- Parliamentary service
- Elected to the House of Representatives for Lindsay, New South Wales, 1996. Election delared void 11.9.1996. Elected to the House of Representatives for Lindsay, New South Wales at by-election 1996, vice J Kelly (disqualified). Re-elected 1998 and 2001 and 2004. Retired prior to general elections 2007.
- Ministerial appointments
- Minister for Sport and Tourism from 21.10.1998 to 26.11.2001.
- Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games from 21.10.1998 to 30.1.2001.
- Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister from 26.11.2001 to 26.10.2004.
- Committee service
- House of Representatives Standing: Environment, Recreation and the Arts served from 30.5.1996 to 16.9.1996; Environment, Recreation and the Arts served from 31.10.1996 to 31.8.1998; Industry, Science and Technology served from 24.9.1997 to 31.8.1998; Environment and Heritage served from 1.12.2004 to 9.5.2006; Communications, Information Technology and the Arts served as Chair from 1.12.2004 to 17.10.2007; Industry and Resources served from 1.12.2004 to 17.10.2007; Science and Innovation served from 1.12.2004 to 17.10.2007
- Joint Statutory: Public Accounts and Audit served from 1.12.2004 to 17.10.2007; Corporations and Financial Services served from 1.12.2004 to 11.8.2005
- Conferences, delegations and visits
- Attended official meetings in Japan and South Korea, July 2000.
- Attended official meetings in the USA, March 2003.
- Attended official meetings in the USA and Ireland from May to June 2003.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Russia and Italy from April to May 2005.
- Parliamentary delegation member to the UK, Poland and Italy from June to July 2006.
- Parliamentary party positions
- Liberal Party of Australia. Served: 02.03.1996 to 11.09.1996, 19.10.1996 to 17.10.2007
- Personal
- Born: 18.2.1964, Upper Hutt, New Zealand
- Gender: Female
- Marital Status: Married
- Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament
- LLB (University of Queensland).
- Probation and parole officer from 1987 to 1988.
- Legal Officer for the Royal Australian Air Force from 1989 to 1996.
- Military Service
- Electorate
- Name: Lindsay
- Location: outer western suburbs of Sydney; it includes the centres of Agnes Banks, Berkshire Park, Cambridge Park, Castlereagh, Claremont Meadows, Cranebrook, Emu Plains, Glenbrook, Glenmore Park, Kingswood, Lapstone, Llandilo, Luddenham, Mulgoa, Orchard Hills, Penrith, Regentville, Wallacia and Werrington.
- Area: 351 Sq km
- Electors enrolled: 82,793 (at 9.10.2004)
- Industries: dairying, poultry, beef, fruit, vegetables, construction and service industries, tourism, wholesale and retail trade, building materials, engineering and electrical equipment, textiles, plastic and aluminium products, pharmaceutical goods, concrete and gravel extraction.
- Includes: Lindsay includes parts of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly electorates of Blue Mountains, Camden, Londonderry, Mulgoa and Penrith.