- Parliamentary service
- Elected to the House of Representatives for Macarthur, New South Wales, 1983. Elected to the House of Representatives for Throsby, New South Wales, 1984, following electoral redistribution. Re-elected 1987 and 1990, 1993, 1996 and 1998. Retired prior to general elections 2001.
- Parliamentary appointments
- Member of the Advisory Council on Australian Archives from 6.6.1984 to 5.6.1996.
- Member of the Australian National Commission for UNESCO from 1985.
- Parliamentary positions
- Deputy Chairman of Committees from 29.8.1989 to 21.2.1994.
- Member of the Speaker's Panel from 21.2.1994 to 29.1.1996.
- Committee service
- House of Representatives Standing: Procedure served from 28.2.1985 to 5.6.1987; Transport Safety served from 28.2.1985 to 5.6.1987; House served from 8.10.1987 to 8.10.2001; Aboriginal Affairs served from 8.10.1987 to 28.10.1987; Transport, Communications and Infrastructure served from 28.10.1987 to 29.1.1996; Selection served from 15.5.1990 to 8.2.1993; Parliamentary Library served from 16.5.1990 to 8.2.1993; Procedure served from 16.5.1990 to 8.2.1993; Selection served from 7.5.1996 to 8.10.2001; Communications, Transport and Microeconomic Reform served from 17.11.1997 to 31.8.1998; Communications, Transport and the Arts served from 8.12.1998 to 9.10.2000
- Joint Standing: Australian Capital Territory served from 12.5.1983 to 26.10.1984; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served from 17.5.1990 to 10.8.1999; Parliamentary Zone served from 12.9.1991 to 8.2.1993; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served as Deputy Chair from 11.8.1999 to 8.10.2001
- Joint Statutory: Public Works served from 28.2.1985 to 7.10.1987; Public Works served as Chair from 8.10.1987 to 28.5.1996; Public Works served as Deputy Chair from 29.5.1996 to 7.12.1998; Public Works served from 8.12.1998 to 8.10.2001
- Conferences, delegations and visits
- Delegate to the 73rd Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference, Togo, March 1985.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Ethiopia, Tanzania, Mozambique and Zimbabwe from June to July 1988.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Papua New Guinea from February to March 1991.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Indonesia, October 1992.
- Parliamentary delegation member to India, Nepal and Bangladesh from November to December 1993.
- Parliamentary delegation member to South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Botswana, July 1994.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Thailand and Laos from November to December 1994.
- Delegate to the 5th Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum meeting, Canada, January 1997.
- Parliamentary delegation member to Papua New Guinea, March 1999.
- Attended study tour in the UK from July to August 1999.
- Parliamentary delegation member to East Timor, December 1999.
- Attended study tour in Japan and the USA from August to September 2000.
- Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, the USA from September to December 2000.
- Parliamentary delegation member to East Timor, February 2001.
- Parliamentary party positions
- Australian Labor Party. Served: 05.03.1983 to 08.10.2001
- Party positions
- Delegate to the Australian Labor Party State Conference (NSW).
- Secretary of the Australian Labor Party Jamberoo Branch (NSW) from 1977 to 1983.
- Secretary of the Australian Labor Party Macarthur Federal Electorate Council (NSW) from 1981 to 1983.
- Secretary of the Australian Labor Party Kiama State Electorate Council (NSW) from 1981 to 1983.
- Personal
- Born: 30.5.1938, Wauchope, Australia
- Gender: Male
- Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament
- DipContEd (University of New England).
- BA (Open University).
- BSc(Ec)(Hons) (University of London).
- DipIntAff (University of London).
- Regional Director of the Workers' Educational Association.
- Electorate
- Name: Throsby
- Location: South-eastern New South Wales south of Wollongong; it includes the centres of Albion Park, Barrack Heights, Berkeley, Cringila, Dapto, Kembla Grange, Lake Illawarra, Oak Flats, Port Kembla, Shellharbour, Warilla and Warrawong.
- Area: 392 Sq km
- Electors enrolled: 78,879 (at 3.10.1998)
- Industries: Steelworks, mining, engineering, light and heavy manufacturing, building, transport, tourism.
- Includes: Throsby includes parts of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly electorates of Illawarra, Kiama, Southern Highlands and Wollongong.