Standing Committee on Employment, Education
and Workplace Relations
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Submission 1
On behalf of Mr Warren Grimshaw AM, Chair of the Australian Qualifications
Framework (AQF) Advisory Board to MCEETYA, I wish to make a brief submission
to the above Inquiry.
The structure of the AQF and the descriptors of the twelve qualifications
it comprises relate to the Inquiry in the following ways:
i the AQF is cross-sectoral in structure, primarily to promote flexible
learning pathways via active linkages between qualifications issued
in each of the schools, vocational education and training and the higher
education sectors, in the form of articulated programs, credit transfer
and recognition of prior learning (RPL) arrangements:
ii under the AQF, qualifications issued in the vocational education
and training sector, which is largely comprised of institutes of technical
and further education, certify the achievement of competency as determined
by the relevant industry, enterprise, community or professional group
either through a National Training Package or an accredited course;
qualifications issued in the schools and higher education sectors certify
achievement as determined by the Statutory Boards and the universities
in consultation with their constituencies;
iii under the AQF, where an equivalent qualification is awarded by
more than one sector, the title is common to both sectors, supporting
parity of esteem. Thus the Diploma and Advanced Diploma are offered
in both TAFEs and universities on an equal basis, even as the descriptors
for thesequalifications reflect the different authorities for the learning
outcomes in each sector.
In summary the AQF, while acknowledging the distinctive core business
of each of the sectors, supports efficient learning pathways within and
across the sectors through more accessible pathways to qualifications,
improved linkages between qualifications and parity of esteem for equivalent
qualifications issued in each sector.
I would be happy to provide supporting information should this be required.
Yours sincerely
Judith Forsyth
Executive Officer, AQF Advisory Board to MCEETYA, 25 September, 1997
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