House of Representatives Committees

| House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Affairs

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Appendix C: Public hearings

Thursday, 5 February 2009 —Canberra


              Mr Kevin Murphy, PhD candidate (Anthropology), Australian National University


Thursday, 12 March 2009— Canberra


              Professor Jon Altman, Director, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University

              Dr Kirrily Jordan, Post-doctoral Fellow, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

              Mr Brian Aarons, Chief of Staff, Northern Territory Emergency Response Operations Centre

              Ms Lynne Curran, Group Manager, Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination

              Dr Bruce Smith, Branch Manager, Intergovernmental Government and Policy


Thursday, 19 March 2009 —Canberra


              Mr Graham Maloney, National Manager, Income Management

              Mr Peter Searston, General Manager, Remote Servicing Division

Department of Health and Ageing

              Ms Sharon Appleyard, Assistant Secretary, Rural Health Services and Policy Branch

              Dr Geetha Isaac-Toua, Medical Advisor, Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Health

              Ms Cath Peachey, Assistant Secretary, Healthy Living Branch, Population Health Division

              Ms Lesley Podesta, First Assistant Secretary, Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

              Ms Alma Quick, Director, Rural Primary Health Section, Rural Health Services and Policy Branch

              Mr Mark Thomann, Assistant Secretary, Policy Budget Branch, Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Department of Human Services

              Ms Marie Johnson, Chief Technology Architect

              Mr Brian Olson, Assistant Secretary

Stantons International

              Mr Philip Belletty, Consultant

              Mr Ben Pace, Director, Canberra Office

              Mr Michael Wyatt, Consultant


Torres Strait and Queensland


Monday, 30 March 2009 —Thursday (Waiben) Island


              Mr Peter Ah Loy

              Mr Leo Akee

              Mrs Samantha Devine

              Ms Abigail Harry

              Ms Vonda Moar-Malone

              Mr Tim Sproal

              Mrs Betty Tekahika

              Mr Chicka Turner

Australian Quarantine Inspection Service

              Mr Daniel Mosby, Acting Northern Australian Quarantine Strategy Operations Manager, Torres Strait/Northern Peninsula

Ilan Health Foods

Mr Michael Higgins, Owner

Islanders Board of Industry and Service

              Mr Richard Bowler, Chief Executive Officer

Sea Swift

              Mr Michael Parry, Sales Manager

              Mr Fred White, Chief Executive Officer

Torres Shire Council

              Mr Bernie McCarthy, Chief Executive Officer

              Mr Napau Pedro Stephen, Mayor

Torres Strait Island Regional Council

              Mr Fred Gela, Mayor

              Mr John Scarce, Chief Executive Officer

Torres Strait Regional Authority

              Mr John (Toshie) Kris, Chairperson

              Mr Wayne See Kee, General Manager


Tuesday, 31 March 2009—Badu (Mulgrave) Island


              Mr George Morseau

              Mr Laurie Nona

              Mr Titom Nona

              Dr Peter Waria

Island and Cape

              Mr Robert Mitchell, Store Manager

Saint Pauls Community, Moa Island

              Mr Charles Coleman

Pastor John Newie

Mrs Maureen Newie

Mrs Susannah Sailor

              Mr Keith Taylor

Tagai State College—Badu Island Campus

              Mrs Kay Ahmat, Head of Badu Campus

              Ms Rita Kebisu, Project Co-ordinator, Mina Aigud, Matha, Zizimika
(Eat Well, Be Active)

Torres Strait Island Regional Council—Division 5 Badu Island

              Mr Wayne Guivarra, Councillor

Mr Manuel Nomoa, Island Manager

Ugar Kem Le Ged, Zeuber Er Kep Le (Torres Strait Islander Corporation), Stephen Island

Mr Seriako (Seri) Stephen, Chairman


Tuesday, 31 March 2009— Masig (Yorke) Island


              Father Douglas Billy

              Miss Nazareth Gamia

              Mrs Daisy Kabay

              Mr Glenn McConnell

              Mr Collin Messa

              Mr Jaina Morris

              Ms Hilda Mosby

              Mrs Glorianna Mosby

              Mr Daniel Mosby

              Mr Simon Naawi

              Mr Gabriel Nai

Island and Cape

              Mrs Jessie Mosby, Manager

Father Ned Mosby, Assistant Manager

Island Board of Industry Service

              Miss Elizabeth Warria, Islanders Board of Industry and Service (IBIS) Store Manager

Queensland Health

              Ms Robyn White, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area Health Service District

Tagai State College —Yorke Island Campus

              Mr Michael Nai, Head of Campus, Tagai State College


Wednesday, 1 April 2009—Mer (Murray) Island


              Mr Matthew Bon

              Mr Kevin Malone

              Ms Bai Tapau

              Mr Kevin Zaro

Islanders Board of Industries and Services

              Mr Andrew Passi, Assistant Manager

Mer Island Primary Health Care Centre

              Miss Sainty Kaigey, Senior Health Worker

Torres Island Regional Council—Division 15, Mer Island

              Mr Ron Day, Councillor


Wednesday, 1 April 2009—Bamaga, Northern Peninsula Area


              Mr Peter Lui

              Ms Patricia Nona

              Mr Neville Reys

              Mr Jackson Sailor

              Mrs Marika Seden

              Mrs Lynda Symons

              Mr Arthur Wong

Bamaga Dreamtime Pty Ltd

              Mrs Jo-Ann Adidr-Poipoi

              Ms Sonia Townson

Island and Cape

              Mr John Smith, Owner

Northern Peninsular Area Council

              Mr Joseph Elu, Mayor

Seisia Supermarket

              Ms Tracey Sands, Assistant Manager


Thursday, 2 April 2009—Aurukun


              Mr Douglas Ahlers

              Mrs Patricia Sarago

              Mr Derek Walpo

              Mr Herbert Yunkaporta

Ms Hilda (name undisclosed: bereavement)

Aurukun Shire Council

              Mr John Bensch, Chief Executive Officer

              Councillor Angus Kerindun

              Councillor Patrick Koongotema

              Councillor Jonathon Korkaktain

              Councillor Neville Poochemunka, Mayor

              Councillor Phyllis Yunkaporta

Building Parental Skills Program

              Mrs Johanna Hunt, Coordinator

Family Income Management, Cape York Partnerships

              Mrs Angie Nathan, Consultant

Island and Cape

              Mr (Michael) Craig Oxlade, Store Manager, Aurukun Supermarket

Royal Flying Doctor Service

              Ms Wendy Graham, Dietician


Thursday, 2 April 2009 —Kowanyama


              Mr Ian McDowell

              Mr Rodney Whitfield

Anglican Church Coffee Shop

              Mr Kevin Warbrook

              Mrs Susan Warbrook

Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council

              Ms Elizabeth (Liz) Cameron, Recreation Services Manager

              Ms Josie Creek, Coordinator, Womens and Childrens Services, Mothers and Babies Centre

              Mr James Dick, Councillor

              Mr Thomas Hudson, Mayor

              Mr Jon Japp, Chief Executive Officer

              Mr Walter Parry, Councillor

              Mr Griffith Patrick, Councillor

              Mr Robbie Sands, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

              Mr Michael Yam, Councillor

Kowanyama State School

              Mrs Thelma Kitchener, Tuckshop Convenor

Royal Flying Doctor Service, Queensland

              Ms Laure Baumgartner, Dietician

              Dr Adam Pritchard, Medical Officer


Central Australia and Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands


Monday, 27 April 2009 —Papunya


              Mr Michael Nelson Jakamarra, Papunya Elder

Mr Lance McDonald

Aboriginal Interpreter Service

              Ms Anne Williams

Papunya Aged Care Program

Mr Sifa Tasi, Coordinator

Papunya School

              Ms Sue Sifa, Principal

Papunya Store

Mr Greg Giumelli, Store Manager

              Mrs Michelle Giumelli, Store Manager

Papunya Stores Company

              Mr Sid Anderson, President

              Mr Sammy Butcher, Vice-President, Store Committee

Town Bore Outstation

              Ms Ada Lechleitner


Tuesday, 28 April 2009 —Alice Springs

Centre for Appropriate Technology

              Mrs Jennifer Kroker, Executive Officer

              Dr Bruce Walker, Chief Executive

Centrefarm Aboriginal Horticulture Limited

              Mr Allan Cooney, General Manager

Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre

              Ms Jan Ferguson, Managing Director

              Ms Fay Rola-Rubzen, Core Project Leader, Desert Biz and Associate Professor, Curtin University of Technology

Finke River Mission

              Mr Selwyn Kloeden, Manager, Hermannsburg Store

Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation

              Mr Darryl Pearce, Chief Executive Officer

Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council

              Miss Julie Anderson, Womens Director

              Ms Liza Balmer, Child Nurtrition Program Manager

              Ms Vicki Gillick, Coordinator

              Mrs Margaret Smith, Chairperson

Nganampa Health Council

              Mr John Tregenza, Coordinator, Mai Wiru Stores Policy Unit

Ninti Corporate Services

              Mr Richard Bugg, Operations Manager

              Mr Matthew Ellem, Chief Executive Officer

Outback Stores

              Mr John Kop, Chief Executive Officer

Station store managers

Mrs Joan Parton, Murray Downs Station

Mrs Janet Chisholm, Napperby Station

              Mrs Lynne Leigh, Epenarra Station

              Ms Angela Siebert, Macdonald Downs Station

Yuendumu Social Club Incorporated

              Mr Robert Gosford, Spokesperson

              Ms Valerie Martin, Spokesperson

Yuendumu Mining Company

              Mr Frank Baarda, Manager

              Mr Warren Japanangka Williams, Director


Wednesday, 29 April 2009 —Amata


              Mr Owen Burton

              Mr Jonathon Lyons

              Mr Warren Tukin

Amata Community Council

              Mr Leonard Burton, Member

              Ms Angelina Dunnett, Acting Municipal Services Officer

Mr Lloyd Inkamala, Member

              Ms Brenda Stubbs, Member

              Mr Alan Wilson, Member

Amata Community Store

              Mr Warwick Green, Manager


Wednesday, 29 April 2009 —Fregon


              Mr Roger Kayipipi

Fregon Anangu School

              Ms Julie Cedrych, Junior Primary teacher

Mr Dean McDonald, Teacher

              Mr Tony Robinson, Administration Finance Officer

Kaltjiti Store

              Mr Peter Johns, Store Manager

              Mrs Eileen Johns, Store Manager

Kaltjiti Store Committee

              Mr Robert Stevens, Vice-Chairman, Community Elder

Mrs Fairy Stevens, Member

Nganampa Health Council

              Mr Stephan Rainow, Public and Environmental Health Officer, Mai Wiru Stores Policy Unit

              Mr John Tregenza, Coordinator, Mai Wiru Stores Policy Unit


Thursday, 14 May 2009 —Canberra


              Ms Kerry Arabena, Visiting Research Fellow, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, at the Fenner School, Australian National University

Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations

              Mr Anthony Beven, Registrar of Indigenous Corporations

              Dr Nathan Boyle, Governance Branch Manager


Thursday, 28 May 2009—Canberra

Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing

              Ms Helen Catchatoor, Acting Assistant Secretary, Rural Health Services and Policy Branch

Department of Health and Ageing

              Ms Michaela Coleborne, Director, Strategic Policy Section, Policy and Budget Branch

              Dr Geetha Isaac-Toua, Medical Advisor, Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Health

              Ms Cath Peachey, Assistant Secretary, Healthy Living Branch, Population Health Division

              Ms Lesley Podesta, First Assistant Secretary, Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

              Ms Alma Quick, Director, Rural Primary Health Section, Rural Health Services and Policy Branch


Thursday, 18 June 2009—Canberra


              Lieutenant General John Sanderson (Retired) AC


Wednesday, 24 June 2009—Canberra

Northern Peninsular Area Regional Council

              Mr Joseph Elu, Mayor


Thursday, 25 June 2009—Canberra

Heart Foundation

              Mrs Deanne Wooden, Nutrition Manager

              Mr Traven Lea, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program Manager; Chair of National Aboriginal and Torres Nutrition Strategy and Action Plan

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition Strategy and
Action Plan

              Ms Katherine Cullerton, Senior Project Officer

              Dr Amanda Lee, Member of Steering Committee; Co-Chair of Reference Group


Western Australia and Northern Territory


Monday, 20 July 2009—Broome


              The Hon. Mr Jonathan (Jon) Ford MLA, Member for Mining and Pastoral Regions, Western Australian Government

              Mrs Carol Martin MLA, Member for Kimberley, Western Australian Government

Australian Red Cross

              Mr Warren Fryer, Kimberley Regional Manager

              Ms Barbara Hollin, Senior Manager Community Services

Djarindjin Aboriginal Corporation

              Mr Andy McGaw, Chief Executive Officer

EON Foundation Incorporated

              Mr Chris Cassidy, Project Manager

Foodbank Western Australia

              Mr Doug Paling, Chief Executive Officer

              Mr Denis Ryan, Chairman

Kimberley Aged and Community Services

              Ms Maxine Nixon, Remote Program Coordinator, Kimberley Remote Home and Community Care

              Miss Solange Rousset, Senior Training and Quality Coordinator

Kimberley Population Health Unit, Western Australian Country Health Service

Miss Robyn Bowcock, Public Health Nutritionist; Western Australian Representative Remote Indigenous Stores and Takeaways (RIST) Steering Committee 2006–2008

Nindilingarri Cultural Health Services

              Mr Clint Bussey, Nutritionist/Health Promotion Team Leader

              Mr Patrick Davies, Spiritual Health/Health Promotion, Town Community

              Mr Harry Yungabun, Environmental Team Coordinator, Djugerari Community

Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation

              Mr Chicky Clements, Environmental Health

One Arm Point Community/Ardyaloon Incorporated

              Mr Andrew Carter, Chairperson

Remote Community Management Services

              Mr Craig Spicer, Accountant

WA Buying Services

              Ms Louise Crump, Director

Ms Karen Mellott, Managing Director

Wangkatjungka Store

              Miss Nicole Hines, Store Manager

Yawuru Aboriginal Corporation

              Ms Dianne Appleby, Welcome to Country


Tuesday, 21 July 2009—Jilkminggan


              Ms Sheila Conway

              Ms Anna Golden

              Ms Cheryl Lardy

              Ms Theresa McDonald

              Ms Jessie Roberts

Dungalan Store

              Mr Nabeel Rasheed, Store Manager, Outback Stores

              Mrs Jenny Rasheed, Store Manager, Outback Stores

Dungalan Store Committee

              Mr Robert Smiler, Chairperson

Sunrise Health Services

              Ms Irene Fisher, Chief Executive Officer


Tuesday, 21 July 2009—Bulman


              Mrs Maggie Chikkapa

              Mr Symone Pascoe

Bulman School

              Mr Mike Puccetti, Principal

Gulin Gulin Store

              Mr Peter Aitken, Manager, Outback Stores

              Ms Gayleen Aitken, Manager, Outback Stores

Gulin Gulin Store Committee

              Mr Michael Stevens, Vice-President

Roper Gulf Shire Council

              Mr Lazarus Murray, Community Councillor


Wednesday, 22 July 2009— Darwin


              Mr John Greatorex, Coordinator Yolngu Studies, Charles Darwin University

Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation

              Reverend Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM, Chairman

              Mr Alastair King, General Manager

Australian Red Cross

              Ms Olga Havnen, Head of Indigenous Strategy

              Mrs Kathy Sadler, Acting Executive Director

Australian Securities and Investments Commission

              Mr Duncan Poulson, Northern Territory Regional Commissioner

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

              Mr Brian Aarons, Manager, Northern Territory Response Unit, Northern Territory State Office

              Ms Laura Toyne, Director, Community Stores Licensing

Fred Hollows Foundation

              Ms Danielle Aquino, Nutrition Development Coordinator

              Ms Alison Lorraine, Women's Development Coordinator

              Ms Joy McLaughlin, Manager, Indigenous Program

              Ms Tania McLeod, Senior Coordinator, Governance

Larrakia Nation

              Ms Allyson Mills, Welcome to Country

Laynhapuy Homelands Association Incorporated

              Mr Ric Norton, General Manager

Jarlmadangah Burru Aboriginal Corporation

              Mr Joseph (Joe) Grande, Administrator

Meertens Chartered Accountants

Mr Stuart Reid, Manager

Mr Austin Taylor, Managing Partner

Menzies School of Health Research

              Dr Julie Brimblecombe, Post-doctoral Research Fellow

              Professor Jonathan Carapetis, Director

Northern Territory Government

              Mr Kenneth Davies, Deputy Chief Executive, Department of the Chief Minister

Ms Elizabeth Morris, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Department of Justice

              Ms Carrie Turner, Acting Program Director, Nutrition and Physical Activity, Department of Health and Families

RWM Consultancy

              Mr Rollo Manning, Principal


Thursday, 23 July 2009 —Warruwi, Goulburn Island


              Ms Vicki Chyer

              Mr James Mairawal

              Mr Johnny Namayiwa, Principal Traditional Owner; Chairman former Warruwi Council Incorporated

              Ms Rosemary Urabadi

              Mr Ida Waianga, ESO Supervisor

Ajurumu Self-Service Store and Store Committee

              Mr Damien Fitzpatrick, Store Manager, Australian Retail Consultants, Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation

              Ms Jenny Inmulugulu, Store Committee Member

              Ms Nancy Ngalmindjalmag, Store Committee Member

Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation

              Mr Alastair King, General Manager

Warruwi Health Clinic

              Ms Mary Hammond, Remote Area Nurse

Warruwi School

              Mr Phil Maunder, Principal


Thursday, 23 July 2009—Milingimbi


              Ms Joanne Baker

              Mr Jimmy Burpur

Ms Elizabeth Gangulaba

              Mr John Ryan

Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation

              Mr Keith Lapulung, Director, Community Representative

              Mr Mick Nemarich, Human Resources/Operations Manager

Milingimbi Clinic

              Ms Carol Jobson, Manager

Milingimbi Store and Store Committee

Ms Dorothy Buyulminy, Store Committee Member

              Mr Ross Mandi, Store Committee Member

              Mr Geoff McClean, Store Manager, Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation


Thursday, 23 July 2009 —Maningrida

Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation

              Mr Mark Hutchings, Manager, Barlmarrk Supermarket

              Mr Len Kiely, Acting Chief Executive Officer

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

              Mr Dene Herreen, Indigenous Engagement Officer; Member Maningrida Reference Group

Malabam Health Board

              Ms Michelle Thumm, Community Well-being Coordinator

Maningrida Health Clinic

              Ms Sue-Ellen Kovack, Remote Area Nurse, Chronic Disease

              Ms Sandi Smyth, Remote Area Nurse, Child Health

Maningrida Progress Association

Mr Jimmy Tan, Financial Officer

              Ms Helen Williams, Chairperson

              Mr Bill Young, General Manager

Maningrida Youth Issues/Services

              Ms Noeletta McKenzie, Youth Coordinator

              Mr Kingsley Murphy, Youth Worker


Thursday, 20 August 2009—Canberra

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

              Ms Lynne Curran, Group Manager, Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination

              Ms Dianne Hawgood, Group Manager, Indigenous Remote Service Delivery Group

              Dr Alison Smith, Assistant Secretary, Indigenous Policy Branch, Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination

              Ms Laura Toyne, Director, Community Stores Licensing


Thursday, 10 September 2009—Canberra


              Mr Ian Lovell, Cold Chain and Freight Logistics Consultant



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We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledge their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and the elders past, present and emerging.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.