, ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2008-09’ (2009) , p 45.

[44]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 17.

[45]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 13 May 2009, p 5.

[46]     Mr Michael White, transcript, 13 May 2009, p 5.

[47]     Mr Michael White, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 28.

[48]     Mr Peter White, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 26.

[49]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 19.

[50]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 19.

[51]     Commonwealth Ombudsman, ‘Administration of the Economic Security Strategy Payment - An examination of the implementation, monitoring and review of the scheme’ (2009)

[52]     Professor John McMillan, transcript, 23 November 2009, p 1.

[53]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 23 November 2009, p 15.

[54]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 23 November 2009, pp 14-15.

[55]     Professor John McMillan, transcript, 23 November 2009, p 9; Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 23 November 2009, p 14.

Chapter 3 Issues raised by the Auditor-General’s role in compliance

[1]       Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns by Australian Government Departments and Agencies’ (July 2008), p 3.

[2]       Mr Simon Lewis, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 28.

[3]       Dr Martin Parkinson, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 27.

[4]       Dr Martin Parkinson, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 27-8.

[5]       Ms Samantha Palmer, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 14.

[6]       Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 18.

[7]       Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 22 February 2010, p 25.

[8]       Mr Michael White, transcript 22 February 2010, p 30.

[9]       Australian National Audit Office, ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2008-09’ (2009), p 43.

[10]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p13.

[11]     Australian National Audit Office, ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2008-09’ (2009), p 43, footnote 52

[12]     Ms Samantha Palmer, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 11.

[13]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 11.

[14]     Ms Samantha Palmer, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 14.

[15]     Mr Michael White, transcript 22 February 2010, p 31.

[16]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 12.

[17]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 13.

[18]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 1, p 13.

[19]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee, transcript, 23 February 2009, p 120.

[20]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns by Australian Government Departments and Agencies’ (July 2008)

[21]     Mr Simon Lewis, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 26.

[22]     Australian National Audit Office, ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2008-09’ (2009), p 52.

[23]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 10, p 19.

[24]     Mr Robert Holbert, transcript, 13 May 2009, p 8.

[25]     Ibid

[26]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 24.

[27]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns by Australian Government Departments and Agencies’ (July 2008).

[28]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 13.

[29]     Ibid.

[30]     Australian National Audit Office, Exhibit 1.

[31]     Mr Michael White, transcript 13 May 2009, p 21.

[32]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 27.

[33]     Ms Sally Webster, transcript, 21 September 2009, p 8.

[34]     Mr Scott McClellan, transcript, 23 November 2009, p 31.

[35]     Mr Scott McClellan, transcript, 23 November 2009, p 31-2.

[36]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 11.

[37]     Mr Michael White, transcript 13 May 2009, p 21.

[38]     Mr Simon Lewis, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 12.

[39]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 13.

[40]     Australian Government Information Management Office ‘Web Publishing Guide’ as viewed at on 11 May 2010

[41]     Ms Sally Webster, transcript, 21 October 2009, pp 5-6.

[42]     Ms Sally Webster, transcript, 21 October 2009, p 6.

[43]     Mr Michael White, transcript 10 February 2010, p 15.

[44]     Mr Michael White, transcript 10 February 2010, p 16.

[45]     Mr Michael White, transcript, 22 February 2010, p. 20.

[46]     See The Role of the Auditor-General Chapter 1

[47]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 13 May 2009, p 11.

[48]     Australian National Audit Office, ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2008-09’ (2009), p 35.

[49]     Mr Robert Holbert, transcript, 13 May 2009, p 20.

[50]     Mr Robert Holbert, transcript, 13 May 2009, p 19.

[51]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 25.

[52]     Mr Robert Holbert, transcript, 13 May 2009, p 20.

[53]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 21.

[54]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 13 May 2009, p 6.

[55]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 24.

[56]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 25.

[57]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns by Australian Government Agencies and Agencies’ (July 2008)

[58]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Campaign Advertising by Australian Government Agencies and Agencies, Half Year Report 1 July – 31 December 2009, p 10.

[59]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 8 February 2010, p 10-11.

[60]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 23.

[61]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns by Australian Government Agencies and Agencies’ (July 2008)

[62]     Institute of Public Administration Australia, sub 5 (submission to the Inquiry into the Auditor-General’s Act, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit), npn.

[63]     Australian National Audit Office, Exhibit 13.

[64]     Mr John Grant, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 20.

[65]     Mr John Grant, transcript, 26 October 2009, p 22.

[66]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 22 February 2010, p 23.

[67]     Australian National Audit Office, ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2008-09’ (2009) , p 9.

[68]     New Advertising Guidelines joint media release, viewed at on 19 May 2010

[69]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 13.

[70]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 17.

[71]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 13 May 2009, p 6.

[72]     Transcript, 9 September 2009, p 17.

[73]     Dr Martin Parkinson, transcript, 9 September 2009, p 18.

Chapter 4 The refined framework for government advertising campaigns

[1]       Department of Finance and Deregulation, ‘Campaign Advertising by Australian Government Departments and Agencies, Full Year Report 2008-09’ (2009), p. iv.

[2]       New arrangements for government advertising media release, viewed at accessed 31 May 2010

[3]       Dr Allan Hawke was a public servant with over 30 years experience, including appointments as Secretary of the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Department of Transport and Regional Services and the Department of Defence.

[4]       New arrangements for government advertising media release, viewed at accessed 31 May 2010

[5]       Hawke, A. ‘Independent Review of Government Advertising Arrangements’ (2010), p 6-7.

[6]       Dr Allan Hawke AC, transcript, 17 June 2010, p 19.

[7]       Department of Finance and Deregulation, Sub 25, p 2.

[8]       Dr Allan Hawke AC, transcript, 17 June 2010, p 20.

[9]       Australian National Audit Office, Sub 23, p 1.

[10]     Ibid.

[11]     Hawke, A. ‘Independent Review of Government Advertising Arrangements’ (2010), pp 14-21.

[12]     Hawke, A. ‘Independent Review of Government Advertising Arrangements’ (2010), p 14.

[13]     Ibid

[14]     Hawke, A. ‘Independent Review of Government Advertising Arrangements’ (2010), p 16.

[15]     Ibid

[16]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, Sub 25, p 3.

[17]     Department of Finance and Deregulation, Sub 26, npn.

[18]     Hawke, A. ‘Independent Review of Government Advertising Arrangements’ (2010), p 15.

[19]     Hawke, A. ‘Independent Review of Government Advertising Arrangements’ (2010), p 26.

[20]     Hawke, A. ‘Independent Review of Government Advertising Arrangements’ (2010), p 18.

[21]     Hawke, A. ‘Independent Review of Government Advertising Arrangements’ (2010), p 20.

[22]     Australian National Audit Office, ‘Campaign Advertising Review 2009 – 31 March 2010’, p 44.

[23]     Auditor-General’s response to the Review 29 March 2010 viewed at on 19 May 2010.

[24]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 17 June 2010, p 1.

[25]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 24, Attachment A.

[26]     Australian National Audit Office, Sub 24, Attachment B.

[27]     Dr Allan Hawke AC, transcript, 17 June 2010, p 30.

[28]     Ibid

[29]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 2.

[30]     Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 11 March 2009, p 2; Mr Ian McPhee PSM, transcript, 13 May 2009, p 6.

[31]     Hawke, A. ‘Independent Review of Government Advertising Arrangements’ (2010), p 22.

[32]     The  exception of the threshold for chief executive certification and independent review of proposed campaigns was not be revised upwards, and remained at the level of $250,000.

[33]     Dr Allan Hawke AC, transcript, 17 June 2010, p 40.

[34]     Institute of Public Administration Australia, sub 5 (submission to the Inquiry into the Auditor-General’s Act, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit), npn.

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