House of Representatives Committees

| Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade


Preliminary Pages

[1]   Chair, Hon A R Bevis, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 18.

Chapter 1 Introduction

[1]       Chair, Hon A R Bevis MP, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 1.

[2]       New York Times (13 November 1988) Illnesses of Aircraft Workers to be Discussed viewed 17 May 2008 at <>.

[3]       Hearings before the Subcommittee on Toxic Substances, Environmental Oversight, Research and Development of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, first session, March 6, 1989; July 5, 1989.

Chapter 2 F-111 Fuel Tank Maintenance   

[1]       Air Vice-Marshal Brown, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 9.

[2]       F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 2, p. 2-2.

[3]       Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 10. 

[4]       Department of Defence, Submission No. 122, p. 2.

[5]      F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 3, p. 3-3.

[6]       F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 3, p. 3-7.

[7]       It should be noted that there were two types of ‘pick and patch’ activities – those conducted as part of the formal DSRS programs, and those conducted as part of the squadron maintenance programs.    

[8]       F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 4, p. 4-3.

[9]       501WG was formed in 1992 and was the successor to 3AD which was disbanded. The functions from 3AD were transferred to 501WG along with those from 482 Sqn. 501WG consisted of other aircraft maintenance sections which dealt with a variety of maintenance issues.  Most importantly for the purposes of this inquiry, it carried out DSRS and Spray Seal programs on the F-111 along with major maintenance. 

[10]     F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 4, p. 5-4.

[11]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 1.

[12]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 123, p. 3.

[13]     Mr A Aburn, Submission No. 22, and Mr G Steinhardt, Submission No. 63.

[14]     Mr A Aburn, Submission No.  22, p. 2.

[15]     Mr P Johnson, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 60.

[16]     Mr W. Knilands, Submission No.  13, p. 8.

[17]     Mr B Gray, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 38.

[18]     Chair, Hon A R Bevis MP, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p.2.

[19]     Mr D Steley, Transcript, 29 July 2008, pp. 2-3.

[20]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 123, p. 4.

[21]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 14.

[22]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 14.

[23]     University of Newcastle Research Associates 2004, Study of Health Outcomes in Aircraft Maintenance Personnel (SHOAMP) - Phase III - Report on the General Health and Medical Study, Dept. of Defence, viewed 18/03/09 <>, p. 8.

[24]     Mr S. Lawler, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 7.

[25]     Air Vice-Marshal Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 61.

[26]     Air Vice-Marshal-Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 54.

[27]   The 1981 Determination can be found at:

[28]     The 1990 Determination can be found at:

[29]     The 1981 Determination can be found at:

Chapter 3 Board of Inquiry and Health Studies

[1]       F-111 Deseal/Reseal Board of Inquiry Volume 2, Chapter 1.

[2]       F-111 Deseal/Reseal Board of Inquiry Volume 1, Appendix 2.

[3]       F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 1, Chapter 1.

[4]       Department of Defence, Submission No. 122, p. 11.

[5]       F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 1, Appendix 3.

[6]       F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 1, Appendix 3.

[7]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Submission No. 89, p. 9.

[8]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Submission No. 89, p. 9.

[9]       SHOAMP Report, Volume 5, p. xvi.

[10]     SHOAMP Report, Volume 5, p. xvi.

[11]     SHOAMP Report, Volume 5, p. xvi.

[12]     SHOAMP Report, Volume 5, p. xvi.

[13]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Submission No. 89, p. 10.

[14]     SHOAMP Report, Volume 5, p. xvi.

[15]     SHOAMP Report, Volume 5, p. xiii.

[16]     Professor J Attia, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 30.

[17]     Dr A Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 30.

[18]     SHOAMP Report, Volume 5, p. xvii.

[19]     SHOAMP Report, Volume 5, p. xx.

[20]     Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2009) Third Study of Mortality and Cancer Incidence in Aircraft Maintenance Personnel: A Continuing Study of F-111 Deseal/Reseal Personnel, Canberra, p. vi. 

[21]     Mrs J Roediger, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 3.

[22]     Dr DJ Oakes, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 12.

[23]     Effects of a desealant formulation, SR-51 and its individual components on the oxidative functions of mitochondria. Moscova M; Oakes DJ; Pollak JK; Webster WS. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 18  (2004) 181 – 184. 

[24]    Oakes, DJ, Ritchie, HE, Woodman, PDC, NArup, E, Moscova, M, Picker, K and Webster, WS (2009) Genotoxicity studies of a desealant solvent mixture, SR-51, Toxicology and Indiustrial Health, 25:5.

[25]    Oakes DJ; Ritchie HE; Woodman P, and Webster WS (2005) Final Report on research into the toxicological effects of chemicals used in the F-111 Deseal/Reseal Programs. DVA Commissioned Report undertaken by CHALUS.

[26]    Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 10.   

[27]     Dr DJ Oakes, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 13.

[28]     Professor WS Webster, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 15.

[29]     Professor F Bowling, Submission No. 126.

[30]     Professor F Bowling, Submission No. 126, p. 6

[31]     Professor F Bowling, Transcript, 16 April 2009, p. 6

[32]    Coxon LW and Hartley, LR (2006) Psychological Functioning in Partners and Spouses of Deseal/Reseal Personnel, Study Commissioned by Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force.

[33]    Despite the concerns expressed by the F-111 Support Group concerning the effects of involvement in the Deseal/Reseal Programs on partners and families, this study failed to attract the involvement of many of those affected, thereby weakening the results.

[34]     Coxon LW and Hartley, LR (2006) Psychological Functioning in Partners and Spouses of Deseal/Reseal Personnel, Study Commissioned by Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force, p. 8.

[35]     Coxon LW and Hartley, LR (2006) Psychological Functioning in Partners and Spouses of Deseal/Reseal Personnel, Study Commissioned by Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force, p. 10.

[36]     Coxon LW and Hartley, LR (2006) Psychological Functioning in Partners and Spouses of Deseal/Reseal Personnel, Study Commissioned by Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force, p. 10.

[37]    Coxon LW and Hartley, LR (2006) Psychological Functioning in Partners and Spouses of      Deseal/Reseal Personnel, Study Commissioned by Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force, p. 11.

[38]     Mr S Danek, Transcript, 17 April 2008, p. 31.

[39]     F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 7, Annexe D, c.55.    

[40]     Mr S Danek, Transcript, 17 April 2008, p. 34   

[41]     F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 7, Annexe D, c.62.

[42]     Mr S Danek, Transcript, 17 April 2008, p. 34.

[43]     F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 7, Annexe D, c.67.    

[44]     F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 7, Annexe D, c.68.

[45]     F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 7, Annexe D, c. 69.

[46]     F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 7, Annexe D, c. 70.

[47]     Mr S Danek, Transcript, 17 April 2008, p. 35.

[48]     Professor A Hopkins (2005) Safety, Culture and Risk: The Organisational Causes, p. 82.

[49]     F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 7, Annexe D, c. 71.

[50]     F-111 Board of Inquiry, Volume 2, Chapter 7, Annexe D, c. 72.

[51]     Mr S Danek, Transcript, 17 April 2008, p. 35.

[52]     Professor A Hopkins (2005) Safety, Culture and Risk: The Organisational Causes, p. 82.

Chapter 4 Health Care, Compensation and Payment Schemes

[1]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 7.

[2]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 7.

[3]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, Attachment D. 

[4]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 7.

[5]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 8.  

[6]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 7.  

[7]       Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 89

[8]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p.3.

[9]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 8.

[10]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 9.

[11]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 9.

[12]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No 89, p. 9.

[13]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 51.

[14]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No 89, Attachment A.

[15]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No 89, p. 14. 

[16]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No 89, p. 14.

[17]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No 89, p. 14.

[18]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No 89, p. 19.

[19]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No 89, p. 24. Details of the definition are expanded on pp. 27-8.

[20]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, DVA, pp. 27-8.

[21]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, DVA, pp. 27-8.

[22]     Departments of Defence and Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 121, p. 12.

[23]     Mr S Farrelly, Transcript, April 17 2009, p. 52.

[24]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 24.

[25]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, pp.24-25.

[26]     Ms C Spiers, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 49.

[27]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 13.  See also Mr E Killesteyn and Ms C Spiers, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p.62.

[28]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 13.

[29]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 119, pp. 5-6.

[30]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 119, p.6.

[31]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 27.

[32]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p.52.

[33]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 29.

[34]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No 89, p. 26.

[35]     Ms C Spiers, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 49.

[36]     Mr K Douglas, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 42.

[37]     Mr K Douglas, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 66.

[38]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 66.

[39]     Ms C Spiers, Transcript, 21 July 2008, pp. 66-67.

[40]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 119, p.9.

[41]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 119, p.9.

[42]     Ministers for Defence, Veterans' Affairs: Lump sum payments announced following health study findings, media release Friday, 19 August 2005 ,

[43]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83.

[44]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, ‘Definition of a Deseal/Reseal Participant at <> at 8 June 2008.

[45]     Section S51-5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

[46]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Correspondence, 2 June 2008.

[47]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, July 21, p. 74.

[48]    Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, July 21, p. 75.

[49]     Air Vice-Marshal Brown, Transcript, September 19, p. 61.

[50]     Mr K Douglas, Transcript, 21 July, p. 57.

[51]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, DVA, p.25.

[52]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 19 September, p. 40.

[53]     Mr K Douglas, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 77.

[54]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 19 September, p. 60.

[55]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 19 September 2008, pp.60-1: ‘Of the 489 people who were refused, greater than 90 percent of those cases were pick and patch activities not involved in the formal programs- in other words, those people who were more than likely posted to Squadrons 482, 1 and 6.’

[56]    Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, Table 9, p. 30.

[57]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 24.

[58]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 59.

Chapter 5 Complaints, Problems and Perceptions

[1]       Professor A Hopkins (2005) Safety, Culture and Risk: The Organisational Causes, p. 84.

[2]       Professor A Hopkins (2005) Safety, Culture and Risk: The Organisational Causes, p. 89.

[3]       Professor A Hopkins (2005) Safety, Culture and Risk: The Organisational Causes, p. 90.

[4]       Professor A Hopkins (2005) Safety, Culture and Risk: The Organisational Causes, pp. 93-94.

[5]       Professor A Hopkins (2005) Safety, Culture and Risk: The Organisational Causes, pp. 93-94.

[6]       Professor A Hopkins (2005) Safety, Culture and Risk: The Organisational Causes, pp. 92-93.

[7]       Professor A Hopkins (2005) Safety, Culture and Risk: The Organisational Causes, p. 92.

[8]       Air Vice-Marshal G. Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 61.

[9]       Mr P Johnson, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 59.

[10]     Mr P Johnson, Transcript, 29 July 2008, pp. 59-60.

[11]     Mr SJ Lawler, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 8.

[12]     Ministers for Defence, Veterans' Affairs: Lump sum payments announced following health study findings, Media Release Friday, 19 August 2005,`

[13]     Ministers for Defence, Veterans' Affairs: Lump sum payments announced following health study findings, Media Release Friday, 19 August 2005,

[14]     Dr I Gardner, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 17.

[15]     Mr S Grzeskowiak, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 19.

[16]    Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Definition of a deseal/reseal participant, viewed 17 May 2009 at

[17]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 60.

[18]     Air Vice-Marshal Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 39.

[19]     Vietnam Veteran’s Federation, Queensland Branch, Submission No. 51, p. 5.

[20]     Mr T Brady, Submission No. 73, p.3.

[21]     Mr D Sayer, Attachment to Submission No. 82, p.6.

[22]     Wing Commander W Sanders, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 62.

[23]     Mr M Wheat, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 50.

[24]     Vietnam Veteran’s Federation, Queensland Branch, Submission No. 51, p. 5.

[25]     Mr A Morrell, Submission No. 57, p.1.

[26]     Mr I Fraser, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 11.

[27]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Claim for Lump Sum Payment by an F-111 Deseal/Reseal Participant,

[28]     Department of Veteran’s Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 22

[29]     Mr S Adams, Submission No. 53, pp. 1-2.

[30]     Mr S Adams, Submission No. 53, p. 3.

[31]     F-111 Deseal/Reseal Support Group Inc, Submission No. 91, pp. 8-9.

[32]     F-111 Deseal/Reseal Support Group Inc, Submission No. 91, p. 11.

[33]     Mr G Murray, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 20.

[34]     Mr W Knilands, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p.46.  Similar experiences were documented in other submissions, including Submissions 13, 11, 17, 22, 43, 63, 64, & 85.

[35]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 22.

[36]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 22.

[37]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 23.

[38]     Mr R Townsend, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 14.

[39]     Mr S Adams, Submission No. 32, p. 4.

[40]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 40.

[41]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 15.

[42]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 16.

[43]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p.16.

[44]     Group Captain R Lawson, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 29.

[45]     Group Captain R Lawson, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 30.

[46]     Herbertgeer Lawyers, Submission No. 115, p. 10.

[47]     Mr B Victor, Submission No. 113, p. 2.

[48]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 69.

[49]     The Returned & Services League of Australia, Submission No. 70, p. 4.

[50]     Mr C Cust, Submission No. 25, p. 1.

[51]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 33.

[52]     Air Vice-Marshal Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 39.

[53]     Department of Defence and Department of Veterans’ Affairs – Joint Supplementary Submission, No. 121, p. 11.

[54]     Mr P Moon, Submission No. 14, p. 2.

[55]     Mr P Moon, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 34.

[56]     Mr P Flannery, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 36.

[57]     Mr G Corrie, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 37.

[58]     Mr G Corrie, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 37.

[59]     Mr R Webster, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 47.

[60]     Mr R Webster, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 47.

[61]     Ms C Spiers, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 83.

[62]     Dr A Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 24.

[63]     Dr A Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 29.

[64]     Mrs J Roediger, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 4. 

[65]     Mrs J Roediger, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 6

[66]     SHOAMP Report, Volume 5, p. xiii.

[67]     Professor J Attia, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 26.

[68]     Professor J Attia, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 26.

[69]     Professor J Attia, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 26.

[70]     Professor J Attia, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 26.

[71]     Professor J Attia, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 25.

[72]     Mrs J Roediger, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 8.

[73]     Mrs J Roediger, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 7.

[74]     Mrs J Roediger, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 8.

[75]     Mrs J Roediger, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 7.               

[76]     Mrs J Roediger, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p.9. 

[77]     Professor J Attia, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 31.

[78]     Dr A.Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 32.

[79]     Professor J Attia, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 33.

[80]     Dr A Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 30.

[81]     Dr A Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 30.

[82]     Professor F Bowling, Transcript, 16 April 2009, p. 9.

[83]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 15.

[84]     Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 199, p. 17.

[85]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 2.

[86]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 2.

[87]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 2.

[88]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p.16. This arrangement was detailed in a Letter of Agreement signed by Chief of Air Force and Secretary of DVA in November 2001.

[89]     Department of Defence, Submission No 83, p. 16. The arrangements were detailed in a Letter of Agreement signed by Chief of Air Force and Secretary of DVA in November 2005.

[90]     (Name Withheld), Submission No. 80, p. 5.

[91]     Mr B Gray, Supplementary Submission No. 5a, p. 6.

[92]     Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission No. 50, p. 1.

[93]     Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission No. 50, p. 2.

[94]     Mrs A Grady, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 22.

[95]     Mr E Killesteyn, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 66.

Chapter 6 Reported Health and Other Issues

[1]       Dr I Gardner, Transcript, 17 April 2008, p. 55.

[2]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 119, pp. 5-6.

[3]       Dr I Gardner, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 31.

[4]       Mr MJ Wheat, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 50.

[5]       Mr GS Craven, Transcript, 28 July 2008, pp. 24-5.

[6]       Mr B Gray, Transcript, 28 July 2008, pp. 42-3.

[7]       Department of Defence, Submission No. 83 p. 2.

[8]       The following Submissions draw attention to the concerns of affected individuals to the health issues suffered by their families included stress related issues suffered by spouses and carers: Nos 3, 11, 13, 17, 22, 26, 35, 36, 37, 40, 49, 52, 63, 74, 77, 85, 86, 88, 91, 108, 110, 114, 116.

[9]       Mr I Fraser, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 9.

[10]     Mr S Lawler, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 10.

[11]     Mr I Fraser, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 10.

[12]     Mrs A Grady, Transcript, 29 July 2008, p. 21.

[13]     F-111 Reseal/Deseal Support Group Inc, Submission No. 91, p. 12.

[14]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 12.

[15]     Mrs K Henry, Transcript, 17 April 2009, p. 21.

[16]     Mr I Fraser, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 4.

[17]     Mr I Fraser, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 11.

[18]     Mr I Fraser, Transcript, 28 July 2008, p. 11

[19]     Mrs A Grady, Transcript, 29 July, pp. 23-4

[20]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 4

[21]     Col DK Jamison, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p 17.

[22]     Defence Welfare Association National Office, Submission No. 62, p. 3.

[23]     Defence Welfare Association, National Office, Submission No. 62, p. 4.

[24]     (Name Withheld), Submission No. 80, p. 5.

[25]     Mr D Sayer, Submission No. 82, p. 2.

[26]     (Name Withheld), Submission No. 58 and Mr Kenneth Carey, Submission No. 59.

[27]     Mr D Treleaven, Submission No. 3, p. 2.

[28]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 13.

[29]     Mr M Lusewycz, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 22.

[30]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 12.

[31]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 10.

[32]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 13

[33]     Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 68

[34]     WorkCover Queensland, Correspondence, 3 April 2009.

[35]     Herbertgeer Lawyers, Submission No. 115, p. 1.

[36]     Herbertgeer Lawyers, Submission No. 115, p.5.

[37]     Herbertgeer Lawyers, Submission No. 115, p. 5.

[38]     Herbertgeer Lawyers, Submission No. 115, pp. 5-6.

[39]     Herbertgeer Lawyers, Submission No. 115, p. 6.

[40]     Herbertgeer Lawyers, Submission No. 115, p. 7.

[41]     Department of Defence, Submission No. 83, p. 14.

[42]     Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 21 July 2008, pp. 16-17.

[43]     Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p.21.

[44]     Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p.21.

[45]     Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 23.

[46]     Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 23.

[47]     Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 24.

[48]     Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 25.

[49]     Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 26.

[50]     Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 19 September 2008, pp. 69 – 70.

[51]     F-111 Deseal/Reseal Board of Inquiry.

[52]     SHOAMP Report

[53]     New York Times (13 November 1988) Illnesses of Aircraft Workers to be Discussed viewed 17    May 2008 at <>.

[54]     New York Times (13 November 1988) Illnesses of Aircraft Workers to be Discussed viewed 17    May 2008 at <>.

[55]     Center for Justice & Democracy, Environmental Tort Lawsuits: Holding Polluters Accountable Mass Torts and Class Actions at:

[56]     Trial Lawyers Doing Public Justice  deals with cases brought by lawyer Thomas V Girardi against chemical manufacturers for providing inadequate warnings about toxicity of chemicals Public Justice, Fall 1996, at

Chapter 7 Pathways to Fairness

[1]       Air Vice-Marshal Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 61.

[2]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 23.

[3]       Department of Defence, Submission No. 123, p. 4.

[4]       Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Submission No. 89, p. 33.

[5]       Air Vice-Marshal Brown, Transcript, 19 September 2008, p. 39.

[6]       Mr M Lysewycz, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 23.

[7]       F-111 Deseal/Reseal Board of Inquiry

[8]       Professor F Bowling, Submission No. 126, p. 6.

[9]       Air Vice-Marshal Brown, Transcript, 21 July 2008, p. 2.

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