Chapter 7 Governance issues
The Committee was asked to assess whether current governance
arrangements are well placed to deal with the challenges of conserving
biodiversity in a changing climate.
Australia has a complex system of environmental governance, with
national, state and local government policies, strategies and legislation in
place. The Committee specifically looked at governance measures related to
biodiversity conservation and the issues surrounding those measures.
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
(Cth) (EPBC Act) is Australia’s principal piece of environmental legislation, providing
a framework to protect and manage matters of national environmental
Some of the policies and strategies in place that impact on biodiversity
conservation include:
n Australia’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010‑2030
n Australia’s Strategy
for the National Reserve System 2009‑2030
n Australian Pest
Animal Strategy 2007
n Australian Weeds
Strategy 2007
n Caring for our
n state and territory biodiversity
Several governance issues have been discussed in previous chapters, specifically
in relation to connectivity conservation, climate change adaptation strategies
and natural resource management. This chapter will focus on the discussion and
reactions surrounding the proposed changes to the EPBC Act; the current and
required governance to manage invasive species; Australia’s obligations under
various international biodiversity and climate change instruments; and
cross-border management systems for national heritage places such as the
Australian Alps and integrated forest management. In this chapter, conclusions
and recommendations are made regarding all of these issues.
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
Outline of the EPBC Act
As stated above, the EPBC Act is Australia’s principal piece of
environmental legislation, providing a framework to protect and manage the
eight matters of national environmental significance, namely:
n world heritage sites,
including the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu National Park, the Wet Tropics of
Queensland and the Tasmanian Wilderness
n national heritage
places, including the Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves – Kosciuszko
National Park
n wetlands of
international importance (‘Ramsar’ wetlands), including the Coorong and Lakes
Alexandrina and Albert wetland in South Australia, Western Port in Victoria and
Kakadu National Park
n nationally threatened
species and ecological communities, including the critically endangered
orange-bellied parrot and the endangered mountain pygmy-possum
n migratory species,
including the curlew sandpiper, red-necked stint and eastern curlew
n Commonwealth marine
areas, that is any part of the sea that is within the exclusive economic zone
or over the continental shelf, that is not part of state or Northern Territory
n the Great Barrier
Reef Marine Park
n nuclear actions.
Evolution of proposed changes to the EPBC Act
On 31 October 2008, the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the
Arts commissioned an independent review of the EPBC Act, which was required to
be undertaken within the first ten years of the commencement of the Act,
pursuant to s. 522A.
In March 2009, the Senate Standing Committee on Environment,
Communications and the Arts published its first report into the operation of
the EPBC Act, with its second report published in April 2009.
On 29 June 2009, Dr Allan Hawke released the interim report of his
independent review of the EPBC Act which identified the major themes for the
On 30 October 2009, Dr Allan Hawke delivered the final report of his
independent review of the EPBC Act to government and the report was publicly released
on 21 December 2009.
On 24 August 2011, the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water,
Population and Communities released the Australian Government response to the Hawke
review. At the same time, the Minister announced a national environment law
reform package, with 12 key elements (including proposed changes to the EPBC
Act), including:
n a more streamlined
assessment process
n new national
standards for accrediting environmental assessment and approval processes
n a new biodiversity
policy for consultation, to deliver a more integrated approach to biodiversity
conservation in a changing climate
n improving the listing
of species for protection by creating a single national list of threatened
species and ecological communities
n identifying and
protecting ecosystems of national significance (as a new matter of national
environmental significance), through regional environment plans, strategic
assessments or conservation agreements.
Also in August 2011, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed
to a national reform agenda on environment regulation, that included:
n creating more
effective environmental assessment and approval processes, and developing
national standards
n developing a national
threatened species list to reduce duplication and increase business certainty.
In September 2011, the Australian Government released its response to
the Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Communications and the Arts’
reports on the operations of the EPBC Act.
At the 13 April 2012 COAG meeting, it was agreed that governments would
work together to develop bilateral agreements allowing the Australian
Government to accredit state and territory assessment and approval processes.
On 8 June 2012, the Statement of Environmental and Assurance Outcomes
was released.
In July 2012, the draft Framework of Standards for Accreditation of
Environmental Approvals under the EPBC Act was provided to state and territory
governments, and publicly released on 2 November 2012. This document was used
as the basis for preliminary discussions for the development of bilateral
agreements. These discussions identified challenges with the approach.
According to Dr Kimberley Dripps, Deputy Secretary of the Department of
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPAC), at a
Senate Committee hearing in February 2013, the Department was not progressing
with approval bilateral agreements at that time.[1]
At the 7 December 2012 COAG meeting, it was agreed that governments
would work to eliminate duplication, avoid delayed approval processes, and
utilise common information requirements for regulatory processes.
Bilateral agreements
The main issues in evidence received about changes to the EPBC Act concern
the proposed new national standards for accrediting environmental assessment
and approval processes, and thereby changes to bilateral agreements between the
Commonwealth and state and territory governments.
Current arrangements
Bilateral agreements allow the Commonwealth to delegate to the
states/territories the responsibility for granting environmental assessments
and approvals under the EPBC Act. In order to be accredited, a state/territory
process will need to meet ‘best practice’ criteria.
The EPBC Act currently provides for bilateral agreements that:
n protect the
n promote the
conservation and ecologically sustainable use of natural resources
n ensure an efficient,
timely and effective process for environmental assessment and approval of
n minimise duplication
in the environmental assessment and approval process through Commonwealth accreditation
of the processes of the state or territory (and vice versa).[2]
If a bilateral assessment of a proposed action is undertaken through an
accredited state/territory process then the Minister still needs to give final
approval of the proposed action under the EPBC Act. If a bilateral approval of
a proposed action, pursuant to a management plan, is undertaken through an
accredited state/territory process then there is no further requirement for
approval by the Minister under the EPBC Act.
Concerns raised about proposed changes
Many inquiry participants were concerned that the proposed changes might
give states/territories automatic accreditation, even though assessment and
approval processes may not be up to the standard required by the Commonwealth
legislation. Ms Christine Goonrey, President of the National Parks Australia
Council (NPAC) explained that:
One of the biggest concerns is that it is pointing towards a
devolution of decision making towards state agencies, and that is where our
members are seeing a real return to anti-environmental values. There are a
number of state jurisdictions which see very great political advantage in
downplaying environmental values and the protection of biodiversity. So to have
the EPBC Act actually take that backward step is deeply concerning to a large
range of environmental organisations.[3]
Ms Goonrey was also concerned that there is currently no room for
community involvement in approvals processes.[4]
Ms Nicola Rivers of the Environmental Defenders’ Office Victoria expressed
concerns with the proposed changes to the EPBC Act, specifically with the
Commonwealth accrediting state/territory government processes to make
assessments and approvals under the EPBC Act and therefore not having oversight.[5]
Another of the concerns raised was that state/territory governments are
often the proponent of a development and therefore they would be assessing
their own developments, leading to a conflict of interest.[6]
The removal of checks and balances needed for impartial and rigorous assessment
was also raised as a concern.[7]
Ms Julia Winefield, Campaign Coordinator of the Conservation Council of
South Australia expressed concern about the COAG process, announced in April
2012, to have bilateral assessments and approvals ready by March 2013, and
wanted to slow down the process to allow more consultation.[8]
Representatives of the Australian Network of Environmental Defender’s Offices (ANEDO)
stated the lack of time announced in the COAG time frame shows no intention to raise
the standards of those state and territory processes, and were further
concerned that the Commonwealth will not have any power to oversight individual
The Committee is aware of views that states and territories have lower
levels of environmental protection standards than the Commonwealth, and the
devolution of powers to the states and territories could increase the
likelihood of further reduction of these environmental protection standards.[10]
Ms Elizabeth McKinnon of the Environmental Defenders’ Office Victoria stated
that standards in the states and territories must equal those of the
Commonwealth, and that that is not the case in most states, and of the need for
an EPBC standard requiring the Commonwealth not to accredit a state or territory
process until satisfied it has adequate monitoring and enforcement in place.[11]
Related concerns were expressed that devolution of powers to the states
and territories may lead to competition between them for development projects,
creating the potential for compromising environmental standards in order to
gain revenue from projects.[12] Further:
The other huge concern there is that the EPBC Act is designed
to provide protection in nationally significant environment matters and in
issues that are nationally important, that have a national perspective and that
look at the national interest. That will now be delegated to the states and so
the states will be, in effect, making decisions that are supposed to be in the
national interest and looking at nationally important matters—matters that may
cross borders into other states, for example. We have absolutely no confidence
that a state government would take the national interest over the state’s own
Suggested improvements to bilateral agreement process
According to ANEDO, bilateral approval agreements should not be made,
but if they were, national standards and accredited state/territory processes
should provide at least equivalent protection to matters of national
environmental significance to that provided in the EPBC Act, suggesting many
requirements be put in place for bilateral agreements. The suggested
requirements included that the state/territory system being accredited must:
n improve or maintain
all matters of national environmental significance
n provide a decision making
framework that prevents significant environmental impacts where possible,
mitigates unavoidable impacts, and offsets any impacts that will occur
n demonstrate active
adaptive management in responding to emerging threats, non-compliance and
public concerns
n clearly identify when
considerations other than environmental impacts, for example social and
economic considerations, are taken into account in decision making …
n include timeframes
and processes for meaningful public participation and input that are at least
equivalent to those under the EPBC Act
n include the ability
to make legally binding environmental conditions as part of project approvals
n not exclude judicial
review of any decisions covered by the agreement …
n contain a transparent
and robust system of compliance monitoring to ensure project proponents are
complying with project approvals and conditions, including minimum monitoring
requirements that the states must meet
n contain enforcement
powers at least equivalent to those under the EPBC Act to enforce breaches of
approvals and conditions.[14]
ANEDO went on to suggest four principles that should apply in the case
of bilateral approval agreements, namely:
n bilateral approval
agreements will not apply when the State or Territory Government is the project
proponent or major supporter of the project or stands to directly financially
benefit from the project
n finalisation of
bilateral approval agreements will be based on whether the State or Territory
meets the national standard as set out in regulations, rather than on meeting
artificial timelines (such as the March 2013 date proposed by COAG) … This may
include the need for the State or Territory to make legislative amendments
n the Commonwealth will
retain the right to ‘call in’ the project for a separate Federal assessment
and/or approval if it does not think the State has adequately assessed the
project according to the bilateral agreement. (This is currently the case for
assessment bilaterals and should be retained for approval bilaterals)
n include in the EPBC
Act a requirement that bilateral approval agreements will be monitored by the
Commonwealth and regular performance audits will be conducted to ensure that States
are complying with bilateral agreements. An independent ‘Commonwealth
Environment Commission’ should be established for this role. The Commonwealth
must [be] prepared to terminate the agreement if States are not complying with
The Urban Development Institute of Australia stated that a lack of
coordination between the Commonwealth and state/territory governments often
leads to significant delays, impacting upon land supply and increased costs
affecting the level of affordable housing.[16] The Institute supported
the need to minimise the duplication of processes through strategic assessments
and bilateral agreements by establishing processes enabling ‘single strategic
assessments’ to occur prior to urban rezoning, thereby allowing developers to
respond to requirements early in the development process.[17]
Governance of species and communities
Legislative effectiveness
The EPBC Act requires the Minister to establish a list of threatened
species, a list of threatened ecological communities and a list of key
threatening processes.[18] Key threatening
processes are those that threaten or may threaten the survival, abundance or
evolutionary development of a native species or ecological community. Two
invasive species listed as key threatening processes include dieback caused by
the root-rot fungus phytophthora cinnamomi and invasion of northern
Australia by gamba grass and other introduced grasses. Another listed key
threatening process is the loss of climatic habitat caused by anthropogenic
emissions of greenhouse gases.
The Committee received evidence that raised concerns about proposed
changes to the EPBC Act related to the identification and listing of threatened
species and ecological communities. ANEDO suggested that the EPBC Act needs to
protect species and their habitats in anticipation of them becoming threatened
or endangered.[19] Many submitters were
supportive of the premise of introducing protections for ‘ecosystems of
national importance’, but one inquiry participant was concerned about the
restricted nature in how they will be put forward and the little opportunity
afforded for community input into the process.[20]
The Senate Environment, Communications and the Arts Committee, in its
first report on the operations of the EPBC Act published in March 2009,
recommended that the process for nomination and listing of threatened species
and ecological communities be amended to improve transparency, rigour and
timeliness.[21] The Australian
Government responded to this recommendation in September 2011 by agreeing to
establish a single list of nationally threatened species and ecological
communities, working with state and territory governments to create a
harmonised listing process, and agreeing to publicly release the advice of the
relevant scientific advisory committee on decisions to list or not list a
threatened species or ecological community.[22]
Threat abatement programs provide for actions necessary to reduce the
impact of listed key threatening processes under the EPBC Act on native species
and ecological communities. At a national level, the 2011 State of the
Environment (SOE) report stated that cross-tenure delivery of threat abatement programs
is necessary for landscape-scale approaches, and a sound understanding of the
target species and communities is needed to be able to design and evaluate
threat abatement programs.[23]
In the 2008 Assessment of Australia’s terrestrial biodiversity, it was
found that data on invasive species is poor nationally and there are major gaps
in our understanding of the impacts of invasive species and pathogens on
biodiversity.[24] In relation to invasive
species and pathogens, the 2011 SOE report, quoting the 2008 Assessment of
Australia’s terrestrial biodiversity, stated the following:
… [there is] a lack of effective and systematic monitoring
systems for evaluation and limited resources invested in responses to threats
compared with the scale and nature of the threats. The scale of the impacts
from threatening processes is such that the voluntary and uncoordinated
approaches adopted to date will not be effective.[25]
The 2011 SOE report stated that it was difficult to assess the
effectiveness of management of invasive species and pathogens from state and
territory SOE reports because of a lack of reporting on the effectiveness of
processes or on outputs or outcomes.[26]
The 2011 SOE report also stated that there are no institutions that
conduct ongoing assessments of the impacts of weeds on biodiversity, and that
the measures adopted to understand the invasion of weeds are not at the level
required to plan strategies to mitigate the problems they create.[27]
Professor Kristine French, President of the Ecological Society of Australia
stated that there is a research gap in the response of weeds and their
interaction with climate change.[28]
Threatened species and translocation
The Committee heard about the potential for using translocations of
threatened species in future, as part of the armoury for combating the effects
of climate change on biodiversity and on threatened species in particular. The
Committee understands that Australia needs regulations which allow the active
movement of species to new places, particularly for iconic species.
The Committee notes that regulatory issues will need attention
especially in light of the National Wildlife Corridors Plan and increasing
number of large-scale wildlife corridors operating across state and territory
borders (as discussed in chapter four).
The Committee heard from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO) about some of the challenges associated with
translocation across state borders and that governance impediments need to be
removed in order to develop a comprehensive, adaptive response to climate
change. Dr Craig James of CSIRO indicated that once a decision is made to keep a
species from becoming extinct the next decision concerns when to undertake its
translocation for it to be successful in terms of population size of the
species, in relation to climate change and the risks involved, and in order to
be cost effective.[29] Dr James explained that
translocations had been successfully used in the past, but that a lot of
regulation existed relating to crossing state borders, in order not to
disadvantage the new area, and taking into account acts and regulations already
in place.[30]
The Committee heard from the Western Australian Local Government
Association that a ‘lack of information and a time consuming process mean
species are not protected as quickly as possible and listing is usually done as
a result of reactive pressures’.[31] Dr James stated that
legislation around threatened species requires that every listed species gets a
management plan, which does not take into account the sorts of mechanisms that
might be needed to manage species into the future, as the climate changes.[32]
The Committee heard that management options available include genetic
translocation and assisted migration, neither of which have been well examined but
will have to be used in future.[33] Dr Ben Phillips, Senior
Research Fellow at the Centre for Tropical Biodiversity and Climate Change, suggested
that the Australian Research Council (ARC) could be responsible for funding
research in these areas.[34]
Biosecurity considerations
The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) manages
quarantine controls at Australia’s borders, to minimise the risk of exotic
pests and diseases entering the country. The Committee heard that biosecurity
risk assessments for invasive species will need to be developed to take account
of climate change.[35] In its second interim
report the Committee commented on ‘the importance of cooperation between all
levels of government towards a national quarantine system which may limit the
spread of diseases and invasive weeds in the future.’[36]
On 18 December 2008, the Australian Government released the report of an
independent review of Australia’s quarantine and biosecurity arrangements (the
Beale review). The report recommended:
n the need for improved
partnerships with states/territories and with industry
n improved governance,
including an independent commission to assess biosecurity risks of imports
n a national authority
to undertake biosecurity operations, and an Inspector-General to audit the
n new biosecurity
legislation to replace the Quarantine Act 1908 (Cth)
n more funding for
biosecurity activities and upgraded information technology systems.[37]
On 29 November 2012, the Biosecurity Bill 2012 and the Inspector-General
of Biosecurity Bill 2012 were introduced in the Senate, and referred to the
Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee for report by 27 February
2013 (extension granted to 24 June 2013).
The Invasive Species Council (ISC) stated that biosecurity legislation
must focus on: prevention of unsafe introductions (deliberate and accidental);
eradication and containment of new and emerging invaders; and control of
entrenched, threatening invaders.[38]
According to Mr Andrew Cox, President of the ISC, the main driver of the
spread of invasive species is rapid transport, from air and road travel, to
trade and tourism.[39] According to Professor
Ary Hoffman from the University of Melbourne, the cheapest way to solve
invasive species problems is ‘to keep the things out in the first place’.[40]
ISC described the need to control the introduction of invasive species,
stopping them from entering the country, or moving into a suitable habitat, in
order to keep management costs low.[41]
The 2011 SOE report stated that quarantine and preventive procedures in
place in Western Australia have excluded some invasive species present in other
The Committee heard evidence about the need to identify invasive species
very early on when they are introduced, the first job being to identify which
are invasive species and which are undescribed native species. The Australian
Museum recommended the need to develop appropriate species identification
systems, tools and skills for early marine pest detection, with technologies
for rapid species identification, such as DNA barcoding, warranting particular
attention.[43] Dr Patricia Hutchings,
Senior Principal Research Scientist from the Australian Museum, went on to
discuss her work as part of a committee, looking at how quarantine, fisheries
and port authorities officers can identify new arrivals of invasive species,
and prevent them from entering the country.[44] Dr Hutchings stated
We are going to be looking at using both morphological and
molecular data so that the people out there on the ground can actually say,
‘I’ve never seen that species before.’ We are going to have a register of where
to send it and within two or three days we are going to get identification to
say whether that is an introduced species or whether it is on that list.[45]
The Committee heard that Indigenous ranger groups perform many land
management roles, including quarantine patrols and weed control, burning and
feral animal control, and need security of resources to continue that work.[46]
Dr Alaric Fisher from the Northern Territory Department of Natural Resources,
Environment, the Arts and Sport further stated that AQIS have relationships
with Indigenous ranger groups to undertake quarantine activities, including
looking out for feral animals as early indicators of invasive diseases and
Dr Fisher stated that one of the major biodiversity values in the
Northern Territory is its islands to the north, and that protecting them from
the spread of invasive species is a key conservation strategy.[48]
NPAC stated that feral pests and diseases do not end at state borders
but planning and management practices do, and that managers of protected areas
need to be able to develop and implement strategies that work across borders.[49]
Mr Cox stated that a risk management approach should be adopted for all
plants, and stated the need to undertake a risk assessment of the 30 000 listed
approved species, with efforts made to remove those determined to be high risk
plants.[50] Mr Cox indicated that
the Western Australian Government had costed the project.[51]
In relation to improving the resilience of ecosystems to withstand
changes resulting from a changing environment by reducing the stress imposed by
invasive species—as discussed in chapter five—the ISC advocated for stronger
invasive species programs, including: enhancing the fox control programs for
the alpine areas, and the need for voluntary shooters in NSW national parks as
part of a feral control program, rather than a game management program.[52]
Mr Cox proposed the introduction of an environmental biosecurity
equivalent of Plant Health Australia and Animal Health Australia, called
Environmental Health Australia, to set contingency plans for future invasions,
align research priorities, and review existing laws.[53]
Mr Doug Laing, a Member of the ISC, was also critical of the funding withdrawal
for the weeds research cooperative research centre in South Australia, and
stated the need to control invasive species that contribute to greenhouse gas
emissions, such as the listed key threatening process and invasive species gamba
grass, which emits carbon dioxide when burned, and destroys the plants that can
take up carbon at other times.[54]
Mr Cox stated the need for alignment and collaboration between the
agricultural sector, some state research stations of which are still
introducing invasive species and not doing risk assessments, and the
environmental sector.[55]
International obligations
Australia is signatory to numerous international conventions which have
been in development since 1972 and which, since that time, have influenced national
biodiversity conservation policies. These international agreements include:
n Convention Concerning
the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) (World
Heritage Convention)
n United Nations
Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)
n United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992)
n The Convention on
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) (Ramsar Convention)
n Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (1973)
n Convention on the
Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn, Germany, 1979) (Bonn
n Japan‑Australia
Migratory Bird Agreement (1974)
n China‑Australia
Migratory Bird Agreement (1986)
n Republic of Korea‑Australia
Migratory Bird Agreement (2006)
In addition, Australia has committed to reducing greenhouse gas
emissions by between 5 and 15 per cent or 25 per cent compared with 2000
levels by 2020—formally submitted to the Copenhagen Accord in January 2010. The
Australian Government has also committed to reducing emissions by 80 per
cent compared with 2000 levels by 2050.
International cooperation on migratory birds
The Committee noted its concerns in the second interim report about the
‘adequacy of international agreements for the protection of migratory bird
habitats’ outside Australia.[56] In addition, the
Committee heard concerns from the Conservation Council of South Australia about
proposed changes to the EPBC Act that would serve to wind back protections
under the Bonn II list of migratory species.[57] This could have
implications for Australia’s international obligations under its international
migratory species agreements. As mentioned, the Committee would welcome a
review of the proposed changes to the EPBC Act, including any changes which may
affect migratory species listing and protection.
International cooperation on research
Australia collaborates with several countries on environmental research
projects. ARC indicated that over two thirds of biodiversity and conservation
projects commencing in the years 2008‑11 involved international collaboration.[58]
The Committee heard that, since 2008, the ARC had awarded $7.3 million
in grants to 21 proposals involving taxonomy.[59] The Department of
Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)
outlined projects funded through various programs it administers which involve
collection and storage of taxonomic and biodiversity data, some of which involve
international collaborations:
n Atlas of Living
n Global Biodiversity
Information Facility/CSIRO
n Scientific Collections
International/South Australian Museum
n Terrestrial Ecosystem
Research Network/University of Queensland
n Integrated Marine
Observing System/University of Tasmania
n Tropical Marine
Research Facilities/Australian Institute of Marine Science
n Daintree Rainforest
Observatory/James Cook University
n Hawkesbury Institute
for the Environment/University of Western Sydney.[60]
DIISRTE also advised of projects relating to taxonomy and collection of
biodiversity data supported by DSEWPAC:
n National
Environmental Research Program
n Environmental
n Australian
Collaborative Rangelands Information System
n National Biological
Resources Study which is managed by DSEWPAC and provides grants for taxonomy
DIISRTE also advised the Committee of ongoing collaborative involvement
in the following areas:
n the Global Biodiversity
Information Facility (of which Australia is a financial member), administered
by CSIRO through the Atlas, encourages electronic access to biodiversity data
through a network of countries and organisations
n the Integrated Marine
Observing System (IMOS) is internationally recognised as best practice for
collaborative research infrastructure, and the IMOS ocean portal allows marine
and climate scientists, as well as other users, to discover and explore the
data coming from the facilities.[62] There is an Australia‑New
Zealand Arrangement on Marine Observation that is intended to ‘improve
knowledge of regional climate and ocean systems, effectiveness of marine
resource and environmental management and enhance food security.’[63]
n Australia is also
involved in the Australia‑India and Australia‑China research funds
on biodiversity and climate change.[64]
Cross-border management
Cross-border management was discussed in the Committee’s first interim
report, in relation to the Australian Alps and specifically Kosciuszko National
Park. The Committee highlighted the need to:
… strengthen the current cooperative arrangements to allow
joint management. This would enable cross-border programs to be funded to
tackle threats to biodiversity that extend across all jurisdictions, such as
weeds and feral animals. There may be a role for the Commonwealth in
facilitating or delivering such programs.[65]
In the course of its inquiry, the
Committee continued to hear observations, criticisms and proposals for change
to the way in which cross-border issues are managed. Several of these are
canvassed below, relating to budgets and terminology in legislation as well as
a range of observations which have specific resonance for certain areas but
which may also have wider applicability.
ANEDO stated that it is essential that the budgets for national park
management agencies are increased.[66] Mr Matt Ruchel, a Member
of NPAC, stated that national parks should be made into a matter of national
environmental significance, thereby ensuring a legitimate role for the
Commonwealth.[67] Mr Kevin Evans, Chief
Executive Officer of the National Parks Association of NSW, advised the
Committee that the federal government’s involvement with the reserves system is
‘in name only’, as they are funded by state governments, whose ‘smaller budgets
allocated to deal with onground management and acquisition are getting smaller
and smaller’.[68] Mr Evans also described
the need for increased government funding and influence, in order to ensure
that the national parks and reserves systems remain to protect biodiversity.[69]
The Committee heard about the confusion in terminology between state
environment legislation and the EPBC Act, particularly in the marine
environment. Mr Evans stated that the National Parks Association of NSW had
advocated for COAG to try to resolve these definitional differences to reduce
confusion, but that the proposals had not been adopted.[70]
NPAC claimed that nationally consistent cross-border management systems
will improve coordination of fire management activities across state
boundaries, and help to review and assess long-term impacts of fire management
practices with a view to adopting best practice in fire management across all
The Committee heard about the management of the Australian Alps National
Parks, and the Memorandum of Understanding between Victoria, NSW, the ACT and
the Commonwealth. Mr Roger Good, a participant in the Australian Alps Liaison
Committee, stated his concern about the cross-border relationship as being:
… that the Alps liaison committee and the Alps interstate and
Commonwealth program is not based on an agreement. It has been a wonderful
example of how state and territory management agencies can work together, but
it is based on a memorandum of understanding only.[72]
The Research Centre for Applied Alpine Ecology stated that:
The Australian Alps Liaison Committee is a good concept for
sharing information on management but it lacks authority, scientific knowledge
and funding, and does not effectively engage private and corporate bodies.[73]
A special management plan for the Australian Alps was suggested, that
would include scientists embedded with the people making management decisions.
Professor Hoffman noted that the Great Barrier Reef management arrangements
have ‘excellent communication’, and that the Wet Tropics of Queensland
arrangements are ‘starting to work really well’.[74]
Professor Hoffman further stated that the Alps needed to be taken out of the
hands of the state agencies and uniform guidelines to manage the area created.[75]
Professor Hoffman also stated that management needed to occur much more easily
across state boundaries.[76]
A model similar to that administered by the Great Barrier Reef Marine
Park Authority (GBRMPA) was suggested as a good example to replicate in the
Australian Alps.[77]
When asked whether the Great Barrier Reef management model was
transportable to other environmentally sensitive areas, Dr David Wachenfeld,
Director, Ecosystem, Conservation and Sustainable Use of GBRMPA, responded:
The strength of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act model
is that when you look at a sensitive and iconic environmental area that is
subject to multiple impacts from multiple sources that are under multiple
different governments and other jurisdictions to manage, it is probably
extremely helpful to have one central body that might not have direct
legislative control over all the impacts but has a mandate to look after,
coordinate and report on everything to do with the health of the system, and it
gives you a point of focus, if you like. In answer to your question about its
transportability, I think it depends on the nature of the environment. I do not
necessarily mean the ecological environment but the social, political and
economic environment.
I could imagine the model would be useful in an area where
there are difficulties with a complex environment, with complex human impacts
and with complex jurisdictional issues and you want a body to try to overarch
all of that and bring it together.[78]
Integrated forest management
The Committee is aware of the range of views regarding forest
management, and the impacts on biodiversity, weed management and fire
management regimes.
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) referred to
research by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and
Sciences which predicts that climate change will impact upon native and planted
forests, wood production and investment, more strongly in some regions.[79]
DAFF also noted that, since 2009, the federal and state governments have been examining
the effects of climate change on the forest and wood products industry.[80]
The Committee notes that evidence and possible approaches to forest management
are contested by various organisations and individuals.
Ms Lorraine Bower, a spokesperson for the Australian Forests and Climate
Alliance stated that the Alliance wanted to see:
… all public native forests protected by legislation from
commercial logging, and for commercial logging to cease with a transition to a
plantation based logging industry that is available to serve all domestic and
export needs.[81]
The exit from native forest logging and a transition into plantations
was supported by the South East Forest Rescue.[82]
The Committee heard that overharvesting of native forests had resulted
in the growth of weeds, and ‘clearly linked to the emergence of a pathogen
called bell miner associated dieback that is affecting increasingly large
areas of forest by killing large standing trees’.[83]
Mr Pepe Clarke, Chief Executive Officer of the Nature Conservation Council of
NSW, further stated that there is a real opportunity to consider biodiversity
and forest management together with climate change.[84]
The Committee heard of the opportunity to bring fire management
objectives of risk management to protect life and property, together with objectives
of improving or restoring biodiversity over time and to manage threats such as
invasive plants.[85] The Committee also heard
from Ms Bower that ‘biodiverse forests will help to make landscapes less, not
more, fire prone’.[86] Ms Bower informed the
Committee about the fragmented nature of the national park system:
In our forests we have a national park system but it is [a] very
fragmented system. We have 9.4 million-hectares of native forests that are open
for logging, which we obviously believe should be part of the reserve system … We
are asking for a system that is much less fragmented that allows our
biodiversity to become a lot more resilient.[87]
The Institute of Foresters of Australia stated the need for a national
inquiry into the role and management of Australia’s native forests.[88]
Dr Ross Florence, an Honorary Member and Fellow of the Institute suggested
… we are yet to address in a comprehensive way the basic
issue of the future of our native forests, in particular the role, and
management, of native forests and ways in which an appropriate balance between
wood production and environmental conservation might be achieved.[89]
In a private briefing towards the end of the inquiry, the Committee
heard about the value of integrated forest management, with the need for
decision making processes which adequately take into account the role of wood
production forests in conservation. Dr Florence outlined the role for an
inquiry to investigate the extent to which a forestry industry is needed, and
the important role to be played by national parks, which are currently
under-resourced for the crucial role they perform in biodiversity conservation.
Dr Florence outlined the matters that such an inquiry might address:
n the compatibility of
wood production and environmental conservation within different forests and
under different circumstances
n silvicultural and
other management practices which effectively integrate wood production,
environmental and social values
n the extent to which
national conservation objectives can be met through a balanced mix of
conservation reserves and production forests
n the range of
economic, social, and other contributions the wood production forest can make
to society
n the extent to which
wildfire management will be enhanced within the wood production forest
n the formulation of an
objective and transparent land use review process which takes full account of
all relevant circumstances bearing on land use decisions
n the extent to which
governments will, in recognising their duty of care for the nation’s forests,
accept management costs beyond returns realised through commercial operations.[90]
Conclusions and recommendations
Conditions for bilateral agreements
There was a high level of concern expressed about the proposed changes
to the EPBC Act affecting bilateral agreements, and particularly bilateral
approval processes. The Committee notes the April 2012 COAG announcement that
bilateral approvals would not be progressed at the present time, but provides
the following issues for consideration in the case that they are pursued at a
later date:
n the Commonwealth’s
level of continued involvement in the assessment/approval process and the
implications of ‘vacating the field’
n the standards applied
to state/territory processes being equivalent to that applied to the
n the extent of
community involvement in approvals processes
n potential conflicts
of interest in states/territories assessing and approving their own
developments and the procedures and safeguards put in place to avoid such
n sufficient
negotiation time through the COAG process to develop bilateral agreements
n potential for
competing states/territories compromising environmental standards to gain
revenue from developments
n ability of
states/territories to make decisions in the ‘national interest’ and ensuring
the maintenance of the Commonwealth’s integrity.
The Committee reiterates its views expressed above in relation to its
intention to discuss the proposed changes to the EPBC Act in relation to its
assessment of whether current governance arrangements are well placed to deal
with the challenges of conserving biodiversity in a changing climate. The
Committee also reiterates that it would welcome the opportunity to review the
EPBC Amendment Bill, in order to assess the changes made in light of the COAG
announcements, and the Australian Government’s reform announcements and
response to the report of the Independent review of the EPBC Act.
Recommendation 14 |
The Committee recommends that the Minister refer an exposure
draft of the EPBC Amendment Bill to the Committee for review prior to
introduction in the Parliament.
Governance of species
The Committee supports the Australian Government’s agreement to move to
a single national list of threatened species.
The Committee understands that the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and
Transport Committee is inquiring into the Biosecurity Bill 2012 and the
Inspector-General of Biosecurity Bill 2012 and is expected to report by June
2013. The Committee highlights the following as important considerations to be
taken into account in any biosecurity legislation:
n focus on prevention
of unsafe introductions by identifying invasive species early on, with
appropriate identification systems
n biosecurity risk
assessments for invasive species must be developed to take into account climate
change, and be undertaken on all listed approved species in order to determine
and remove high risk species
n possibility of
introducing an environmental biosecurity body to set contingency plans for
future invasions, align research priorities, and review existing laws. Some of
these issues may be covered by the proposed Inspector-General of Biosecurity.
The Committee agrees that any biosecurity legislation must provide for
the active movement of species to new places. This is especially relevant in
light of the increasing need to put adaptive management processes in place to
combat the threatening effects of climate change on biodiversity, and in light
of the National Wildlife Corridors Plan and more large-scale wildlife corridors
operating across borders.
Recommendation 15 |
The Committee recommends that the Australian Government
publish a progress report on developing a single national list of threatened
species as part of the changes to the EPBC Act, as well as expected future
Cross-border management
The Committee agrees that nationally consistent cross-border management
is vital for issues such as fire management practices and invasive species
control. Assisting to create such nationally consistent cross-border management
practices should be a priority for the Australian Government, especially in
areas of national environmental significance, such as the Australian Alps
National Parks and Reserves.
The Committee considers that the Australian Government should review the
current management arrangements in the Australian Alps with a view to
determining whether a different model—such as the Great Barrier Reef Marine
Park Authority model— would improve coordination and priority management of the
area’s biodiversity. In the event that the current arrangements are determined
as satisfactory, the Australian Government should consider revising the
structure of the Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen coordination and
allow joint management, and create uniform guidelines to manage the area with
greater authority and readily available scientific knowledge.
Recommendation 16 |
7.91 |
The Committee recommends that the Australian Government
review the current co-management arrangements in the Australian Alps with a
view to determining whether a different model—such as the Great Reef Marine
Park Authority model—would improve coordination and priority management of
the area’s biodiversity. |
Integrated forest management
The Committee acknowledges the current opportunity for urgent consideration
of biodiversity and forest management together with the effects of climate
change. Any future inquiry could consider aligning fire management practices
with objectives of safety, biodiversity protection and invasive species
management, with a focus on connectivity and opportunities for forest managers
to trade carbon credits to reduce carbon pollution.
The Committee agrees that integrated forest management could be
beneficial to maintaining and protecting biodiversity in a changing climate.
The Committee considers that an inquiry into the role and management of
Australia’s native forests is required, as is a comprehensive assessment of
forest health.
An inquiry into the role and management of Australia’s forests could
include considerations of the issues outlined earlier in this chapter, as well
n the need for a
multi-use policy for Australia’s forests
n how forests should be
managed and the extent of Australia’s national park and reserve systems
n how decisions should
be made; whether we take into account the fact that wood production forests are
as important as national parks, and that wood production forests have a role to
play in conservation
n the role of
sustainable fire management
n the role of timber
n the potential need
for a body such as Land and Water Australia.
Recommendation 17 |
The Committee recommends that the Australian Government
establish an expert panel, including representatives of the timber industry
and national parks, to inquire into and report on options for Australia’s
future integrated forest management.
Mr Tony Zappia MP
30 May 2013