Appendix C – Exhibits
1. Australian
Automobile Association, Alternative Transport Fuels 2010, (provided by the Australian
Automobile Association)
2. Australian
Automobile Association, AAA Submission in response to Implementation of alternative
fuels taxation policy discussion paper, November 2010 (provided by the
Australian Automobile Association)
3. Australian
Lot Feeders Association, Response to the discussion paper into the
implementation of alternative fuels taxation policy, November 2010 (provided
by the Australian Lot Feeders Association)
4. Jamison
Group, A Roadmap for Alternative Fuels in Australia: Ending our Dependence
on Oil, July 2008 (provided by the NRMA)
5. Jamison
Group, Fuelling Future Passenger Vehicle Use in Australia: An Alternative
Fuel and Technology Mix for Passenger Vehicles in Australia – The Electric
Vehicles Revolution, February 2010 (provided by the NRMA)