House of Representatives Committees

Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Workplace Relations

Inquiry into the Role of Institutes of TAFE

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Submission 19

[Not Reproduced]

2.2 Three Curriculum Practices

The accommodation of these functions and articulation through the entire range of awards is facilitated by several curriculum practices of the SCD:

2.2.1 Recognition of Prior Learning

Entry requirements for each award provide for credit for work previously undertaken. in most undergraduate awards, credit may be given up to one third of the total number of points needed for the award. In postgraduate coursework awards, credit is usually given for up to one quarter of the total number of points required.

The SCD offers a BTh conversion course which is available to candidates who can demonstrate to the SCD that their prior learning experiences the equivalent of two thirds of the BTh.

In 1996, the SCD understood the need for an award which would provide theological education approximately equivalent to that of the Bachelor of Theology but recognise the graduate status of the candidates. Hence a distinctive postgraduate program, the Master of Arts (Theological Studies), was designed for persons with a non-theological three year qualification or equivalent. Recognition of prior learning is also taken into account in the assessing suitability for entry into various awards.

2.2.2 Outcomes and Assessment

The SCD follows best practice in setting specific student learning outcomes against which assessment is matched for each award and for each unit (subject) of each award. Hence, the development of scope and depth in each award is transparent. Graduates, the academic community and employers have the assurance of levels of attainment and competence.

2.2.3 Professional Development

In addition to the professional development opportunities provided by each member institute for its own faculty, the SCD provides two days of professional development each year. In 1997, a day on 'Setting of Outcomes' was facilitated by Dr Donna Gibbs of Macquarie University and a day on 'Assessment' was offered by Associate Professor James Athanasou of the University of Technology. In this way, the SCD can provide for integration of best practice in curriculum design and delivery across the member institutions.

3 Interface between SCD Theological Education and Government Policies

In addition to providing ministerial and vocational training for ordained and non ordained ministers in the Christian churches, theological education contributes to the implementation of government policies in:

In addition, the provision of theological education for a small number of overseas students, undertaken primarily as a service to sister churches, enhances Australia's reputation as an exporter of quality education and contributes to maintaining good relations with the Asia-Pacific rim.

Underpinning the offering of these curriculum units and graduate involvement in the above areas is the commitment of the Christian churches to social justice and equity principles for Australia society. We believe Commonwealth governments share this commitment.

4 Ongoing Relationship Between SCD and Commonwealth Government

We believe that we have demonstrated that

Hence, we feel confident in placing the following requests to this Committee of Inquiry. We have grouped the requests under the headings recognition and access.



This Committee would be aware that, as a private provider, the SCD does not receive any direct government funding. We recognise that matters of recurrent funding and capital works funding are beyond the brief of this committee. Nevertheless, as the doctorate is our most recent endeavour

The SCD has a highly qualified faculty. Indeed this was a significant fact in negotiating our joint and partnership awards. The Committee will also appreciate the need for ongoing research. Hence

Appendix I Member Institutes and Associate Member Institutes

The current Member Institutions who were original members are:

Catholic Institute of Sydney

Catholic Theological Union

Churches of Christ Theological College

St Paul's National Seminary

United Theological College

Additional Members

Associate Members

Appendix 11 Committees of the SCD

Council of the SCD.

Membership of Council and all other bodies listed in this document are current as at 31/5/97.

President: Mr. D. Nutt MA, BD, MACE - Senior Lecturer, Churches of Christ Theological College

Deputy President: Rev. T. Kelly sm, MA - Principal, Catholic Theological Union

Dean: Dr. R. Nobbs MA, MTh, PhD, FAII - Senior Lecturer in History, Macquarie University

Dr. V. Keely chf, MA, PhD - Director of Postgraduate Studies

Assoc. Prof. M. Aroney OBE, MSc, PhD FRACI, FRSChem.- Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Sydney

Rev. Dr. N. Brown, DD. - President, Catholic Institute of Sydney

Rev. B. Boyle msc, BA, BTheol, STL, STD, DipTertEd - Dean of Studies, St. Paul's National Seminary

Ven. J. Driver, ThL, ThSchol, MTh - Director, St Mark's National Theological Centre

Dr. K. Farmer BComm., BA, DMin, MAPS - Principal, Churches of Christ Theological College

Dr. K. Graham LTh, DipRE, MDiv, ThM, ThD, EdD, DMin - Principal, Emmaus Bible College

Mrs C. Hammond, BS(Educ), MA - Catholic Theological Union

Rev. P. Jennings msc - St. Paul's National Seminary

Rev. Dr. D. Johnston BA, TC, MMus Hon. Dflum, DipViolin, DipChambMus, DipConduct, MACE - Principal, Wesley Institute for Ministry & the Arts

Dr. J. Lee BA, PhD - Senior Lecturer in Classics, University of Sydney

Rev. J. McSweeney STB, LSS - Lecturer in New Testament, CIS

Emeritus Prof B. Mansfield MA, HonDLitt, HonDUniv - Chairman, Council of the Uniting Theological College

Rev. Dr. S. Mitchell BTheol, ATCL, DipTchg, DipHSc, PhD - Principal, United Theological College

Mr. C. Rodger BEc, BA, BTh, ThM - Deputy Chariman, St Mark's National Theological Centre

The Most Rev. Dr. D. Walker DD, MTh - Principal, Centre for Christian Spirituality

Chairman of the Academic Board

Prof. A. d'Arbon fms BSc, MSc, PhD, FACE, FNSWIEA, FACEA (Chair) - Professor of Education, Australian Catholic University

Elected by the Council

Prof. B. Cass AO, BA, PhD, FASSA - Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Sydney

Dr. B. Croke BA, DPhil. - CEO, NSW Catholic Education Commission

Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Sydney

Mr. J. Kropp (Treasurer) BConim - Senior Partner, Price Waterhouse

Prof. D. Schreuder BA, DPhil, FAHA, FRHS - Vice-Chancellor, University of Western Sydney

Student representatives appointedfrom 2 MIs annually

Ms C Briggs TCert,GradDipRelEd Catholic Theological Union

Rev J. Tsakasis BSW St Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College

New Membership Committee

Dr. V. Keely chf, BA, MA, PhD (Convenor) - Director of Postgraduate Studies

Prof. A. d'Arbon fms BSc, MSc, PhD, FACE, FNSWIEA, FACEA - Chairperson SCD Academic Board, Professor of Education, Australian Catholic University

Dr Roland Boer MA, BD, MTh, PhD - Lecturer, United Theoogical College

Assoc. Prof. D Hewitt BA. MEd - Assoc. Prof. in Education, Australian Catholic University

Ms J. Morris BA, GradDipLib - Convenor, Libraries Committee

Dr. F. Webb LRCP, MRCS, MBBS, FRACMA, BTh - Lecturer, Catholic Institute of Sydney

Assoc. Prof. A. Nobbs BA, PhD - Assoc. Prof. in History, Macquarie University

Finance Committee

Mr. J. Kropp BComm (Treasurer/Chair) - Senior Partner, Price Waterhouse

Dr K. Farmer BComm, BA, DMin., MAPS - Principal, Churches of Christ Theological College

Mr. R. Menteith MBA, FCA, DipCM, FCIS, FCIM, FAIM, - General Manager, Finance, Wesley Central Mission

Rev. J. McSweeney STB, LSS - Lecturer in New Testament,Catholic Institute of Sydney

Ex officio

Dean: Dr. R- Nobbs MA, MTh, PhD, FAII - Senior Lecturer in History, Macquarie University

Academic Board

Prof. A. d'Arbon fms BSc, MSc, PhD, FACE, FNSWIEA, FACEA (Chair) - Professor of Education, Australian Catholic University

Dr N. Ormerod BA, PhD, BD, MTheol, DTheol - Dean, Centre for Christian Spirituality and Convenor of the Acadernic Standards Committee

(Deputy- chair)

Br Dr. T. Adamopoulo BA, DipEd, BTh, MTS, ThM, PhD - Lecturer, St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College

Rev. Dr. R. Boer MA, BD, MTh, PhD.- Lecturer, United Theological College

Br J. Cantwell fsc BA, DipEd, GradDipEd, BABibStuds, MTh. - Lecturer, St. Paul's National Seminary

Rev. P. Cashen msc BRelStud, MMRSc - Rector, St. Paul's National Seminary

Rev. A. Corcoran sm, BA, STL - Dean, Catholic Theological Union

Ven. J. Driver ThSchol, MTh - Director, St. Mark's National Theological Centre

Rev. C. Dundon MA, BD, ThL - Senior Lecturer, St. Mark's National Theological Centre

Dr C. Gapes BA, DipEd, MA, MEd, EdD - Lecturer, United Theological College

Rev. Dr P. Lynch BTh, MA(RE), DMin - Deputy President, Catholic Institute of Sydney

Dr K. Graham LTh, DipRE, MDiv, ThM, ThD,EdD,DMin - Principal, Emmaus Bible College

Rev. Dr D. Johnston BA, TC, MMus, Hon. DHum, DipViolin, DipChambMus, DipConduct, MACE - Principal, Wesley Institute for Ministry and the Arts

Rev. J. McSweeney STB, LSS - Lecturer, Catholic Institute of Sydney

Dr T. Veling BTh, GradDipRE, MPS, PhD - Catholic Theological Union

Elected by the Academic Board

Assoc. Prof. J. Athanasou MA, LittB, PhD. - Associate Professor in Adult Education, University of Technology Sydney

Assoc. Prof. W. Wilson BA, MEd, MA, FRGS, FNCTA - Chairperson of the Board of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Macarthur

Ex Officio

Mr D. C. Nutt. MA, BD, MACE - President of the Council

Dr R. Nobbs MA, MTh, PhD, FAII - Dean of the College

Dr V. Keely chf, BA, MA, PhD - Director of Postgraduate Studies

Ms J. Morris BA, GradDipLib. - Convenor, Libraries Committee

Rev. T. D. Carroll STB, MIARSc, LPh, MEd(CCES), PhD - Convenor, Student Administration Committee

Postgraduate Studies Committee

Dr V. Keely chf, BA, MA, PhD (convenor) - Director of Postgraduate Studies, Sydney College of Divinity

Rev. Canon Dr. G. Garrett BSc, DipEd, BD, ThD - St. Mark's National Theological Centre

Rev. C. Hill MTh - Catholic Institute of Sydney

Rev. P. Malone msc BRelStud, BA, DipEd, STL, MACE - St. Paul's National Seminary

Rev. Dr. S. Pickard BComm, BD, PhD - United Theological College

Dr T. Veling BTh, GradDipRE, MPS, PhD - Catholic Theological Union

Dr R Nobbs MA, MM, PhD, FAII - Dean, Sydney College of Divinity

Mr D. Nutt MA, BD, MACE - Lecturer, Churches of Christ Theological College

Dr J. Lieu MA, PhD, PGCE - Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, Macquarie University

Dr L. Woods BA, MD, PhD, DipEd - Senior Lecturer in Education, Australian Catholic University.

Academic Standards Committee

Dr N. Ormerod BA, PhD, BD, MTheol, DTheol. (Convenor) - Centre for Christian Spirituality. (Moderation Coordinator)

Br Dr T. Adamopoulo BA, DipEd, BTh, MTS, ThM, PhD. - St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College

Br J. Cantwell fsc BA, DipEd, GradDipEd, BABibStuds, MTh - St. Paul's National Seminary (Accreditation Coordinator)

Dr K. Graham LTh, DipRE, MDiv, ThM, ThD, EdD, DMin - Emmaus Bible College

Mr C. Heilmann BA, GradDipCS, MTS - Wesley Institute for Ministry and the Arts.

Rev. Dr G. Hughes MA, BD, PhD. - United Theological College.

Rev. L. McNamara cm, STL, MLitt - Catholic Institute of Sydney.

Rev. Dr G. Moore sm, BA, BTh, STL, STD - Catholic Theological Union. (Student Performance Coordinator).

Mr. D. Nutt MA, BD, MACE - Churches of Christ Theological College

Rev. Dr C. Simon BA, MLitt, DMin, MTh. - St. Mark's National Theological Centre

Dr R. Nobbs MA, MTh, PhD, FAII - Dean, Sydney College of Divinity.

Dr M. Hutchinson BA, DipEd, PhD - Director, Centre for Study of Australian Christianity

Libraries Committee

Ms. J. Morris BA, GradDipLib- AALIA, ATCL - United Theological College


Mr Christopher Harvey, AssocDipLibPract - St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College

Mrs. D. Bertelsmeier BA, MA, GradDipLib, AALIA - United Theological College

Mr Christopher Moore, BA, GradDipInfMgt - St. Paul's National Seminary

Miss D. Fishburn ALA - Churches of Christ Theological College

Mrs. K. Graham DipTchg - Emmaus Bible College

Mrs. L. Heald BA, GradDipLibSc, AALIA - St. Mark's National Theological Centre

Miss A. Hocking BA(LibSc) - Catholic Institute of Sydney

Ms. K. Smith LMus, BTh - Catholic Theological Union

Ms I Swoark BA,DipEd,DipLib. - Wesley Institute for Ministry and the Arts

Mr Stavros Agoroudis BTh, GradDiplnfMgt - Centre for Christian Spirituality

Professional Development Committee

Rev. Dr. A. Murray sm., MA, PhD (Convenor) - Catholic Institute of Sydney

Sr. M. Biddle rsj, BA, DipEd, MA, MTh - Catholic Theological Union

Assoc. Prof. D Hewitt BA, MEd - Assoc. Prof. of Education, ACU

Rev. Dr. D. Johnston BA, TC, MMus, HonDHum,DipVio1in,DipChambMus, DipConduct, MACE - Wesley Institute for Ministry & the Arts

Rev. Dr. D. Purnell BA, DMin - United Theological College

Student Administration Committee

Rev. T. Carroll, STB, MMRSc, LPh, MEd(CCES), PhD (Convenor) - Catholic Institute of Sydney

Sr E. Baranoff csb, DipTeach - St Pauls National Seminary

Mrs. H. Caine DipMin, MEdAdmin - Wesley Institute for Ministry and the Arts.

Mrs. M. Clark BEc, MBA - St. Mark's National Theological Centre

Sr. M. Farrell rsm, MSc, MDiv, FACE - Catholic Institute of Sydney.

Dr. L. Gainer BSc, PhD - Churches of Christ Theological College.

Dr. K. Graham LTh, DipRE, MDiv, ThM, ThD, EdD, DMin - Emmaus Bible College.

Mr. P. Kariatlis BTh. - St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College.

Sr. M. Keegan smsm, BA - Catholic Theological Union

Ms. K. Scholl BA, MPS, GradDipCommMangt. -. United Theological College

Sr. P. Rae smsm, BA, DipEd, MA - Lecturer, Catholic Theological Union

Dr. R. Nobbs MA, MTh, PhD, FAII - Dean, Sydney College of Divinity.

Sr J Dalton BSc, BTh, MTheol - Centre for Christian Spirituality

External Undergraduate Advisory Committee

Emeritus Prof. Alex Robertson - Formerly CEO, UWS Nepean

Mrs. Y. Bartels BA, BTh - Catholic Institute of Sydney

Dr M. Collits BA,MEd,PhD - University of Western Sydney, Nepean

Dr Alex Nelson, BA, STL, PhD - University of Technology Sydney

Mr. J. Williams MA - Recognition Services, Department of Training and Educational Co-ordination

External Postgraduate Advisory Committee

Mr D. Blair MA - Head of School, English and Linguistics Macquarie University

Dr H. Carey BA, DPhil - Senior Lecturer in History , University of Newcastle

Dr D. Dockrill BAPhD - Senior lecturer in Philosophy, University of Newcastle

Assoc. Prof R. Gascoigne DPhil - Assoc. Professor in Theology, Australian Catholic University

External Moderators Panel

Professor P. Crittenden DD, BLitt - Professor of Philosophy, University of Sydney

Assoc. Prof. M. Horsburgh MSW, BA, DipSocWk - Head, Dept. of Social Work, University of Sydney

Professor of Philosophy, University of Sydney

Rev. Canon Dr. P. Jensen MA, BD, DPhiI - Principal, Moore Theological College

Emeritus Professor B. Mansfield MA, HonDLitt, HonDUniv, - Emeritus Professor of History and former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Macquarie University

Rev. Professor F. Moloney SDB, AM, DPhiI, FAHA - Professor of Theology, ACU

Associate Professor A Nobbs BA, PhD - Assoc. Prof. in Ancient History, Macquarie University

Mr. R. Parry HonEdD - Former Chair, Higher Education Board, NSW

1 Appendix I lists the Member institutes and associate member institutes.

2 Appendix II lists the committees and their membership

3 Negotiations have begun with the Australian Catholic University for a Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Theology and with the University of Technology for a Bachelor of Adult Education/ Bachelor of Theology.

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