Speeches Browse all speeches (Hansard) Biography Parliamentary service State: Elected to the Western Australian Legislative Assembly for Murchison-Eyre, 1986. Resigned 4.2.1989.Federal: Chosen by the Parliament of Western Australia on 19.5.1997 under section 15 of the Constitution to represent that State in the Senate, vice J Panizza (deceased). Elected to the Senate for Western Australia 2001. Retired with the expiration of term 2008. Parliamentary positions Temporary Chair of Committees from 23.8.1999 to 30.6.2008. Committee service Joint Standing: National Capital and External Territories served from 27.5.1997 to 7.12.1999; Electoral Matters served from 21.10.1997 to 30.6.1999; National Capital and External Territories served as Chair from 8.12.1999 to 17.10.2007Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing: Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts: Legislation served from 27.5.1997 to 9.11.1998; Finance and Public Administration: References served from 29.5.1997 to 3.12.1998; Economics: Legislation served as Substitute member from 3.6.1997 to 3.6.1997; Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport: Legislation served as Substitute member from 10.6.1997 to 10.6.1997; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Legislation served as Substitute member from 10.6.1997 to 12.6.1997; Community Affairs: References served as Substitute member from 26.6.1997 to 25.8.1997; Community Affairs: References served as Substitute member from 23.9.1997 to 1.10.1997; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: References served from 21.10.1997 to 1.7.2002; Community Affairs: Legislation served as Substitute member from 10.11.1997 to 10.11.1997; Community Affairs: Legislation served as Substitute member from 12.11.1997 to 14.11.1997; Community Affairs: Legislation served from 14.5.1998 to 11.3.1999; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Legislation served as Substitute member from 10.6.1998 to 12.6.1998; Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts: Legislation served from 24.11.1998 to 3.12.1998; Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education: Legislation served as Substitute member from 7.6.1999 to 10.6.1999; Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts: References served from 30.6.1999 to 21.6.2000; Finance and Public Administration: Legislation served from 30.6.1999 to 1.7.2002; Finance and Public Administration: References served from 31.8.1999 to 1.7.2002; Legal and Constitutional Affairs: Legislation served as Substitute member from 1.12.1999 to 1.12.1999; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Legislation served as Substitute member from 2.12.1999 to 2.12.1999; Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts: Legislation served as Substitute member from 2.12.1999 to 2.12.1999; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Legislation served from 13.4.2000 to 9.5.2000; Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport: Legislation served as Substitute member from 2.5.2000 to 4.5.2000; Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts: References served as Substitute member from 21.6.2000 to 22.6.2000; Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts: References served as Substitute member from 24.6.2000 to 7.11.2000; Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: Legislation served as Substitute member from 21.6.2002 to 21.6.2002; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Legislation served as Substitute member from 21.11.2002 to 21.11.2002; Community Affairs: Legislation served as Substitute member from 21.11.2002 to 21.11.2002; Education, Employment and Workplace Relations served from 12.9.2006 to 11.2.2008Senate Select: Socio-Economic Consequences of the National Competition Policy served from 22.4.1999 to 17.2.2000; Superannuation and Financial Services served from 29.9.1999 to 8.10.2001; Lucas Heights Reactor served from 17.8.2000 to 23.5.2001; Superannuation served from 14.3.2002 to 10.9.2003Senate Standing: Publications served as Chair from 30.6.1999 to 30.6.2002; Senators' Interests served from 6.11.2000 to 30.6.2008; House served from 1.7.2002 to 11.2.2008; Publications served from 1.7.2002 to 1.7.2002 Conferences, delegations and visits Delegate to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Inter-Parliamentary Organisation General Assembly, Malaysia, August 1998.Delegate to the 44th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference, New Zealand, October 1998.Delegate to the 20th Association of Southeast Asian Nations Inter-Parliamentary Organisation Conference, the Philippines, September 1999.Attended official meetings in Cambodia, September 1999.Parliamentary delegation member to Antarctica, January 2000.Parliamentary delegation member to India and Bangladesh, November 2000.Attended study tour in Chile, New Zealand and Argentina from May to June 2001.Attended official meetings in Indonesia and South Korea, July 2001.Parliamentary delegation member to the USA, Belgium and UK, September 2002.Parliamentary delegation member to Iran and Jordan from October to November 2002.Parliamentary delegation member to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, December 2003.Parliamentary delegation member to France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands from April to May 2004.Parliamentary delegation member to Russia from April to May 2005.Attended official meetings in Italy from April to May 2005.Parliamentary delegation member to the Cook Islands, New Zealand and Fiji, November 2006.Parliamentary delegation member to Malaysia and Indonesia, August 2007. Parliamentary party positions Liberal Party of Australia. Served: 19.05.1997 to 30.06.2008 Party positions Member of the Liberal Country League Port Lincoln Branch (SA) from 1957 to 1967.Member of the Liberal Party (WA) from 1967.Member of the Liberal Party Kalgoorlie Central Division (WA) from 1968 to 1972.Member of the Liberal Party Kalgoorlie-Boulder Committee (WA) from 1968 to 1972.Member of the Liberal Party Perth Central Branch (WA) from 1972 to 1974.Member of the Liberal Party Perth Branch (WA) from 1974 to 1984.Chair of the Liberal Party Mines, Fuel and Energy Sub-committee from 1981 to 1983.Member of the Liberal Party Sandstone Branch (WA) from 1983 to 1989.Member of the Liberal Party Moore Division (WA) from 1989.Patron of the Young Liberal Movement (WA) from 1998. Other positions Joint National Patron of the Extremely Disabled War Veterans' Association of Australia.Patron of the Totally and Partially Disabled Veterans of Western Australia.Director of the European Foundation International Advisory Committee.Life Fellow of the International Biographical Association (Cambridge).Life Member of the Australian Defence Association.Chair of the Australian/Iraqi Parliamentary Friendship Group.Justice of the Peace. Personal Born: 11.8.1936, Port Lincoln, AustraliaDied: 11.1.2024Gender: Male Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament Mounted police officer from 1959 to 1962.Adelaide School of Mines from 1963 to 1964.Kalgoorlie School of Mines from 1967 to 1968.Mining and exploration from 1968 to 1993.Pastoralist and grazier from 1972 to 1992.Member of the Legislative Assembly (WA) from 1986 to 1989.Member of the Legislative Council (WA) from 1993 to 1997. State/Territory Government service Elected to the Western Australian Legislative Assembly for Murchison-Eyre, 1986. Resigned 4.2.1989.Elected to the Western Australian Legislative Council for the North Metropolitan Region, 1993. Retired prior to general elections 1997. Military Service National Service: 43/48 Infantry Battalion 1953-56. Honours Appointed a Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, 1995.Awarded the Anniversary of National Service Medal, 2003.