House of Representatives Committees

| Joint Standing Committee on the National Broadband Network


Chapter 1 Introduction

[1]       The Shareholder Ministers are: Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Finance and Deregulation.

[2]       Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, covering letter.

[3]       NBN Co, 2013, 34 500 Australian homes and businesses now using the NBN, media release, 29 January.

[4]       NBN Co, Submission 13.

[5]       NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co updates short-term fibre rollout timeline, media release, 21 March, p. 1.

[6]       NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co updates short-term fibre rollout timeline, media release, 21 March, p. 1.

[7]       ACCC, 2013, ACCC Issues Draft Decision on NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 4 April, p. 1.

[8]       ACCC, Submission 5, p. 1.

[9]       Correspondence from the DBCDE dated 1 May 2013, p. 1.

[10]     Correspondence from the DBCDE dated 1 May 2013, p. 1-2.

Chapter 2 Performance Reporting and Regulatory Issues

[1]       Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 3.

[2]       Construction Commenced or Completed represents Fibre Serving Area Modules (FSAMs) where contract instructions have been issued together with the initial Network Design Document so that construction partners can commence work on the detailed design, field inspections and rodding/roping activities in a FSAM. This is followed by the release of a rollout map for the FSAM on the NBN Co web site showing the coverage area for that FSAM and the estimated number of premises to be passed/covered. Construction Commenced or Completed includes Premises Passed. Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 5.

[3]       NBN Co, 2013, 34 500 Australian homes and businesses now using the NBN, media release, 29 January, p. 2.

[4]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 36.

[5]       NBN Co, 2013, 34 500 Australian homes and businesses now using the NBN, media release, 29 January, p. 2.

[6]       NBN Co, 2013, 34 500 Australian homes and businesses now using the NBN, media release, 29 January, p. 1.

[7]       NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co updates short-term fibre rollout timeline, media release, 21 March, p. 1.

[8]       NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co updates short-term fibre rollout timeline, media release, 21 March, p. 1.

[9]       NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co updates short-term fibre rollout timeline, media release, 21 March, p. 1.

[10]     NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co updates short-term fibre rollout timeline, media release, 21 March, p.1.

[11]     NBN Co, 2013, Broadband rollout plan extends to nearly 5 million homes and businesses, media release, 5 May, p. 1; Conroy S (Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy), 2013, Labor’s NBN Coming to Another 1.3 Million Premises across Australia, media release, 5 May, p. 1.

[12]     NBN Co, 2013, Broadband rollout plan extends to nearly 5 million homes and businesses, media release, 5 May, p. 1.

[13]     NBN Co, 2013, Broadband rollout plan extends to nearly 5 million homes and businesses, media release, 5 May, p. 1.

[14]     Mr Mike Quigley, CEO, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 7.

[15]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2011-2013, p. 15 and NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 36.

[16]     NBN Co, 2013, 34 500 Australian homes and businesses now using the NBN, media release, 29 January, p. 2.

[17]     NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co updates short-term fibre rollout timeline, media release, 21 March, p. 1.

[18]     Mr Ralph Steffens, Chief Operating Officer, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 15.

[19]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 38.

[20]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, pp 32-35.

[21]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 6.

[22]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 77.

[23]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 31.

[24]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 6 and 31.

[25]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 75.

[26]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 32.

[27]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 4, p. 30. DDTWID

[28]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 32.

[29]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 4, p. 30.

[30]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 32.

[31]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, Submission 4, p. 30.

[32]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 32.

[33]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 32.

[34]     Shareholder Ministers, “Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 31.

[35]     ACCC, NBN Co Special Access Undertaking (December 2012),<>.

[36]     ACCC, NBN Co Special Access Undertaking (December 2012), <www.>.

[37]     ACCC, 2013, ACCC issues draft decision on NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 4 April, p. 1.

[38]     ACCC, 2013, ACCC issues draft decision on NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 4 April, p. 2.

[39]     ACCC, 2013, ACCC issues draft decision on NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 4 April, pp 2-3.

[40]     ACCC, 2013, ACCC issues draft decision on NBN Co Special Access Undertaking, media release, 4 April.

[41]     ACCC, Submission 5, p. 1.

[42]     ACCC, Submission 5, p. 2.

[43]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 18.

[44]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 18.

[45]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 18.

[46]     ACCC, Submission 5, p. 2.

[47]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 20.

[48]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 20.

[49]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 11.

[50]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, pp 14 and 45; Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 30.

[51]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 93.

[52]     Mr Ralph Steffens, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 18.

[53]     This is in line with the NBN Co’s stakeholder engagement activities, NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 27.

[54]     Mr Ralph Steffens, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 8.

[55]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 45.

[56]     Mr Ralph Steffens, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Canberra, 30 October 2012, p. 8; NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 45.

[57]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 45.

[58]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 76.

[59]     A DSLAM is a ‘network device normally located in telephone exchanges providing multiple ports connecting end-user copper lines for the provision of digital subscriber line broadband service. NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-2015, p. 90.

[60]     Mr Mike Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 18.

[61]     Mr Mike Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 39.

[62]     Mr Mike Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 39.

[63]     Mr Mike Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 28.

[64]     Mr Mike Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 7.

[65]     Mr Ralph Steffens, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 29.

[66]     Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister and Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, ‘New National Broadband Network’, media release, 7 April 2009.

[67]     Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister and Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, ‘Government Releases NBN Co Corporate Plan’, media release, 20 December 2010.

[68]     This was later increased to 93 per cent coverage following a recommendation of the July 2010 NBN Implementation Study. Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, Hon Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Finance and Deregulation and Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, ‘Government releases NBN Co Corporate Plan’, media release, 20 December 2010.

[69]     Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister and Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, ‘New National Broadband Network’, media release, 7 April 2009.

[70]     S Conroy (Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, L Tanner (Minister for Finance and Deregulation), 2010, Landmark Study Confirms NBN Vision is Achievable and Affordable, media release, 6 May, p. 1.

[71]     S Conroy (Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, L Tanner (Minister for Finance and Deregulation), 2010, Landmark Study Confirms NBN Vision is Achievable and Affordable, media release, 6 May, p. 1.

[72]     Australian Government, 2010, National Broadband Network Implementation Study, Mackenzie and Company and KPMG, 6 May, pp I and ii.

[73]     NBN Co, Frequently Asked Questions, <>, p. 3.

[74]     Mr Mike Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 May 2011, pp 24–25.

[75]     Mr Peter Harris, Secretary, DBCDE, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 May 2011, p. 39.

[76]     Abbott T, 2013, The Coalition’s Plan for Fast Broadband and an Affordable NBN, media release, 9 April.

[77]     Coalition, 2013, The Coalition’s Plan for Fast Broadband and an Affordable NBN, April, pp 5 and 6.

[78]     Coalition, 2013, The Coalition’s Plan for Fast Broadband and an Affordable NBN, April, pp 5 and 6.

[79]     Abbott T, 2013, The Coalition’s Plan for Fast Broadband and an Affordable NBN, media release, 9 April, p. 2.

[80]     Mr Michael Woods, Deputy Chairman, Productivity Commission, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 24 October 2011, p. 26.

[81]     Binegmann, M, ‘NBN can still be changed: Quigley’, The Australian, 23 February 2013, p. 1; McDuling J, ‘Quigley Stuck in an NBN Quagmire’, The Australian Financial Review, 2 March, p. 21.

[82]     Bingemann M, ‘Telcos Reject Call for Study on NBN System’, The Australian, 6 May 2013, p. 6.

[83]     Mr Mike Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 14.

[84]     NBN Co, 2013, 34 500 Australian homes and businesses now using the NBN, media release, 29 January, p. 1.

[85]     NBN Co, Submission 13, p. 19.

Chapter 3 Regional and Remote Issues

[1]       Australian Government, Statement of Expectations, 20 December 2010, p. 3.

[2]       Australian Government, Statement of Expectations, 20 December 2010, p. 3.

[3]       Australian Government, Statement of Expectations, 20 December 2010, p. 1. However, as discussed later, on 6 February 2013, NBN Co announced a new 25 Mbps speed tier for its fixed wireless and long term satellite services,  Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 36.

[4]       Australian Government, Statement of Expectations, 20 December 2010, p. 3.

[5]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2011-13, p. 12.

[6]       NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2011-13, p. 69.

[7]       Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 24.

[8]       Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 24.

[9]       Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network (JCNBN), Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Second Report, November 2011, pp 91-92.

[10]     Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband and Communications and the Digital Economy, ‘National Press Club Address’, 13 December 2011.

[11]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 12.

[12]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 19.

[13]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 5.

[14]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 19.

[15]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2011’, p. 27.

[16]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, p. 37.

[17]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 39.

[18]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2011’, p. 28.

[19]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, p. 37.

[20]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 40.

[21]     Ms Teresa Corbin, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 5.

[22]     Mr Mike Quigley, Chief Executive Officer, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 40.

[23]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 37.

[24]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 6.

[25]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 36.

[26]     NBN Co, 2013, NBN Construction Commences Covering Around 100,000 More Premises, media release, 25 January.

[27]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 37.

[28]     NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co Updates Short-Term Fibre Rollout Timeline, media release, 21 March.

[29]     NSW Business Chamber, Submission 11, pp 1-2.

[30]     NSW Business Chamber, Submission 11, p. 2.

[31]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 36.

[32]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, p. 42.

[33]     NBN Co, 2013, 34,500 Australian Homes and Businesses Now Using the NBN, media release, 29 January, p. 2.

[34]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 36.

[35]     NBN Co, 2013, 34,500 Australian Homes and Businesses Now Using the NBN, media release, 29 January, p. 2.

[36]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2011’, p. 6.

[37]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2011’, p. 6.

[38]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. 86.

[39]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2011’, p. 6.

[40]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2012’, p. 14.

[41]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 39.

[42]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, pp 3-5, p. 36.

[43]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 8.

[44]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 8.

[45]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 23.

[46]     NBN Co, Submission 13, p. 11.

[47]     Victorian Government, Submission 1, pp 1-2.

[48]     Victorian Government, Submission 1, p. 2.

[49]     Victorian Government, Submission 1, p. 2.

[50]     Victorian Government, Submission 1, p. 2.

[51]     Victorian Government, Submission 1, p. 3.

[52]     Mr Brad Jones and Ms Kym Rose, Submission 8, pp 1-2.

[53]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2011’, p. 13.

[54]     NBN Co, Statement of Corporate Intent: 2012-15, pp 4-5.

[55]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2011’, p. 12.

[56]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, pp 20-21.

[57]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2011’, p. 6.

[58]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 21.

[59]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 9.

[60]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 22.

[61]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 39.

[62]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 8.

[63]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 30 June 2011’, p. 6.

[64]     NBN Co website <> (accessed 8 May 2013).

[65]     NBN Co, Submission 2.5, Answer to Question on Notice No. 7, Second Review of the JCNBN, p. 12.

[66]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 38.

[67]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 38.

[68]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 8.

[69]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 38.

[70]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 38.

[71]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 38.

[72]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 38.

[73]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 38.

[74]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 21.

[75]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 21.

[76]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 21.

[77]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 9.

[78]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 37.

[79]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. 91.

[80]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, p. 51.

[81]     Mr Gary McLaren, Chief Technology Officer, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 39.

[82]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 9.

[83]     Mr McLaren, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 39.

[84]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 9.

[85]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 11.

[86]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 11.

[87]     NBN Co, 2012, NBN Co Selects Satellite Ground Station Construction Contractors, media release, 25 October.

[88]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 11.

[89]     NBN Co, Submission 13, p. 11.

[90]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 32.

[91]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, pp 16-17.

[92]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Second Report, November 2011, p. 124.

[93]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. 104.

[94]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, pp 18-19.

[95]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 19.

[96]     Mr Marc Percival, Submission 2, p. 1.

[97]     Mr Brad Jones and Ms Kym Rose, Submission 8, pp 1-2.

[98]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 19.

[99]     NBN Co, Submission 13.1, Answer to Question on Notice No. 103, p. 25.

[100]   Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE), Submission 10, p. 1.

[101]   DBCDE, Submission 10, p. 1.

[102]   JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, p. 50.

[103]   Victorian Government, Submission 1, p. 4.

[104]   DBCDE, Submission 10, p. 1.

[105]   DBCDE, Submission 10, p. 2.

[106]   Victorian Government, Submission 1, p. 4.

[107]   DBCDE, Submission 10, pp 1-2.

[108]   NBN Co, Submission 13.1, Answer to Question on Notice No. 100, p. 24.

[109]   DBCDE, Submission 10, p. 2.

[110]   Mr Matthew Lobb, General Manager, Industry Strategy and Public Policy, Vodafone Hutchinson Australia, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 55.

[111]   Vodafone Hutchinson Australia, Submission 9, pp 2-3.

[112]   Mr Lobb, Vodafone Hutchinson Australia, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 55.

[113]   Mr Lobb, Vodafone Hutchinson Australia, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, pp 55-56.

[114]   Allen and Overy/Venture Consulting, Submission 4, p. 7.

[115]   Vodafone Hutchinson Australia, Submission 9, p. 2.

[116]   Pipe Networks Pty Ltd, Submission 7, pp 1-2.

[117]   Pipe Networks Pty Ltd, Submission 7, pp 1-2.

[118]   Pipe Networks Pty Ltd, Submission 7, pp 1-2.

[119]   Pipe Networks Pty Ltd, Submission 7, p. 2.

[120]   NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 68.

[121]   NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 19.

[122]   Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, pp 3-5, p. 36.

[123]   Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, p. 38.

[124]   Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 18.

[125]   DBCDE, Submission 10, pp 1-2, and NBN Co, Submission 13.1, Answer to Question on Notice No. 100, p. 24.

[126]   JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, p. 50.

[127]   JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, p. 52.

Chapter 4 Additional Issues

[1]       Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network (JCNBN), Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, pp 53-66.

[2]       See Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), Submission 6, p. 5, and Ms Teresa Corbin, Chief Executive Officer, ACCAN, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 2.

[3]       Allen and Overy/Venture Consulting, Submission 4, p. 4.

[4]       JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, pp 110-112; and JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, pp 70-72.

[5]       Allen and Overy/Venture Consulting, Submission 4, pp 6-7.

[6]       Mr Michael Reede, Partner, Allen and Overy, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 49.

[7]       Allen and Overy/Venture Consulting, Submission 4, p. 3.

[8]       Mr Reede, Allen and Overy, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, pp 46-47.

[9]       Mr Reede, Allen and Overy, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 47.

[10]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. 112.

[11]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 18.

[12]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, p. 74.

[13]     Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE), Submission 10, Third Review of the JCNBN, p. 9.

[14]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 80.

[15]     Mr Mike Quigley, Chief Executive Officer, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 16 April 2012, Third Review of the JCNBN, p. 50.

[16]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. 116.

[17]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 17.

[18]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 18.

[19]     NBN Co, 2011, NBN Co and Telstra Sign Binding Definitive Agreements, media release, 23 June.

[20]     Conroy S (Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy) and Wong P (Minister for Finance and Deregulation), 2012, Definitive Agreements between NBN Co and Telstra Come into Force, media release, 7 March.

[21]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12, Fourth Review of the JCNBN, p. 1.

[22]     DBCDE, Submission 10, Third Review of the JCNBN, pp 4-5.

[23]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, Fourth Review of the JCNBN, p. 3.

[24]     Telstra Corporation, Submission 12.1, Fourth Review of the JCNBN, p. 2.

[25]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 54, Fourth Review of the JCNBN, p. 5.

[26]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. 131.

[27]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 18.

[28]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 16.

[29]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 16.

[30]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 15.

[31]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, pp 15-16.

[32]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 16.

[33]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 20.

[34]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 37.

[35]     NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co Updates Short-Term Fibre Rollout Timeline, media release, 21 March.

[36]     NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co Updates Short-Term Fibre Rollout Timeline, media release, 21 March.

[37]     NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co Updates Short-Term Fibre Rollout Timeline, media release, 21 March.

[38]     Mr Mike Quigley, Chief Executive Officer, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 21.

[39]     Mr Ralph Steffens, Chief Operating Officer, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 22.

[40]     Mr Steffens, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 22.

[41]     Mr Steffens, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 22.

[42]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 23.

[43]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 16.

[44]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 16.

[45]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 16.

[46]     Mr Quigley, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 13.

[47]     Mr Steffens, NBN Co, Transcript of Evidence, Sydney, 19 April 2013, p. 13.

[48]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 16.

[49]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, p. 21.

[50]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, p. 75.

[51]     NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, p. 80.

[52]     NBN Co, Submission 7.12, Answer to Question on Notice No. 58, Fourth Review of the JCNBN, p. 5.

[53]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, p. 93.

[54]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, pp 15-16.

[55]     NBN Co, 2013, NBN Co Updates Short-Term Fibre Rollout Timeline, media release, 21 March.

[56]     DBCDE, Submission 14, Answer to Question on Notice No. 56, Fourth Review of the JCNBN, p. 7.

[57]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Third Report, June 2012, p. 131.

[58]     Australian Government, October 2012, Response to the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network Third Report of 25 June 2012, pp 19-22. 

[59]     JCNBN, Review of the Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report, February 2013, p. 94

[60]     Shareholder Ministers, ‘Performance Report to 31 December 2012’, Submission 3, p. 37.

Dissenting Report

[1]       Australian Treasury (2013) 2013-14 Budget Paper No 1, p 7-12.

[2]       NBN Co (2010) “NBN Co 2011-2013 Corporate Plan,” p.15.

[3]       NBN Co (2012) “NBN Co 2012-2015 Corporate Plan,” p.36.

[4]       NBN Co %282013%29 “NBN Co Updates Short Term Fibre Rollout Timeline,” 21 March 2013, online at:

[5]       NBN Co (2013) “Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment & Communications,” p.2.

[6]       NBN Co (2010) “NBN Co 2011-2013 Corporate Plan,” p.77.

[7]       NBN Co (2012) “NBN Co 2012-2015 Corporate Plan,” p.37.

[8]       NBN Co (2013) “NBN Co March Quarter Rollout Update,” online at:

[9]       Anderson, S. (2013) “iiNet Seals Multimillion-Dollar NBN Deal,” The Canberra Times, 23 May 2013.

[10]      McDuling, J. (2013) “Project 45: Telstra’s Secret Plan to Speed Up NBN Rollout,” The Australian Financial Review, 28 May 2013.

[11]      NBN Co (2013) “Report to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network,” 19 April 2013, p.18.

[12]      NBN Co (2013) “Presentation to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications”, 30 May 2013, p.2.

[13]      NBN Co (2013) “NBN Co March Quarter Rollout Update,” online at:

[14]      NBN Co (2010) “NBN Co 2011-2013 Corporate Plan,” p.15.

[15]      NBN Co (2012) “NBN Co 2012-2015 Corporate Plan,” p.36.

[16]     NBN Co (2013) “NBN Co Updates Short Term Fibre Rollout Timeline,” 21 March 2013, online at:

[17]      NBN Co (2013) “Presentation to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications”, May 30, p.2.

[18]     Hutchinson, J. (2013) “NBN Co Accused of Domaging Rivals’ Pipelines”, in The Australian Financial Review, January 9.

[19]      Hansard (2012) “Hearing of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the NBN”, 20 October 2012, p.4.

[20]      Crozier, R. (2013) “NBN Co Responds to Fibre Delay Analysis”, in IT News, 7 March 2013, available online here:,nbn-co-responds-to-fibre-delays-analysis.aspx/0.


[22]       NBN Co, (2012), “Corporate Plan, 2012-15”, p.14.

[23]       JCNBN Public Hearing Hansard, 19 April 2013, p.7.

[24]       JCNBN Public Hearing Hansard, 19 April 2013, p.19. .

[25]       McKinsey, (2009), “NBN Implementation Study”, p.79.

[26]       Ramli D., & Tadros, (2013), “More Delays for NBN As Wireless Rollout Falters”, in The Australian Financial Review, June 5.

[27]       Ramli, D., & McDuling, J., (2013), “Trees and Councils Slowing NBN Wireless Rollout, Says Conroy”, in The Australian Financial Review, June 5.

[28]       Ramli D., & Tadros, (2013), “More Delays for NBN As Wireless Rollout Falters”, in The Australian Financial Review, June 5.

[29]       Hansard, (2013) , “Senate Economics and Communications Committee Hansard”. 30 May.

[30]       Bingemann, M. (2013) “Firms Paid $140m in Cash Advances to Speed Up NBN,” The Australian, 2 March 2013.

[31]       McDuling, .J, Ramli, D. & Hutchinson J (2013) “NBN At War With Contractors,” The Australian Financial Review, 2 April 2013.

[32]       Senate Hansard (2013) March 21, p. 2367.

[33]       Klan, A. (2013) “Peter Lamell, CEO of Trouble Prone NBN Contractor Silcar, Quits,” The Australian, 7 May 2013.

[34]       Bingemann, M. (2013) “Service Stream’s Graeme Sumner, From NBN Project Partner, Quits,” The Australian, 8 Apr 2013.

[35]       Jacob, P. (2013) “Families Facing NBN Asbestos Nightmare,” The Daily Telegraph, 30 May 2013.

[36]      ‘NBN rollout hit by two more claims’, West Australian, 5/6/13, p 5.

[37]       ‘Penrith set to remove contaminated soils’, Sydney Morning Herald, 4/6/13, p 11.

[38]       ‘A lot of people use this street’, The Australian, 4/6/13, p 1.

[39]      ‘Contractor denies delay of NBN rollout’, The Australian, 4/6/13, p 4.

[40]       ‘Telstra takes scandal on the chin – for now’, Australian Financial Review, 4/6/13, p 8.

[41]       Hansard, 3 June 2013, p 47.

[42]       ‘Union warning over asbestos in pits and pipes’, Sydney Morning Herald, 5/6/13, p 10.

[43]       Committee Hearing, 19 April 2013, Hansard, p 34.

[44]       McDuling, J., & Hutchinson, J., (2013), “Multiports May Make NBN Asbestos Repairs Unnecessary”, in The Australian Financial Review, June 11.

[45]       Hutchinson, J., McDuling, J., and Ramli, D. (2013) “NBN Contractors Fail to Deliver”, in The Australian Financial Review”, 2 April, p.1

[46]       Hansard (2013) “Hearing of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the NBN”, 19 April, p.22.

[47]       Hutchinson, J. (2013), “NBN Co To Pay for Training to Speed Rollout”, in the Australian Financial Review, 12 April.

[48]       Hansard (2013) “Hearing of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the NBN”, April 19, p.23

[49]       Hansard (2013) “Hearing of the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications”, May 30, p.92

[50]       NBN Co (2013) “13.3. Supplementary Submission to the Joint Committee on the NBN”, June 4.

[51]       Hutchinson, J., & Ramli, D., (2013), “Low Pay Turns Workers Off NBN”, in The Australian Financial Review, 25 February.

[52]      Ramli, D. (2013) “Broadband Rollout Stalled by Utilities,” The Australian Financial Review, 9 Apr 2013.

[53]       Ramli, D. (2013) “Broadband Rollout Stalled by Utilities,” The Australian Financial Review, 9 Apr 2013.

[54]      NBN Co (2010) “NBN Co 2011-2013 Corporate Plan,” p.47.

[55]      Ibid, p.52.


[57]      Angel, A., (2012), “Opportunity knocks for workers in a growth industry”, in The Australian, 29 October, available online here:

[58]      Senate Economics and Communications Committee Hansard. 30 May 2013, page 110:

[59]       Kitney, D. (2013) “Siobhan McKenna Rolling Out A Revolution at the NBN”, The Australian, 27 April 2013.

[60]       Hutchinson, J. & Murphy, J. (2013) “Conroy Denies NBN Direct Contact Ban”, The Australian Financial Review, 2 May 2013.

[61]       McDuling, J. (2013) “McKenna in Push To Replace NBN Chief Mike Quigley”, The Australian Financial Review, May 30.

[62]       Hansard (2013) “Hearing of Senate Standing Committee on Environment & Communications”, 30 May 2013, p.101.

[63]       Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications, Answers to Senate Estimates Questions on Notice, Additional Estimates Hearings February 2013, Broadband, Communications and the   Digital Economy Portfolio, NBN Co Limited, Question No. 284.

[64]       NBN Co (2012) “NBN Co 2012-2015 Corporate Plan,” p.24.

[65]       NBN Co (2013) “Report to Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network, Financial and Rollout Data,” 19 April 2013, Exhibit 2-1.

[66]       Hansard (2013) “Hearing of the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications”, May 30, p.121.

[67]       Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications, Answers to Senate Estimates Questions on Notice, Additional Estimates Hearings February 2013, Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio, NBN Co Limited, Question No: 284.

[68]       NBN Co (2011) Annual Report 2010-11, p.37.

[69]       Bingemann, M. (2013) “Targets in Focus as NBN Co Loses Construction Chief”, in The Australian, January 16.

[70]       McDuling, J. & Hutchinson, J. (2013) “NBN Co Wireless Project Manager Quits”, in The Australian Financial Review, 10 May.

[71]       Ramli, D. & Hutchinson, J. (2013) “Marketing Chief Latest to Quit NBN Co”, in The Australian Financial Review, May 1.

[72]       Bingemann, M., & Hepworth, A. (2013) “Liberals Put NBN Chief Mike Quigley on Notice”, in the Australian, June 1.

[73]       Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications (2013) “Answers to Senate Estimates Questions on Notice, Additional Estimates Hearings February 2013, Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio, NBN Co Limited, Question No: 284,” answers to Questions 5-7.

[74]       Estimates, May 20, pp.65.

[75]       Estimates, May 30, p. 66.

[76]       NBN Co Annual Report, 201112, p.79.

[77]       NBN Co, (2013), “Answers to Questions on Notice, Public Hearing 30 October 2012”,

[78]       See Dissenting Report by Coalition Members and Senators, p.137.

[79]       For instance, the ‘Connecting Australia’ newspaper published by the DBCDE. See Turnbull, M., (2012), “The NBN Supports Newspapers. As for the Public Interest…”.

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