House of Representatives Committees

| Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

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On 5 August 2009 fourteen members of the Defence Sub-Committee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade visited Timor Leste. The focus of the visit was the contribution being made by the Australian Defence Force to the current and future security of the country.

In view of the Committee’s focus on nation building and self-sufficiency within the defence and security context, the Committee elected to visit Joint Task Force 631, the Defence Co-operation Program and the Timor Leste Defence Force Training Centre at Metinaro.

This visit enabled the Committee to gain an appreciation of how far Timor Leste  has progressed since our previous visit in 2003. It is clear that with the support of several nations and a significant number of NGOs the country is making steady progress supported by a more stable security environment, following the tragic recurrence of violence in 2006.

It was clear to the Committee that the Defence Co-operation Program holds the key to a professionally trained organic Defence capability. The long term goal of enabling the country one day to contribute capability to support others overseas is a laudable aim.

On behalf of the Committee, I would like to thank the Ambassador, Mr Peter Heyward, and his staff at the Australian Embassy Dili, the ADF staff at the Defence Cooperation Program and Brigadier Bill Sowry and the members of Joint Task Force 631. Their support and assistance ensured that this was a productive and informative visit.

The Committee is indebted to the Prime Minister for approving the visit and to the Minister for Defence for the allocation of an aircraft from No 34 Squadron of the Royal Australian Air Force without which the visit could not have been achieved.


Hon Arch Bevis MP

Chair of Defence Sub-Committee


Membership of the Committee



Senator M Forshaw


Deputy Chair

The Hon D Hawker MP



Senator M Arbib (from 01/07/08 till 11/09/09)

Senator A Bartlett (till 30/06/08)

Senator M Bishop

Senator M Cormann (till 23/09/08)

Senator A Eggleston (till 19/03/08)

Senator the Hon A Ferguson

(from 01/07/08)

Senator M Fifield

Senator M Furner (from 16/03/09)

Senator S Hanson-Young (from 04/12/08)

Senator the Hon D Johnston

(from 23/09/08)

Senator L J Kirk (till 30/06/08)

Senator S Ludlum (from 26/11/08)

Senator the Hon J A L (Sandy) Macdonald (till 30/06/08)

Senator C M Moore

Senator K O’Brien (from 01/07/08)

Senator M Payne (from 19/03/08)

Senator N Stott Despoja (till 30/06/08)

Senator R Trood

Senator R S Webber (till 30/06/08)

The Hon B Baldwin MP

The Hon A Bevis MP

The Hon J Bishop MP (from 11/03/09)

Mr M Danby MP

The Hon J Fitzgibbon MP (from 15/06/09)

Ms A Ellis MP

Mr S W Gibbons MP

Ms S Grierson MP

Mr D Hale MP

The Hon I Macfarlane MP

Mrs L Markus MP (from 25/09/08)

Ms S Mirabella MP (till 11/03/09)

The Hon J Murphy MP (from 20/03/09)

Mr R Oakeshott MP(from 20/03/09)

Ms M Parke MP

Ms K Rea MP

Mr B Ripoll MP

The Hon A Robb AO MP (till 25/09/08)

Mr S Robert MP

The Hon P Ruddock MP

Ms J Saffin MP

The Hon B Scott MP

Mr K Thomson MP (till 15/06/09)

Ms M Vamvakinou MP


Dr M Kerley



Membership of the Defence Sub –Committee



The Hon A Bevis MP


Deputy Chair

The Hon B Baldwin MP




Senator M Arbib (till 11/03/09)

Senator M Bishop

Senator the Hon A Ferguson

Senator M Fifield

Senator M Forshaw (ex officio)

Senator M Furner (from 16/03/09)

Senator the Hon D Johnston

Senator S Ludlum

Senator K O’Brien  

Senator M Payne  

Senator R Trood



Mr M Danby MP

The Hon J Fitzgibbon MP (from 15/06/09)

Mr S W Gibbons MP

Ms S Grierson MP

Mr D Hale MP

The Hon D Hawker MP (ex officio)

The Hon I Macfarlane MP  

Mrs L Markus MP

Ms S Mirabella MP(till 11/03/09)

Mr R Oakeshott MP(from 20/03/09)

Mr S Robert MP

Ms J Saffin MP

The Hon B Scott MP  

Mr K Thomson MP (till 15/06/09)


Committee Secretariat



Dr Margot Kerley

Defence Adviser

WGCDR David Ashworth

Officer Manager

Mrs Donna Quintus-Bosz

Administrative Officers

Mrs Sonya Gasper

Ms Gillian Drew




Visit Participants



Chair The Hon A Bevis MP  
Deputy Chair The Hon B Baldwin MP  

Senator M Bishop

Senator the Hon A Ferguson

Senator M Furner (from 16/03/09)

Senator S Ludlum

Senator K O’Brien  

The Hon B Scott MP  

Mr M Danby MP

Ms S Grierson MP

The Hon D Hawker MP (ex officio)

The Hon I Macfarlane MP  

Mr S Robert MP

Ms J Saffin MP




Defence Adviser WGCDR David Ashworth  



List of abbreviations



Defence Co-operation Program


Defence Co-operation Program Headquarters


Timor Leste Defence Force


International Stabilisation Force


International Stabilisation Force Headquarters


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