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Rahel Ungwanaka's Coolamon

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are advised that the following contains the name and voices of people who have died.

‘I started working here… Yes, I start here in the pottery studio… Yes, that’s all, only a story, short.’ – Rahel Kngwarria Ungwanaka, interview for the Hermannsburg Potters, Desart, 2020.

Rahel Kngwarria Ungwanaka made terracotta ceramics, two- and three-dimensional paintings, prints, sculpted animals, and masks. In this work, Ungwanaka has used the sgraffito technique, where the artist has carved into a layer of dried glaze. Ungwanaka is best known as a member of the Hermannsburg Potters, a group of artists from Western Arrarnta who make richly illustrated hand-coiled terracotta ceramics. Ungwanaka’s husband, Arrarnta Pastor Nahasson Ungwanaka, contributed to founding the Hermannsburg Potters. Ceramics by the Hermannsburg Potters are now held in major public collections nationally. 

Rahel Ungwanaka (1946 - 2020),
Luritja, Western Arrarnta people,

Coolamon, 2009,

terracotta with sgrafitto glaze,
Parliament House Art Collection.

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