Standing Committee on Employment, Education
and Workplace Relations
How are we educating boys
Boys are having problems at school. They are experiencing learning difficulties
and behavioural problems, and the literacy gap between boys and girls
is increasing.
The House of Representatives Committee on Employment, Education and
Workplace Relations has established an inquiry to consider the social,
cultural and educational factors affecting boys.
House Education Committee Chair, Dr Brendan Nelson said that the Committee
was keen to do the inquiry because it was especially concerned with
the social and educational outcomes for boys and the significant personal
and social consequences.
"Academically boys' performance is slipping behind girls as early
as Grade 3 and there are big difficulties once they have fallen behind.
It is really difficult for them to catch up," Dr Nelson said. "This
then impacts on boys' self-esteem, their behaviour and how they communicate.
This can have far reaching consequences, including a detrimental impact
on career opportunities and the danger of alcohol abuse, drug use and
dysfunctional personal and family relationships.
"The Committee, through this inquiry, wants to understand the problems
and look at what may be done in early to middle schooling that can help
and benefit boys. Programs for boys do not have to be, and should not
be, at the expense of girls. In fact, boys' programs should ultimately
benefit women, girls and society generally, as they should be developed
in such a way that they contribute to creating a value system that tolerates
less harassment, less violence and much less intimidation by men."
Dr Nelson said that the issues surrounding the education of boys need
to be brought out into the open and discussed as frankly as possible.
"The Committee's inquiry is a great opportunity for people who have
an interest in boys' education to tell their elected representatives
what their experiences are and how any concerns may be addressed."
The House Education Committee's inquiry will focus on:
- Boys' literacy needs and their socialisation skills in the early
and middle years of schooling;
- The strategies which schools have adopted to improve boys' learning
and behaviour in school; &
- How the successful strategies developed by schools may be made more
effective or more broadly implemented.
For media comment contact Dr Brendan Nelson MP on 0418 123 438 or
02 6277 4433.
For background information contact the Committee Secretariat:
Ph. 02 6277 4573, Fax 02 6277 4427, E-mail: or
visit the website at
For all other media enquiries contact the House of Representatives Media
Adviser Sally Webster (02) 6277 2063, 0401 143 724.
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