Standing Committee on Employment, Education
and Workplace Relations
Canberra School tells all about the issues with boys
Boys can often be blamed for disruptive behaviour and having a bad attitude.
Many have low self-esteem, have difficulties communicating with others
and display problems at school. Some boys are experiencing learning difficulties
and the literacy gap between boys and girls is increasing. So, what is
the problem facing boys and what can be done to help?
The House of Representatives Education Committee will discuss with
representatives from Canberra Boys Grammar School the issues facing
boys' education and how a range of social factors affect boys' learning.
Public Event:
- House of Representatives Education Committee - The education
of boys Inquiry - Canberra Boys Grammar School
- Committee Room 1R3, Parliament House
- Thursday 9 November, 9 am - 9.45 am
The House Education Committee is currently undertaking an inquiry
into the education of boys focussing on the social, cultural and educational
factors affecting boys.
Dr Brendan Nelson, Committee Chair, said the challenges surrounding
the education of boys need to be brought out into the open and discussed
as frankly as possible.
"The Committee, through this inquiry, wants to understand the problems
and look at what may be done in early to middle schooling that can help
and benefit boys," Dr Nelson said. "We are interested to hear how a
range of different schools act to maintain or restore boys' interest
in learning and the strategies they employ to help boys develop personally
and socially, as well as academically. With Canberra Grammar we want
to find out how it encourages parents' involvement in their sons' learning
and the emphasis the school places on professional development for teachers."
For more details on this Thursday's public hearing in Canberra, as
well as background information on the inquiry, visit:
For media comment contact Dr Brendan Nelson MP, Chair of the
House Education Committee, on 0418 123 438 or 02 6277 4433.
For background information contact the Committee Secretariat on (02)
6277 4573.
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