- Parliamentary service
- Elected to the House of Representatives for Stirling, Western Australia, 1998. Re-elected 2001. Defeated at general elections 2004.
- Committee service
- House of Representatives Standing: Publications served from 8.12.1998 to 31.8.2004
- Joint Statutory: Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings served from 20.3.2002 to 31.8.2004
- Conferences, delegations and visits
- Parliamentary delegation member to Malaysia, January 2003.
- Parliamentary delegation member to China, January 2004.
- Parliamentary party positions
- Australian Labor Party. Served: 03.10.1998 to 09.10.2004
- Party positions
- Member of the Australian Labor Party from 1978.
- Personal
- Born: 22.5.1944, Sydney, Australia
- Gender: Female
- Marital Status: Married
- Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament
- BA (Macquarie University).
- Clerk, secretary and barmaid from 1960 to 1972.
- Community worker from 1972 to 1998.
- Electorate
- Name: Stirling
- Location: northern Perth; it includes the suburbs of Balcatta, Balga, Carine, Gwelup, Hamersley, Innaloo, Karrinyup, Mirrabooka, Nollamara, Stirling and Westminster, and parts of Doubleview, Dianella, North Beach, Scarborough, Woodlands and Yokine.
- Area: 76 Sq km
- Electors enrolled: 85,975 (at 10.11.2001)
- Industries: light industries, market gardens, boat building, shoe factories, food processing, clothing and chemical production.
- Includes: Stirling includes the Western Australian Legislative Assembly electorate of Nollamara, and parts of Carine, Churchlands, Girrawheen, Innaloo and Yokine.