Appendix A – Submissions
and Exhibits
1. Clean Energy Council
2. Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration
Association Limited
3. Cement Industry Federation
4. Greenfleet Australia
5. Australian Financial Markets Association
6. Climate Bridge
7. COzero
8. World Wildlife Fund Australia
9. The Climate Institute
10. AGL Energy
11. Australian Industry Greenhouse Network
12. TRUenergy
13. Department of the Treasury
List of Exhibits
1. Policy
Development-Energy and Climate Change-Climate change 2012, Submission to the
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, regarding the Draft
Clean Business Council of Australia.
2. Australian
Industry Greenhouse Network – Clean Energy Legislation Amendment (International
Emissions Trading and Other Measures) Bill 2012, Submission to the
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Presented by Mr Alex