Preliminary pages
Chair’s foreword
The Bill makes a range of amendments to the tax law. Three
of the schedules, Schedules 2, 3 and 4, did not attract submissions from
stakeholders and the committee accepts this as support or acceptance of them.
Schedule 2 updates the list of deductible gift recipients.
The organisations that have been listed, or had their listing extended, include
AE1 Incorporated, which seeks to locate and honour the crew of Australia’s
first submarine; Teach for Australia, which seeks to attract top graduates to
teach in disadvantaged communities; and Australia for UNHCR, which raises funds
to support the humanitarian programs of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees. These are important causes and the committee is pleased that they
have been included in the Bill.
Schedule 3 extends the immediate deductibility of
exploration expenditure, already provided to mining and petroleum explorers, to
geothermal energy explorers. This will restore competitive neutrality in the
sector and support a clean energy source.
Schedule 4 extends the interim streaming provisions for
managed investment trusts from 2012 to 2014, in line with the Government’s
announcement to defer until 2014 the commencement of the new overall regime for
managed investment trusts and the new general trust income rules. The committee
expects that coordinating the commencement of these different systems will
reduce compliance costs for taxpayers.
The committee received submissions in relation to the other
four major schedules in the Bill. Schedule 1 clarifies the tax law so that
payments under native title agreements will be subject to neither income tax
nor capital gains tax. These reforms have been on the policy agenda since 1998 and
the committee is of the view that this tax treatment is fully consistent with
the unique nature of native title.
At the hearing, there was considerable support for the view
that the Schedule should also provide preferential tax treatment for Indigenous
community development corporations. This is outside the scope of the Bill and
the committee does not believe that a recommendation along these lines would be
However, the committee would like to stress that native
title is only 20 years old. Indigenous people have spent much of that time
proving native title and are still learning how to release the economic
potential of that title for the benefit of present and future traditional
owners. The evidence given indicates that there is work to be done in finding
consensus on what is an appropriate legal framework that recognises native
title once transferred through a compensation payment to a monetary form.
Finding that consensus will become more important as Indigenous communities
explore new mechanisms to unlock the economic potential of native title for the
benefit of their community now and in the future.
However, as the purpose of Schedule 1 is to amend the tax
law so that it largely reflects the way that the ATO has been applying the law
in relation to native title, it should proceed. The committee expects that
further legislative innovations will be introduced in the coming years.
Schedule 5 applies an income-based means test to the rebate
for medical expenses. The AMA argued that a means test should not apply to a
medical care safety net because illness does not discriminate on the basis of
income. The committee nonetheless supports the Schedule because it will result
in better targeted health expenditure and a more sustainable health system.
Schedule 6 amends the definition of limited recourse debt,
following a High Court case in 2011 where BHP Billiton secured double
deductions for its iron briquette plant in Western Australia. Although there
was general support for the provisions, there were also concerns about
retrospectivity and whether the Schedule should be limited to related party
transactions, similar to the facts in the BHP Billiton case.
The committee was not unduly concerned about retrospectivity
because the new law will apply from the date of announcement and the policy
intent of the provisions is unchanged. Further, there has been only a short
delay between the announcement and the introduction of the Bill. Although
limiting the Schedule to related party transactions may be attractive, it
overlooks the fact that the limited recourse debt rules play an important role
in the wider integrity of the tax system.
Schedule 7 removes the concessional fringe benefit tax
treatment for in-house fringe benefits accessed through salary sacrificing.
In-house fringe benefits are those where the employer provides the same or
similar goods or services as part of their business. The in-house provisions
were initially included in the fringe benefits tax because the tax is imposed
on employers and in-house benefits cost less to employers to provide them.
However, since then the in-house rules have evolved into a
key element of employee remuneration in some industries, contrary to the
original goal.
Overall, the Bill makes a range of amendments that protect
the integrity of the tax system, closer aligns it to underlying policy, and
achieves important social goals. The Bill should pass.
On behalf of the committee, I thank the organisations that
assisted the committee during the inquiry through submissions or participating
in the hearing in Canberra. I also thank my colleagues on the committee for
their contribution to the report.
Julie Owens MP
Membership of the Committee
Ms Julie Owens MP
Deputy Chair
Mr Steven Ciobo
Mr Scott Buchholz MP
Mr Stephen
Jones MP
The Hon
Joel Fitzgibbon MP
Dr Andrew
Leigh MP
Ms Kelly
O'Dwyer MP
Mr Craig
Thomson MP
Committee Secretariat
Mr Stephen Boyd
Inquiry Secretary
Mr David Monk
Office Managers
Ms Natasha Petrović |
Ms Carissa Skinner |
Terms of reference
On 29 November 2012 the Selection Committee referred the Tax
Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 6) Bill 2012 to the committee for inquiry and
Under Standing Order 222(e), the House is taken to have
adopted the Selection Committee’s reports when they are presented.
List of abbreviations
Arnold Bloch Leibler
Australian Institute of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Australian Medical Association
Australian Taxation Office
Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander) Act 2006
International Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Capital gains tax
Chamber of Minerals and Energy of
Western Australia
Deductible gift recipient
Institute of Chartered
Accountants in Australia
International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Indigenous land use agreement
Independent Schools Council of
Medicare Benefits Schedule
Minerals Council of Australia
Managed investment trusts
Minerals Resource Rent Tax
Non-assessable non-exempt
Net Medical Expenses Tax Offset
National Native Title Council
Native Title Services Victoria
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
Property Council of Australia
Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures
No. 6) Bill 2012
United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees
University of New South Wales
Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal
2 Issues in the Bill
Recommendation 1
The House of Representatives pass the Tax Laws Amendment (2012
Measures No. 6) Bill 2012 as proposed.